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Street (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Street (DayZ)

  1. I would be happy just to get this shit working. I am attempting to reinstall for the 3rd frigging time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. I downloaded Arma 2 and Op arrowhead through steam twice now. I start Arma just fine like the tutorial say to do. I shut it down then try Op arrowhead and I get two errors: bin\ci\onfig.bin/CfgIngameui/MPTabla.shadows, what the hell doe that mean? then I get pixel\shaderPSSpecularAlpha:o I have not installed the dayz files as I was starting them each up like the tutorial says to do first. I am not a computer wizard and have no idea how to fix this:@. Any ideas? thanks
  3. Street (DayZ)

    Op arrowhead won't start on steam *updated

    does anyone have an idea as to how I can fix battle eye? I guess I will try to reinstall for the 3rd frigging time:@
  4. Street (DayZ)

    Op arrowhead won't start on steam *updated

    ok thanks I clicked on Arma 2 in steam to update battle eye and it says the game is not available. I clicked on Op arrowhead to do the same thing and it gives and error that says missing string? I found two listing for battle eye under my delete programs screen that I deleted thinking that might allow me to reinstall through steam. Of course that still did not work:@ I have no idea what to do now because of the above errors. good lord:@ guess I am just not meant to play after spending $30 on the game just to play this mod.
  5. Street (DayZ)

    Op arrowhead won't start on steam *updated

    Disregard, I rebooted and it prompted me to update my video card. I can get in now but can't get into a server. I get all way to the spawn list and loading data then it stoppes and dumps me back to the server list. Kinda frustrating.........
  6. Street (DayZ)

    Op arrowhead won't start on steam *updated

    Already installed one then deleted it all. Reinstalled still does not work. I guess you have to be a computer genius just to set the mod up:@
  7. I have the same problem and am looking for an answer, good luck
  8. steam instructions did not work for me problem posted in trouble shooting. This is rather complicated to get up and running ;[
  9. Street (DayZ)

    Introduce yourselves

    Just found about this game on AR15.COM so I came her to kill Zed can't wait to get everything up and running!
  10. Street (DayZ)


    night time does not sound very fun if you can't see at all.
  11. Street (DayZ)

    [GUIDE] Newbie Survivor version 1.2.0.

    Great info, thanks!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Installation looks rather complicated, I guess I shall see how it works