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About VeggieWhore

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Hi Guys I'm playing with a quite big group.... Today we got all killed several times. Well first it all happend around 5P.M. at server DE 1750, while we transported our car back to our base. Player list can be seen here: http://steamcommunit...8&insideModal=1 Right now (midnight) my whole team except me and another (we disconnected right before the rest of our team got killed by a script command ... well we forgot to make a screenshoot but thanks to dayZ commmander i can tell you about the other players! They are Ruben M. ; Zombie Marine ; drum and bass ; Andrey B. We played on the server DE 2500 All times are GMT/UTC +2 We are really fed up.. the last weeks it occured that when ever we manged to get some loot and are starting to team up together, we 1) get ported to the sea ... so we might survive the drop to the water but will die while we are swimming back to the shore 2) get killed by speed hackers/script commands 3) our well hid vehicels and tents are found by a single invisable player who kills us with a as50( we expect he disguised himself as rabbit or chicken) My team mates are: Feier666; Grandpa; 1234maxe; TipS; Facter; Adafaf & and myself VeggieWhore... our Tag is [b0SS] and on Behalf of my team mates i gotta tell all those hackers and server admin scriting around ... fucking stop it ..... play with bots or something like that, we got no problem to get killed in a firefight ...bur its sucks to get "raped" by little kids with no pubes >.< Dear Admins and Developpers .. get that fuck working ´, because we are sure that we aren't the only ones struggeling with that BS ... and I'm sure that you already lost a lot potentail Standalone Buyers..... Make it count! We still belive in the possible Improvents Sincerly VeggieWhore for the [b0SS] mates
  2. VeggieWhore

    Best way to find NV goggles?

    What a pitty ... It's always the advice to kill other player to get something .... Dude just play and if you are lucky you will find those NV's soon. I never killed a player (okay ... I killed a few bandits), but i found some in a tent next to the airfield (okay was hacker stuff ... G36C Sd camo .. no more words needed), but then i found some in the barracks of the airfield ..... Just keep on playing and you will find tehm .. and btw ... as long as it doesnt rain you dont need NV's to find your way at night ..... you can still see enough of the Z's or hear them... so you must be a really bad player if they kill you on night servers