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Everything posted by AnyoneInCherno?

  1. AnyoneInCherno?

    Herbalism in DayZ - Complete Herbs and Medicinal Plants List

    Have some Calendula in my bathroom right now actually, great stuff List DOES seem a bit long, but better too many ideas than too few,i can definitely get behind more ways to survive using nature
  2. AnyoneInCherno?

    The best way to play Dayz is...

    With a team DayZ just isn't fun alone, there's no point to surviving great lengths and accomplishing great deeds if there is no one to share it with you.
  3. AnyoneInCherno?

    Audio slows down with blood loss

    maybe you hear less, but a low white noise begins in the background, increasing till death?
  4. AnyoneInCherno?

    Gun Magazines

    Thats Canada however. Much different from other places in the world
  5. AnyoneInCherno?

    HC Bandaging System

    While not a fan of this EXACT idea, i for one do want a renewal of the medical system in the future
  6. AnyoneInCherno?

    It's 7.62X54r not "7.62"

  7. AnyoneInCherno?

    New Form of Handcuffs

  8. AnyoneInCherno?

    Fire up the wood burner...

    I remember this suggestion from the DayZ MOD suggestion forum http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/128719-sa-usable-indoor-fireplaces/ damn im feeling old again
  9. AnyoneInCherno?

    More Masks In Dayz

    Just give us Russian gas masks. Not Israeli, doesn't fit the theme for obvious reasons. The others.....just no......
  10. AnyoneInCherno?

    Feature to make your own maps.

    I hope for this too, the Northern coast of Maine is perfect for this game. Thick woods, small cities and small sparse rural towns, and plenty of islands. actually, This area in particular specifically the Bar Harbor area, Schudic, and Acadia. Here, have a map of the area to give a good idea of why its good As you can see, it offers many unique areas, chokepoints, a mix of woods and city. Theres even an airport, for you damned server hoppers. i already posted it in a thread a while ago, figured now would be a good time to post it
  11. AnyoneInCherno?

    Outbreak Related Content.

    I can definitely see adding a large prevalence of chemical/hazmat suits, with more civilian gas masks,or maybe more military ones.
  12. AnyoneInCherno?

    Surplus Wehrmacht uniforms/helmets

    All i can think about is a bunch of bandits in full Wermacht kit running door to door in Cherno screaming "WHERE IS ZE JUDEN" in thick german accents Please make this happen Dean. (p.s pls mods no warnings i am of jewish descent myself i only wish to bring smiles and laughter to all)
  13. AnyoneInCherno?

    Milking cows to get... milk

    DayZ: Farming DLC
  14. AnyoneInCherno?


    Pretty sure this has been suggested numerous times, but hell i want it too. Beans.
  15. AnyoneInCherno?


    I will be extremely concise and to the point here: Why can't we have the ability to raise the hood and both hoodies and the raincoats. I mean, it seems simple enough, right? On another note, i hope more hoodies are added to the game, such as black, white, etc colors. Feel free to put your own ideas in the comments for this sort of thing!
  16. AnyoneInCherno?

    Worms in fruit

    At first i thought that this was the dumbest idea i had seen in a while however, i just remembered how the worms are used in fishing. so i guess it could make things interesting
  17. AnyoneInCherno?

    Npc Bandits

    Dean Hall has already confirmed no NPC's will be in Standalone. also, welcome to the forums!
  18. AnyoneInCherno?

    Clothes should be more rugged

    Another idea could be that you need a rag to be able to patch up badly damaged clothing. Just a thought.
  19. AnyoneInCherno?

    Clothes should be more rugged

    sewing up clothing should "Repair" it in a sense, but it should be left patchy, dirty, look like it was repaired by some idiot with a sewing needle
  20. AnyoneInCherno?

    New Original Map W/ New DayZ Feel

    i hate being that person, but where did he say that about the tools to make their own maps? because hell, i want to do that! If you cant remember dont worry, i understand, just want some more info.
  21. AnyoneInCherno?

    I want this

    knowing DayZ, your legs break and you die moments later.
  22. AnyoneInCherno?

    New Original Map W/ New DayZ Feel

    Northern Maine Coastline specifically the Bar Harbor area, Schudic, and Acadia. good sized towns large sea "city-ish" place (Bah Habah, for my Northern friends) Ever been in the Maine woods? deep, thick, and dark. Cant see more than 30 feet ahead o you sometimes. Makes you lost, disoriented, and confused. Perfect for DayZ You still have "coasts" to spawn on, but it is different Here, have a map of the area to give a good idea of why its good As you can see, it offers many unique areas, chokepoints, a mix of woods and city. Theres even an airport, for you damned server hoppers. Plus....its Maine. Fulla guns. cant really think of any other things. Was just up there actually. Love it up there. Hancock Point specifically, Mansions n shit.
  23. AnyoneInCherno?

    Can you feel the sarcasm?(I laughed a little)

    [Message Deleted by Author]
  24. AnyoneInCherno?

    Maxim M1910

    On what others have said in here, I too enjoy the idea of putting the gun together. Gives you the feel that it's something you earned, something you cherish. Also if I could mow down my enemies with Maxim and Mosin fire I would have a never ending URAAAAAH Soviet erection.