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Everything posted by Mattitude777

  1. Mattitude777

    Starting over

    So by now most of you reading these forums have encountered "end game" so to speak. Have any of you gone "Sheesh, I'm kinda bored"? The following question may not apply to Psychobandits (bambi killers) and regular bandits, coz most of em get kicks out of shouting "Hasta la vista, madarfaykar" and then shooting someone in the lip, but hear me out: Has anyone considered starting anew? Most of you are probably mentally screaming "BLASPHEMER!!!" And are ready to skip to flaming my post, but have you ever considered it? What if you had to commit suicide and just leave your corpse, your vehicles, your camp behind? I personally found the game more fun when there was less military loot involved. If you have restarted for whatever reason, lemme know, I'd like to see the different opinions on this topic
  2. Mattitude777

    Starting over

    Uhhh.... Sorry for derp double post.
  3. Mattitude777

    Starting over

    I had to laugh at the first reply posted. I must admit that I share most of the feelings there. Lately DayZ has consisted of me: 1) Doing something retarded like walking in between two tents and running back to my corpse/base 2) Being shoved off the mortal coil by a bandit and running back to my corpse/base 3) Being chowed by a zed and running back to my corpse/base 4) Speeding down a long straight road only to have my lag decide to spawn a washing machine in front of me and running back to my corpse/base See the main trend? But some niggling nerve makes me OCD in a way wherein if I decide to restart, I must kill myself, not have a bandit or hungry zed kill me, even if I'm planning to start from scratch. Darn you illogical brain! :/
  4. Mattitude777

    Starting over

    I had to laugh at the first reply posted. I must admit that I share most of the feelings there. Lately DayZ has consisted of me: 1) Doing something retarded like walking in between two tents and running back to my corpse/base 2) Being shoved off the mortal coil by a bandit and running back to my corpse/base 3) Being chowed by a zed and running back to my corpse/base 4) Speeding down a long straight road only to have my lag decide to spawn a washing machine in front of me and running back to my corpse/base See the main trend? But some niggling nerve makes me OCD in a way wherein if I decide to restart, I must kill myself, not have a bandit or hungry zed kill me, even if I'm planning to start from scratch. Darn you illogical brain! :/
  5. Mattitude777

    Starting over

    I had to laugh at the first reply posted. I must admit that I share most of the feelings there. Lately DayZ has consisted of me: 1) Doing something retarded like walking in between two tents and running back to my corpse/base 2) Being shoved off the mortal coil by a bandit and running back to my corpse/base 3) Being chowed by a zed and running back to my corpse/base 4) Speeding down a long straight road only to have my lag decide to spawn a washing machine in front of me and running back to my corpse/base See the main trend? But some niggling nerve makes me OCD in a way wherein if I decide to restart, I must kill myself, not have a bandit or hungry zed kill me, even if I'm planning to start from scratch. Darn you illogical brain! :/
  6. Mattitude777

    Is duping officially allowed?

    IMO, duping is borderline ok and borderline cheating. It is NOTHING like script hax, as duping is available to everyone.... Heck there are many a forum on how to do it. Azrail has a point. While I disagree with his "its a core mechanic" theory, I agree that its pretty much the same type of exploiting running zeds through barns. THIS IS NOT A FEATURE, therefore it is a bug, therefore you are bug exploiting. I feel it boils down to moral standards. Smoking is legal, it practically kills anyone who is around you, but it is legal. Same with duping. It may be harmful to people around them (and yourself if you get caught), but it your choice. I personally don't like playing with dupes, as it takes much of the survival part of the survival game away, but heck, if its there and you wanna use it, then do so at your own discretion.
  7. Mattitude777

    Want NVG please, see trades below.

    Please can someone trade me a nightvision/.50 cal sniper or both on any ZA server? I some stuff to trade, but please within reason. As follows: *M4A1 CCO SD Tents Antibiotics Military Flashlight *L85A2 AWS Wire Fencing Kits *PDW *All above guns come with 2 clips of ammo (SD NATO for the AWS and M4A1) Thanks!
  8. Mattitude777

    Want NVG please, see trades below.

    Edit: I need NVG's and these are things I can give you if you give me NVGs. Sorry for the misunderstanding.
  9. I can trade a L85 AWS for 1 NVG if u want
  10. Hi! I'm not sure how many South Africans read the forums, but is it my terrible luck finding ALL the bandits, or are the ZA players just completely brutal? I've only ever encountered 3 friendlies (4 if you include the dude that ran right past me on the road from Chern to Elektro with 32 walkers after him) 2 of which were newbies and a guy who pretended to be friendly, to get a blood bag, who then shot me in the face. Does any other ZA players have more trouble with bandits than walkers? Thanks!
  11. I've made a discovery! THERE ARE NO ZOMBIES IN DAYZ! I know it, Rocket knows it, you know it (but you don't realise it). Chernarus was one big party before we arrived... And unluckily (or luckily) for us, we just missed it. This is the important part: EVERYONE IS HUNG OVER! Notice those (always) empty bottles of good ole' Jack Daniels? Notice those old "soda" cans? You think they are "soda" cans, but in reality they are actually BEER cans! Why do you think all the soda cans are left over? Nobody wants to drink soda at a huge 255sqkm party! The cans of beans were for sustenance during the party, obviously. So why do they attack us? They see us and go "HEY! He has painkillers!" Or "F@*# my headache! Who fired off that gun!?" That's why they walk in inconceivable lines! And I'm sure you can figure out why they make burping/gurgling/vomiting/groaning sounds! Gimme a bean!
  12. Mattitude777

    ZA servers have more bandits than zombies?

    Haha ZA is the code for South Africa.