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Everything posted by AnyoneInCherno?

  1. AnyoneInCherno?

    Canteen - what's wrong with it?

    I'm all for being able to put things on your belt(as long as its realistic and within reason), and similar features, such as putting binoculars or gas-masks around your neck.
  2. AnyoneInCherno?

    Eye Animation at Death

    Well when you're dead, you're dead. You aint seeing anything at that point. However, i can see this happening for when you go unconscious.
  3. AnyoneInCherno?

    How To Land

    Mirrors Edge: Chernarus
  4. AnyoneInCherno?

    Sports Clothing & Backpacks

    Doesn't the Taloon backpack fill the "sport bag" niche?
  5. AnyoneInCherno?

    Hey guys new masks for game would be cool.

    Well, according to the legend, yes. I hope it true and not just propaganda really.
  6. AnyoneInCherno?

    Hey guys new masks for game would be cool.

    I was tired. He was a Finn during the Winter War
  7. AnyoneInCherno?

    Having at least one real city in the map

    When the modding community becomes active, i can see them making "Novigrad". As a small map, but nearly all Urban, with suburban on the edges.
  8. AnyoneInCherno?

    Hey guys new masks for game would be cool.

    ITS LIKE YOU GUYS ARE'NT EVEN TRYING MAY I PRESENT: Simo Häyhä, aka the "White Death" who was a Soviet sniper during WW2
  9. AnyoneInCherno?

    Feeding poop

    i dont even
  10. AnyoneInCherno?

    just a pic to inspire the devs.

    The changes to the look of Chernarus we can all agree on: -Taller grass, even in cities -barricades, overrun -outposts should look dirtier -bodies -more bodies basically signs that humanity's rule on this planet has ended. I think the Devs should watch the show "Life After Humans" for inspiration
  11. AnyoneInCherno?

    Protest against the new update for night/day being added

    so you're saying in the SA they make it like real life
  12. AnyoneInCherno?


    I hate to be the guy but gee whiz: -vehicals -hoze -no capitalization -planes going in reverse what am i even reading anymore
  13. AnyoneInCherno?

    Remington 870

    (thx to the one, who showed this picture ;) ) that last picture...... oww... goodbye wrist
  14. AnyoneInCherno?

    Food and it's Energy

    Why thank you comrade Scott
  15. AnyoneInCherno?

    Zombie Suggestions

    like the guy above me, would lead to way to many bugs, and would make the game.... i dont know. At the moment, the zombies need to be fixed, completely.
  16. AnyoneInCherno?

    Auto-Detect for Graphics Settings

    Makes sense. Too bad my laptop is horrid and can only run DayZ ( at just 25 fps) on all minimum or off settings I NEED a new computer, damn....
  17. AnyoneInCherno?

    Remove "vicinity" item grabbing

    Loot is too bugged really, its pretty much necessary at least at this point in development.
  18. AnyoneInCherno?

    Clothing Ideas

    I see no problem with this
  19. AnyoneInCherno?

    Clothing Ideas

  20. AnyoneInCherno?

    Advanced Item Placement

    b-but muh tactical rotations.....
  21. AnyoneInCherno?

    Magazines are too hard to find

  22. AnyoneInCherno?

    Magazines are too hard to find

    No comrade, is 16th date of birth ritual. Strong boy of Russian descent receive indomitable Kalashnikov rifle for removal of Chechen scum. Is great country comrade.
  23. AnyoneInCherno?

    Holster suggestions

    confirmed for not owning a pistol
  24. AnyoneInCherno?

    Animal Skins

    Maybe a leather armor? layer it a little and it helps reduce damage from zombies/blade weapons. Nothing against bullets, or blunt weapons.
  25. AnyoneInCherno?

    Combat Move: Bullrush - Terry Tate Style!

    Uhh hmmm.... maybe? maybe.