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Everything posted by maxnmike

  1. So you would be ok with that person that saw you kill from afar being able to put a tag on you saying you were a bandit for everyone else to see?
  2. The debug monitor was removed in the latest patch. It is no more.
  3. maxnmike

    DayZ The Revolution Namalsk

    A better question is, why did you quote the spam?
  4. maxnmike

    How about a small city map?

    Let me have one of these first and we are good to go. http://www.redjacketfirearms.com/index.php?page=shop.product_details&flypage=flypage.tpl&product_id=9&category_id=2&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=3
  5. Do the radios work? If so how? I found one today and it goes in the tool belt but there are no right click options for it. I know you can tame dogs but can they do anything else yet?
  6. maxnmike

    "Community" devtest servers

    Nice server, I did notice that after a server restart that my thirst and hunger meters were reset to full. Also, no side chat makes me sad. I understand that voice in side chat is a pita and I don't like it either but I like to be able to text chat in side chat. It just makes the game a little more fun.
  7. maxnmike

    Vehicles and Tents in 1.7.3

    Sadly, I have had that happen to me before. Respawn on the coast with nothing, at night, I really could have used that flashlight. lol I do really miss my L85 and all those SD mags. Sigh.
  8. maxnmike

    Need a friend or Clan/Team

    Just the fact that you have been spamming this in almost every thread in this forum makes me not want to ever go to that server. Here's hoping you get a forum ban for spamming.
  9. maxnmike

    Finally fought back, still died.

    I had one of those hacker deals the other day. I was in the store in Electro, hear some gunfire so I crouched down in the corner and some guy just appears in the middle of the store and shoots me. I respawn and he drives up in a shiny red car. I figure what the hell, I get in and we teleport to the middle of nowhere. The guy gets out and drops 10 - 15 crates full of weapons and ammo. I'm thinking great, stupid hacker. I might have actually grabbed one if there had been an L85. I don't take anything so the guy kills me again. lol
  10. maxnmike

    Build 1.7.3 Rolling Update

    Well, it's interesting that you can have mad zombies beating on you and you can still log out but if someone throws a can within 70 meters of you, you are in combat and can't.
  11. maxnmike

    Your way of saying "friendly"

    Killing a medic, that's just rude. If I'm running solo I usually try to avoid other players. If I'm running with a friend I'll risk making contact knowing that the friend is watching my back from somewhere. I was in Cherno the other day, climbed down from the stack at the medical tents and there was a guy in the tent bent down going through stuff. I stood there for a few seconds and then just quietly went away. He never even knew I was there.
  12. Is the Panthera server having issues? I use DayZ Commander to connect and over the last 2 days it has shown the server as having several different slot amounts ranging from 100 to 34 to 100 to 64. Yesterday when it was showing as 34 I couldn't connect. I would get to the part where it checked your GUID and get disconnected to the exit screen. Last night I could join but my previous toon was gone and I had to remake one. I played for a few minutes and suddenly got disconnected with a "session lost" message. When I started playing last night the server showed as a 100 slot server, after I got disconnected it showed as a 64 slot server. I was able to join other servers and play fine yesterday and last night and my versions are up to date according to Commander.
  13. You holster your pistol when you climb a ladder or select your main weapon. You sling your main weapon when you select your pistol. You should be able to holster your pistol and sling your main weapon if you want to use your flashlight or hatchet. Pick food from gardens or off of fruit trees. Fill you water bottles from the rain. God knows it rains enough to fill them quickly. lol
  14. Yeah, I was at the loading screen, closed it out to retry and now am stuck on wait for host and no one is on their TS server either. Ah well, perhaps later.
  15. It will be interesting to see were I actually am when the server comes back up. lol
  16. I knew something was wrong, all the zombies were stuck in place and I couldn't pick up anything. I really wanted those matches too. lol