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Trojan Horse

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About Trojan Horse

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Trojan Horse

    Why is the M14 so overlooked?

    The m14 is like my second favorite gun. It basically does not have any bullet drop up to 300m and is a two shot kill. With a fast trigger finger one can shoot this just as fast as an m4 with double or even triple the power. It also shares mags with the dmr and the m24. Though they aren't my favorite guns in the world, they do allow you to hold less ammo and have a somewhat sniper rifle like assault rifle for close to medium range and a sniper for medium to long. Don't know why people don't pick this other than the fact that it is very loud. Perfect for PvP
  2. A few things that I was thinking about include the following: Medical Blood bags will heal 12,000 blood but not instantly. They can be self administered but they will only heal about 200 blood/sec. You don't have to use the entire blood per transfer and if you move, the blood increase stops. Antibiotics should be more common as in as common as say painkillers but will have more use You would have a body meter. Parts of your body (major parts such as arms, legs, torso, and head) could turn orange when infected. When orange, there are mild affects (orange left arm = slower ads, orange right arm = occasionally you will not hit the trigger, orange legs = slower movement, etc) When a part of your body is red, the conditions get worse When a part of the body is flashing the effects are at their worst (left arm = extremely slow ads, right arm = extremely unreliable trigger, legs = limping/broken, head = blurry vision/darker, etc) After a while (a significant amount of time) of not treating with antibiotics, you could lose the limb. This would only occur after 10-20 minutes of a blinking limb Antibiotics do not work instantly rather based on the severity of the infection will take longer (orange 3 seconds, red 1 minute, blinking 10 minutes) but will not get worse Bandages do not stop all blood loss, only small cuts and larger injuries can use bandages temporarily but will need to be stitched (in the op i think) Pain has different severities and the player will make noises and yell when in pain Painkillers do not work instantly. Also based on severity. Guns Rarity should be increased of military guns. It's almost unrealistic that high powered military weapons are just available so easily. Sniping should be much more difficult (more so than the op) including temperature and other things. Automatic weapons should also be harder to find. It takes literally 10 minutes to have an akm or ak-74 and mow down people. Zombies Zombies should also be attracted to smell. As a player runs longer, they will have a stronger smell and must find zombies to cover their scent. This can also effectively work as camouflage against players. Zombies should also always be in cities and not when a player just happens to enter one. Zombies should also be randomly in the woods and when shots are fired will venture towards to sound slowly until they see/hear/smell a player and then become aggro. Zombies should also be more organized traveling in packs and groups forming huge herds in some parts of town and in others, they are almost non-existent. Of course some can be roaming around the city randomly just so that one cannot just walk around these groups unseen Zombies should also attack animals and run after them if they are in sight. When attacking an animal or player they should divert their attention to that player. When a zombies becomes aggro, other zombies can follow suit becoming aggressive to the sounds the first zombie makes. (this should also not spiral out of control either causing ever zombie to be attracted to one sound) More variety is better. Lingor island does a great job in introducing different zombies. Zombies with broken limbs and torn off body parts should also be introduced. Shouting can attract zombies. Useful if in a group and one person is being chased after. Players More clothing including bandannas or shirts that a character can wear to show they are part of a group. (They have to be found) When a player has an infection or needs blood you should be able to see it. A player with less blood should have pail skin and a player with an infected leg should have the pant torn A player with one broken leg can limp/crouch using opposite hand Melee combat such as holding another player down should also be implemented. You should be able to silently snap a players neck instead of having to shoot them. Hand to hand combat can hurt a player but would be inefficient in killing one. Ability to tie a player down with rope. If a player logs out, their body will be frozen for 10-30 seconds (whichever seems most fit) in that server once he leaves. The player can still be shot, killed, mauled, etc. for the remaining time until their body disappears. If a player is killed, they will respawn as if they died when they were able to prevent their death. Players should not be forced to spawn at the beach. Some players should spawn in homes/hospitals and other locations without being told their position. Equipment Maps should not be complete when found. Only parts of the map can be found unless someone have multiple parts. Radios should allow you to communicate between other players with radios and should allow you to tune to frequencies of other players to sneak in on their discussions. Flashlights should be usable with secondaries If you have a gps you should be able to mark where you want to go and have a route guidance. (it should not be seen like markers. the distance should be on the gps) Notepad and pens should allow you to place notes inside buildings (tape them on walls or put them on the floor). Knife can be used to make a fire but you must find kindle and the process takes significantly longer. Also a fire does not need any equipment at all but will take up-to 3 minutes or more to light. Not leveling but more training As a player does something repeatedly, they will become better at it. If a player bandages themselves more, they will be able to bandage themselves faster and bandages will last longer to an extent, say 2x if a player bandages other players, they will be able to bandage other players and themselves faster even, up-to 3x A player will be able to light fires faster the more they light them A player can shoot better the more they shoot. A player can run longer the more they run and can rest more efficiently This will have a hyperbolic curve and the more a player does something the better they get but with diminishing returns. Helping other players with blood and bandages will ultimately help you do things faster Humanity Should be removed Players should not be able to tell if a player is naughty or nice based on their dayz skin But a player should be able to drop his gun on the floor without another player being able to pick up to symbolize they are friendly instead of leaning (you can put your gun down and your hands up) [*]If a player sees another player shooting someone, their nameplate should symbolize that. A green plate should turn yellow to red but only if they see the act. This will go away over time. Vehicles All vehicles should be usable to some extent (siphon gas from cars, take tires, etc.) but will be more difficult to repair. Different types of motors/tires and should also require oil changes There should be civilian cars on highways with loot and some can be drive-able [*]Players should be able to push vehicles out of tight spots [*]Vehicles can be totaled [*]ATVs can be flipped over [*]Small planes with can fit up-to two people should be available [*]Jetskiis and more rivers should be available to make water travel viable [*]Cars can run without one or more wheels but will drive considerably slower and can permanently damage the rim. Other Servers should be allowed to specify if a player was murdered or killed or committed suicide or none of the above. Server admins (I am not one) should be allowed to have a sort of spectator mode and view what is going on to stop hackers/cheaters. (They can only do this if they are dead) Server admins can be banned from their own servers if they ban people for cheating when they aren't. An admin can keep reserve spots for clan-mates (hot debate) but players can vote to kick admin if they are banning for no reason. Players can grab scrap metal and use as a weapon. Actually most things should be usable as weapons (signs, chairs, etc.) with varying amounts of damage and durability Natural disasters such as flooding or droughts where players will become thirsty faster should also be in-game Players can acquire parachutes and can use them to jump off buildings. Parachutes should not be automatically available in helis or planes Jumping out of vehicles can occur and will hurt the player to an extent. (a person can jump out of a car at 30 miles/hour and only suffer bleeding and minor injuries). Large cities should be more scattered and available. Spawning at Kamenka or "Three Valleys" should be enjoyable rather than annoying (just a personal opinion) Other than that, the op really sums up everything else. If you read all of my post than hopefully you enjoyed it.
  3. Trojan Horse

    One character per server?

    if you really feel that way then just play in private hive servers. People that log will only be able to play on that server and if they log out will have to rejoin the specific server they were on to continue playing. Now I do understand that there is a problem with people leaving as you said and the solution would be simple. Just do as other games do and when you log off, your character will stay in-game for say, another 10 seconds. They can still die and get shot but it would eliminate problems like that m4 guy. You would have to be in a safe spot in order to log out because there is a chance that you would not be out before the 10 seconds were up. Rather than have 1 player per server just add that rule. Just a thought.
  4. Trojan Horse

    DayZ Memes

    Here is one. http://qkme.me/3quac7