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Everything posted by maxnmike

  1. maxnmike

    L85 AWS post 1.7.4

    You can keep and use it until you lose it. Private hive servers can always kick and ban for using it if they wish but you should be fine on the public servers.
  2. Thank you for the side chat. I tried the Lingor server the other and that first person about drove me nuts. Trying to use the flashlight at night inside in first person sucks really bad. It probably wouldn't be so bad if the flashlights weren't so damned buggy inside.
  3. maxnmike

    Build Rolling Update

    You get to keep and use it until you lose it.
  4. maxnmike

    DayZ Apparel

    You do realize that they don't make the stuff? They have to pay someone to make the gear and they are giving free shipping. I doubt they are making a whole hell of a lot off of each unit sold. But yes, $60 is a lot for what you get.
  5. maxnmike

    l85 removed

    Yes, they just removed them from the loot tables so they will no longer spawn. You can still use the ones you already have.
  6. Yes I know that the L85 has been removed from the loot tables in the last patch however I have seen conflicting information posted by Mods about whether or not you will be able to keep and use the L85 after the patch. So, do you get to keep the L85 if you already have one and can you use it or not? Now for the comment, not everyone uses the L85 to spot and kill people. I play as a survivor so I use it to avoid other players and zombies when I can. It works very well for that. It is a tool that can be used for good or evil, that choice is up to the player that has it.
  7. As you seem to be hell bent on making it harder to survive, have you given any thought to ways of making it a bit easier to survive? We have all these farms that lie fallow, perhaps we could plants small amounts of crops or be able to harvest crops that have gone wild? We could plant small garden plots for food or medicinal herbs or both. It looks like some of these farms were dairy farms so we should be able to round up a dairy cow or goat and milk them. And really, were are all the rats?
  8. maxnmike

    Build Rolling Update

    If you are referring to the G17 icon, it replaces the not in combat/in combat text at the top of your screen. When it is static you are not in combat, when it flashes you are in combat.
  9. To add these diseases and not have a few simple ways to prevent them such as common medical masks and household bleach is just silly so please don't tell us you are trying for "realism" when you omit very common items but include very specific much less common items. As they say, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
  10. maxnmike

    Colapsable AS50

    Well, considering that is was made for the Navy SEAL's it's made to be somewhat lightweight (27-33 lbs depending on where you read) with a lower recoil and quick to be brought into action it's probably fine the way it is.
  11. Yeah, the dogs don't work at all and I too miss the side chat. Just to be clear, the text side chat, not the voice side chat.
  12. Just as an FYI, your launcher stills says that the US Server is currently under maintenance when it is actually up.
  13. maxnmike


    That would be a bleat I believe.
  14. maxnmike

    Build Rolling Update

    A couple of thoughts. Personally, I play as a survivor so I try to avoid people and zombies when I can. The L85 works well for that and I use it for that. I try to find and use SD mags to avoid attracting zombies when I do have to shoot them.(It would be so nice to be able to equip the hatchet even when you have a rifle to take out zombies silently. hint hint). As for using flashlights, chem lights and flares. Flares attract zombies, not a good thing if you are trying to avoid them. Flashlights and chem lights are buggy as hell when you are inside a building. About playing at night. If you want to be somewhat realistic, the human eye will adjust to darkness quite well after a relatively short time and you will be able to see enough to get around outside at night not so in the game and with the flashlight being so buggy inside it can be very frustrating to try and play at night which is why most people avoid the night.
  15. Good to hear, will it be updated to or still running 1.7.3?
  16. I played on your server for a bit tonight, it's a pity it's so buggy. Can't turn off the debug monitor to see what your food and drink meters are doing. The in combat icon flashes even when you are not in combat. At least I guess that is what the G17 icon is for. Could not pick up chem lights. Got disconnected form the server and when I rejoined it respawned me as a fresh spawn with starter gear and well away from where I was. Ah well, there are other servers to play on.
  17. At the top of the updater there is a option the change update server. In the drop down select the top option. Alderon Games Network Server. I had to download the files twice, the first time I tried to verify the files but they weren't there so I downloaded them again and it worked On a side note, any idea when the Chernarus server will be back up?
  18. Don't you think that if the car was on fire that the ammo would perhaps "cook off" and blow up everything in the car? Or perhaps any jerry cans that might be in the car?
  19. Hey guys, I enjoy playing on your server and have a couple of questions. 1) How often do the server restart? . 2) I had an issue with an ATV. I was driving it very slowly and bumped a tree. It caught fire and blew up and killed me. Now these things happen and are not that big a deal. I respawned and made my way back to the area. Found my body and looted it. When I checked on the ATV it gave me the option to fix everything so I repaired it and it's sitting there but I can't access it at all other than to either load it or save it. I can't get on it or add or remove any gear on it. Now I don't usually mess around with vehicles so I don't know if this is normal or not. So that is the question, is this normal or not. If it is normal, will it be usable after a server restart or will it go back to it's default spawn point? Thanks for the server. The first time one of those zombies let out with that howl I was like "what the hell was that." lol
  20. maxnmike

    Remove all the thermal stuff (solved)

    There are also people that use the L85 to avoid other people rather than kill them and just kill zombies.
  21. maxnmike

    "Zombie Logging" What's your take?

    One could also say that while that may be fun for the killer, it makes the game less fun for the killed. We each play the game the way we want and as long as no one is hacking or using illegal scripts, who cares?
  22. http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=brony Be afraid, be very afraid.
  23. maxnmike

    Keeping a gun cus it looks cool

    I was on a private server the the other night and found a golden AK at a heli crash. I left that bling laying in the grass. lol I did keep the Desert Eagle.50 cal handgun though. Oh my is it ever loud.