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About eltdown

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    On the Coast
  1. eltdown

    Wire fence artifacts at night

    I've been getting this during the day, someone appeared to have placed wire fencing across the entrance to the church in Cherno and in the cafe building as well - was getting the stretching to infinity thing. Running an i5 2500k / Gainward 560ti / Asus P8P67. There is video footage I have of it but it'll need to be edited down first.
  2. The lag could either be your other housemates using the internet, or my friend did experience issues with wireless internet when living in a block of flats with a lot of other wireless routers nearby. Ethernet cable's really cheap anyways - if that doesn't solve the problem then you can at least cross that off your list of possible causes.
  3. eltdown

    DayZ and Basic Human Nature

    I've been playing my current character for four hours and have not seen any other non-zombies. At all. The problem has never arisen yet for this one. My anxiousness around other players runs higher as I aquire more gear - any player might want to kill me for my beans, or fun, whilst newer players might want to kill me for my AK47. It's also heightened at the moment by the fact I'm north of Berezino where I know a lot of groups have a "shoot first" policy (and I'm likely out-equipped by a lot of the players in that area). Overall though, I'll avoid anyone I don't know and only shoot people who point guns or are so rude as to actually shoot at me.