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About loganater

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  1. loganater

    Is it possible to remove that

    Permanent buildings huh? That's interesting. (semi-permanent that is) you know, you guys could try to run scripts on your server, then find/make the script that can remove those and disable BE on your server for while you are doing this to remove them too. Or just get one of the "hive guys" to help you out, that works too.
  2. loganater

    hacker infiSTAR

    dude this is my first post and what is hax?
  3. I suppose while blaming Dukey for playing with hackers you should also blame the other streamers that have to FORCEFULLY play with hackers and deal with them. Which is about %99 of the entire streaming community at one point or another. Also shouldn't it be his choice to block out his info? Is this a community that is so scared of hackers and judgment from idiots like you that we MUST block out ALL information even though we might not want to? Perhaps you should stop blaming Dukey for doing something he can't prevent and start blaming the people that can do something but won't bother. Then again there is no way to totally stop all cheating but they could do more to prevent it from happening so often. This thread will go nowhere but I hope this will atleast change your very narrow minded view of the subject.
  4. Lol honor... it's a game for fuck's sake, I mean yes it is rather annoying someone had to die by the hacker there but seriously... this post is obviously going nowhere but downhill so I'm going to leave it to the DayZ developers (which will do nothing because this entire thread is stupid) to NOT do something about this. Also what aid did he really gain from the hacker? an M4A3 and an ALICE pack? Big deal it was some dude in chernogorsk that had barely anything on him and I'm sure dukey will die with that gear sooner or later anyways.I get the impression you people take this game as seriously as you would a real issue that has purpose. I mean I realize it's cheating and needs to be addressed but over a live stream with no proof of who did it you just look stupid posting this.
  5. I enjoy that you show no proof of me hacking, sure I've made some jokes about hacking but is that proof I ever hacked? No, also I go by Loganater in game the guy that was hacking was Owner not Loganater. Also did you forget to read the guidelines when they said DO NOT post information about stream hackers? Thanks for posting this rather dumb thread that provides no proof and that goes against the guidelines.
  6. Hmm I have not died nearly as much by hackers as I have by fucking bugs, in fact I have died twice with NVG rangefinder you know all of that good stuff by simple bugs like debug forest or spawning 10 feet into the air and falling.
  7. I was also there at the time, my friend had also reported the hospitals and other buildings being destroyed, and I was also killed multiple times by a person I believe might had been involved in these acts. His name was Wellington, at first he was claiming to "own Stary Sobor" and I called him out on that while I was in Stary, I later heard a lot of gun shots after calling him out and he told me to follow them. They were only atleast 100m away from me so I watched the area and saw no one, yet he kept shooting and after some time of a cease fire gun shots were coming from another direction, the same gun a Lee Enfield. As I continued to follow those after reaching a good view point I waited and heard gunshots and bullets going past me, yet not hitting me from a different direction. It was still a Lee Enfield then I heard some revolver shots and then after waiting for 20+ minutes trying to look for him he finally just comes from behind me and says "behind you" in chat and shoots me. Though this is no proof he was hacking, he could be very skilled and just sneaked past me but what happened at NW airfield could prove that he was... after my death my friend had started heading towards the NW airfield to avenge me, he later found two people in the fire station of the airfield and waited for him... he then shot at him, possibly injuring or missing (though he took many shots at somewhat close range) and then shortly after shooting was killed by a silenced weapon, or atleast assumed it was silenced because he heard nothing. I then later get to the airfield, after going around a bit planning to loot the barracks there I find myself being shot at, all I heard was the bullet inpact (not even the kind of sound you would hear from a silenced gun) and I was passed out with 4000 blood, I bandaged continued to run to the barracks and just as I run into the bathroom I am shot again and killed instantly. I cannot confirm that this player was indeed Wallington but he did say he was going to NW airfield and never died since. So I can fairly assume he was atleast accociated with the people that shot me. Thanks in advance if you can do anything about this, also this is just my story not a ban request.
  8. loganater

    New Maps ready to be Zombified

    You have to ask though, what would happen to all of the people with old characters once we switch? Would they just spawn on the beach like the new players and have to make their way back inland? And what about servers with chernarus and the others with other maps? What happens when you switch between them?
  9. Guys... don't talk about this we can't let Rocket know our secret... DON'T SAY ANYTHING.
  10. loganater

    Stuck in debug forest with good gear

    I feel the pain man, I got the same area only I only all of my gear so even if I made my way out it would had been pointless... losing good gear just because of a bug sucks but I suppose there is nothing we can do about it. So say goodbye to your M249 and Night Vision Goggles and I said goodbye to my AS50 and Night Vision Goggles.
  11. Date/Time: 6/18/2012 What happened: I was hunting people outside of Elektro when I found a small party of two, I shot them both and went to loot one of their bodies so I did loot one of their bodies and took what I needed... I then continued to attempt to loot the other but then my screen froze and unfroze and froze again without unfreezing then I alt esc out and find ARMA2OA.exe has stopped working, I later tried to go back to the server in an attempt to try again and once I hit gear on the body I crashed in the exact same way as before. This has happened on earlier bodies I killed also but I didn't notice it was looting them until now. Where you were: Outside of Elektro What you were doing: Hunting other players at night Currently installed version: Server you were on: Chicago 39, this has happened on a few other servers though.
  12. loganater

    Will I be banned for this?

    Legitimate guns in the game have an icon next to their name, I'm unsure if this is also true with equipment but I would assume so, so I wouldn't worry about it.
  13. loganater

    What happened to Chicago 34?

    I am also curious as to what happened to this server, my friend and I had a few cars on there and have been distressed not being able to use them.
  14. So' date=' you know that would be a hacked in weapon right? Better get rid of it before you get banned. I normally use the trusty CZ or a AK with Kobra sights, but thinking of switching to the crossbow to be a sneaky bugger. They really need better sights on the x-bow though, either raise the rail to the center of the screen or put a 1-2x red dot. Tired of having to put a piece of tape in the middle of my screen when using it. [/quote'] I'm sorry how do you know it's a hacked weapon? I've never heard of that term and would hate to be banned for something I didn't mean to do.
  15. I found a sniper rifle with a infrared scope on it called the M110 and it seems to work pretty well against survivors when I need to use it. They can never hide too since they glow white hot even while prone in grass. EDIT: It was indeed hacked and I got rid of it, also it wasn't a M107 it was a M110 TWS.