So on 1024x768 resolution and all low settings I'm getting an unplayable framrate, often dropping to 12. My specs are AMD Athlon quad core 630 processor ~2.8ghz 4gb ram GT520 2GB windows 7 home premium I can play battlefiled 3 on medium at 30fps and skyrim on highish at 25-40 fps. This game looks like a blob, can hardly see a thing because everything is so blurry because it looks like a game I would play on my N64. Yet it runs like a game that should look like a graphical masterpiece. I know this might not be specifically Dayz related but considering how I have to play arma 2 to play DayZ I figure it is somewhat related. Is there any way to make the game run faster without turning the resolution down to the eye sores under 1024x768?