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Everything posted by AnyoneInCherno?

  1. AnyoneInCherno?

    Decals, Stencils, and Spray Paint

    I can see the effectiveness of decals. I for one think that as the major features finnally come into play and the major bugs are fixed, aesthetics should be a big part of the game. In DayZ I beleive the survivor is meant to be YOU. This game should be able to make YOU,well, YOU!
  2. AnyoneInCherno?

    How many Dayz have you survived...

    Welcome to the Forums! While i agree with you suggestion, it is one that has been suggested numerous times before. If you would like to create a new topic, please use the search function to see if there are similar forum posts already made. Hope you have fun here!
  3. AnyoneInCherno?

    Fix for the Mosin and all other future bolt action rifles.

    Ammo's starting to hike up a little. $90 for the 440 round spam can? Nooooope $135 most places or higher. howeeeeveeer....http://wideners.com/itemdetail.cfm?item_id=100000376&dir=18|830|853 shhhhh dont tell, it might get bought out if we're too loud
  4. AnyoneInCherno?


  5. AnyoneInCherno?

    weapon suggestion "Desert eagle"

    Short answer? No Long answer? This is an overpriced, heavy, low capacity, high recoil, bad-tier accuracy, with expensive and rare ammo. I don't see the point. Bullets are bullets. A 9mm Parabellum will have the same effect on a vital organ as .50 AE. I would rather have a larger magazine than "muh fiddy cal muthafuggha"
  6. AnyoneInCherno?

    Layers of clothing

    Absolutely. Beans to Irish!
  7. AnyoneInCherno?

    Fix for the Mosin and all other future bolt action rifles.

    Where are you? In America they run around $150-180 Rarely below that
  8. AnyoneInCherno?

    More pain effects/consequences ?

    Sounds difficult to implement but i'd like it
  9. AnyoneInCherno?

    Fix for the Mosin and all other future bolt action rifles.

    Oh please please please show me where i can get a $90 Mosin
  10. AnyoneInCherno?

    sleeping pills

    I mean i have some weird and crazy dreams, but they are rather linear and follow the same path for a little while, for about 5 minutes and then it changes to something a little different but along a similar idea.
  11. AnyoneInCherno?

    sleeping pills

    Dude What
  12. AnyoneInCherno?

    sleeping pills

    probably watched it the day i had the dream and you best be talking of the original
  13. AnyoneInCherno?

    sleeping pills

    ....I am so finding some melatonin. My dreams are realy lame. Except for the dream when Russians invaded a small Maine coast town while a 90 year old woman gave birth to a lemon, and a 4 year old girl was selling a sawn-off as artillery landed everywhere . That was a rather strange dream.
  14. AnyoneInCherno?

    Remove Coupled Mags?

    It really is an immersion breaker. Want real high cap? Put in those tacky civilian ones. I doubt those would be there anyway due to Europes gun laws( AND IM PROOOUD TO BEEEE AN AMERICAN) (sorry about that)
  15. AnyoneInCherno?

    Earning the right to access new map....

    So after surviving several dayz (hehehe), you magically can go into a whole new map with more loot? DayZ is meant to make everyone be on an equal playing field.
  16. AnyoneInCherno?

    Snaring or trapping?

    Oh, and welcome to the Forum's! Enjoy you're stay, we're (mostly) fun(except when we aren't)!
  17. AnyoneInCherno?

    Snaring or trapping?

    The rarity of an animal actually walking into a trap given the size of Chernarus and the likely scarcity of animals would condemn the feature to be rather useless unless unless specifically baited to attract animals. Seems like a bugfest though. Traps for humans? Maybe.
  18. AnyoneInCherno?

    O.G. DayZ theme music option

    The music can sometimes literally make the game. I doubt this would be the case with DayZ, but music would be nice. To be honest, i wouldn't exactly want all creepy music. I'd want it to be melancholy and sad as you walk alone.
  19. AnyoneInCherno?


    Gimme an OD Shemagh and a Flecktarn Parka and I will be A-OK :)
  20. AnyoneInCherno?

    dead bodies should be persistent world objects

    Guys. If the bodies stay......along with physics....... and the ability to drag objects...... That's right. Body fort. 2edgy4u.
  21. AnyoneInCherno?

    Neat Shelter idea

    Yes, these sort of things are (I believe) confirmed. I hope they are anyway.
  22. AnyoneInCherno?

    Corrosive Ammo

    New England in Winter, that explains it haha
  23. AnyoneInCherno?

    Corrosive Ammo

    Strange, that sort of thing never happened to me. Don't know why really..
  24. AnyoneInCherno?

    Devs, please make this game!

    I'm pretty sure that's what we want, why backlash?
  25. AnyoneInCherno?

    Corrosive Ammo

    This is the point where it reaches TOO far into realism. Besides, it takes HUNDREDS of shots for corrosive to start taking any sort of effect on weapons Source: I own a 1943 Mosin Nagant 91/30 (yes i now clean it regularly along with my other firearms)