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Everything posted by maxnmike

  1. maxnmike

    Gun attachments

    I want a flame thrower. BBQ zombies. lol
  2. maxnmike

    Mi-17: Deployable Vehicle

    It would be better to just add the Chinook helicopter.
  3. maxnmike

    A Plethora of Suggestions

    It rains way too much for there to be any fires. lol
  4. maxnmike

    DayZ Going to the Dogs?

    Whitelisted private hive servers are really the best way to play.
  5. You should probably go to their website and post a ban appeal there. They will probably see it sooner. http://www.unitedsurvivors.net/modules.php?name=Forums
  6. You know, people seem to want to make things harder all the time. This whole idea that people won't be able to do certain things well is silly. Perhaps at first they will have problems hunting, gutting and blood bagging but people are adaptable, the more they do something the better they get at it. So the older the character is and the more they do something the better they will get at it so the failure rate should be much less. If you are going to add a failure rate to things it should not be any kind of a RNG because people do learn and adapt. They learn to take care of their tools so that they work when needed. The whole idea of trying to make people play the game the way you think it should be played or they way you want to play is a failure form the start and trying to force this through game mechanics is an even bigger failure. You will never get people to stop KOS no matter what you do to the game. The devs seem to have a rather narrow minded view of how they want the game to evolve and that is kind of sad.
  7. maxnmike

    Pain and painkillers

    Man, some of you folks want to make people spend vast amounts of time doing every little thing. Pretty soon you will not have time to play the actual game because you are spending so much time doing the little things. I don't want to micro manage every little aspect of the game nor do I want to have to spend long periods of time in menus trying to figure out how much of this or that to take.
  8. maxnmike

    Girl Characters

    To have female characters available, but I guess it was too much work for you to use that ball of mush inside that thing you wear your hat on. It was much easier to be a snarky ass.
  9. maxnmike

    First Kill

    You've been playing for at least a month and don't know the difference between Balota andd the NEAF? I think you are just a want to be bandit that found out you don't have the stones for it. You killed someone just because you had to try out that brand new DMR.
  10. maxnmike

    I need alot of help with DayZ

    Did you run Arma II and Arma II AO each at least once before you tried to run DayZ? If not try that then try Dayz again.
  11. maxnmike

    Medical Tents

    It's a trap.
  12. maxnmike

    Blood: Let's get this right

    You know, humans were hunter/gatherers before they settled down and basically after the apocalypse we are once again those hunter/gatherers. And the hunter/gatherers would gorge themselves with food when they had it and go without when they didn't. So if you want to be realistic about things you shouldn't have to eat as often if you gorge from time to time and be able to do without food for longer in between gorging.The whole food for blood thing is unrealistic but I don't think it can be fixed in a way to make it work for all play styles.
  13. maxnmike

    Does sidechat ruin anyone elses game?

    Yes, because no one ever talks about anything but the game in TS and you are not immersed in the game. You are sitting in a chair or on your couch moving these fingers to do this and those fingers to do that and maybe your head if you use trackir but as long as you want to believe you are immersed in the game, knock yourselves out. The rest of us are playing the game.
  14. maxnmike

    Loot cycling question

    Yes it still works and only the "purist" get pissy about it, but then they hate anything that might give other players any kind of enjoyment from the game. No one else really cares.
  15. maxnmike


    I want claymore mines with tripwires to protect my base. Steal my stuff will you? lol
  16. maxnmike

    Controls Are Wrong

    If he had by chance hit the F button he might have had thrown the grenades instead of firing his main weapon. The F button scrolls through all the items you can shoot or throw. Grenades, flares. chemlights.cans. bottles and so on. Also, if you do throw something, be sure to hit the F button to get back to your gun. Throwing chemlights at zombies when you want to shoot them doesn't work out too well. lol
  17. maxnmike

    Bonfire, buying bases and 'rules'

    Oh, I have no problem with why they are doing it, it just that seems that you aren't getting a very big bang for your buck.
  18. maxnmike

    Say no to discrimination

    What? No negative stereotype about Americans? I am disappointed. lol
  19. maxnmike

    Bonfire, buying bases and 'rules'

    If that's all you get for your 60 bucks you are getting ripped off. lol
  20. maxnmike

    Does sidechat ruin anyone elses game?

    Hmm... how many of you that say it breaks the immersion of the game use TS Vent or Skype when you play? If so, please stop saying that. Thank You.
  21. maxnmike

    Does sidechat ruin anyone elses game?

    I usually end up just muting everyone except the server admins because people are too damned stupid to use direct or vehicle chat for all their brilliant observations. And really, telling everyone where you are and where you are going on a PVP server is just stupid.
  22. maxnmike

    Vehicles, how long.....

    It will be there until someone steals it or it gets blown up.
  23. maxnmike

    Possibly the Best DayZ Day Ever!

    What happened to the Ural?
  24. maxnmike

    Communicate more!!!

    Real Life mostly.