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Everything posted by Akku

  1. I Would not worry mates, from what I have heard most who quit are coming back to standalone, with less hackers and glitches.
  2. Nothing better then a adventure with your father in a murderous zombie land. A true family vacation hotspot.
  3. Akku

    I admit defeat

    I have nothing against bandits. In fact, they make the game a lot more interesting. But for me? I will just stick to the nice guy route.
  4. Akku

    Day Z Urban Legends

    Sure, just gotta set up fraps. Gonna go this weekend.
  5. Akku

    Day Z Urban Legends

    I must ask, does any EU players wanna visit the green mountain at night? We could organize a group.
  6. Akku

    Standalone ( Music )

    Some guitar tracks similar to S.T.A.L.K.E.R's or Metro 2033's. Stuff like this: You get the idea.
  7. Akku

    Day Z Urban Legends

    I really wanna visit the... you know, the place we don't mention. Green-, you get the idea. At night! And for great justice, stick this thread! This thread just greats so much atmosphere.
  8. Akku

    A man must have a code

    Code: Help survivors, kill bandits. I will rather die a hero then live as a murderer.