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About pokemonpro2000

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. pokemonpro2000

    Tons of Groups Getting Wrecked on Veteran Servers

    wut u meen fuker??? u r hacker and da reel playerz of dayz will no that u are so fuk u
  2. pokemonpro2000

    Tons of Groups Getting Wrecked on Veteran Servers

    do not trus thiz guy he is fuker and hackz u can see in he vidoes
  3. pokemonpro2000

    DayZ - squad play montage

    Wtf this isnt a montage noob....
  4. pokemonpro2000

    Tons of Groups Getting Wrecked on Veteran Servers

    this guy is haker. in his clipz u can see the autoaim and unlimited helth. he get shoot like 2000 time and not die plz admin ban this haker screw him. screw dis lozer......