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Everything posted by robosheriff

  1. robosheriff

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    oh my god some of you guys are weird as heck. As for the op, glad to see new franchises coming up.
  2. robosheriff

    This might be a big ask.

    there should be a community contest about who makes the best map
  3. robosheriff


    sadly this is the truth
  4. robosheriff

    Bring DayZ to console aswell!

    if my 2009 computer could run arma on lowest on somewhat stable fps an xbox or ps3 can run it too, the only problem i see are the buttons but its just matter of spending a few hours tweaking the layouts. As for the community, i've been in the 3 communities (pc,xbox 360, ps3) and lets face it we are all fucked lol. just take a look at all your posts about trying to fix the pvp read em and you'll see thats the same thing thats happening on the consoles is happening here. But ya i don't see BI branching out arma to consoles anytime soon, due to them not supporting what the series have been trying to encourage so long community based modding, xbox 360 minecraft might be best example of that i mean the game is cool and all but it took em about a month to release a few avatars, when in the pc that could've been done by a random internet user in 10 mins. Just hoping the nextgen consoles support user modding abit more. Also guys if this was going to happen, the xbox, ps3 users could/probably would have their own servers just calm down lol.
  5. 0 Dayz im a man of action motherfuckers
  6. robosheriff

    killed him with his own gun hhaha,

    your so fucking hilarious i bet you could vblog LOL
  7. robosheriff

    So why exactly is hacking so rampant?

    cause nerdkids have found the scripts/hacks for a 2 year old game and they think they are cool/funny for using em. Oh google.... why you
  8. robosheriff

    Re-implement side chat?

    All inside my mechanoicol
  9. robosheriff

    Hunger and Thirst not realistic?!?!?!

    Yes but you don't die from thirst after 30 mins of excersie
  10. robosheriff

    Spawning with friends

    so you're using, respawn button to meet up with your friends huh... GOT YA trollface.jpg
  11. robosheriff

    Add notes to tents

    Infinite possiblities right there, my backpack will be full of awful and somewhat offensive messages dedicated to my killer/looter.
  12. robosheriff

    Get rid of all the sniper rifles

    yea.. i just click left mouse button
  13. robosheriff

    Why I've Stopped Playing DayZ

    Take the "reviews" as feedback from what people experienced while they where playing, in this case he thought the animations where clunky, he had low fps and more stuff, we already knew this why? because several people have posted it in the forums and some of us have experienced this ourselves. So theres no point in saying "HEY GUYS DIS ALPHA CALM DOWN EVERYTHING FIX ITSELF WHEN BETA" when you could just write a post that lets the devs know what were your first experiences in the game and how some graphical or gameplay bugs made you go away and or how to possibly fix them. Sure being the internet you'll probably won't even miss the guy but at least his putting up his oppinion instead of recycled ideas.
  14. robosheriff

    Rivers & Snow

    Those are the 2 things we as alpha testers don't need to worry about. Don't do it.
  15. robosheriff

    New Zombie map (Namalsk island)

    i want a new map.... one where i can enter every building..... because i can.
  16. robosheriff

    Decrease enfield damage.

    Hail the lee enfield i just killed an snipe with a .50 cal.
  17. robosheriff

    new feature: military

    we are going against the military not liam neeson
  18. robosheriff

    Server-side option solution.

    Easily solved by putting another hive for non pvp servers. But the game would suck if pvp was removed.
  19. robosheriff

    Dead Players Become Zombies

    the virus just mutated into something that revives the dead people, YOUR LOGIC FAILS
  20. robosheriff

    Why I've Stopped Playing DayZ

    He actually reviewed the whole alpha in there, he did his job
  21. robosheriff

    About group in dayz

    And how's this possible without the help of 3rd party chat programs, maybe thats what he meant when asking to add a group function.
  22. robosheriff

    loin cloths and clubs

    My dream
  23. robosheriff

    CryEngine 3 - Possible?

    cry engine focuses in giving lot of detail to small maps, not to say that what makes this look "cool" are the bunch of blurr and other kinds of effects. I would rather see this in arma 3's or unreal 4 engine just because of gameplay reasons . But yea it would look cool as heck
  24. robosheriff

    Give me 'dem teeth

    oh guis i don't think that hygienic