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Everything posted by exigo

  1. I know this shit probably is starting to get to you Dean and I i can't say i would like to take your place right now :) Just know that you and your team are doing a fine job. Just look at the amount of haters you have. A mans success is measured by the amount of haters he has ;) Because of how game developers have been acting in the last couple of years players seem to have this attitude that if your not getting what you want then you shall scream and shout until you get it. It doesn't help that the age kids start gaming has become very low. When i was 8-10 i wasn't sitting in front of the TV/computer i was outside breaking bones prolly like you. So remember a lot of the "shit" is posted by 12 year olds (it seems like that anyway) The whole SP situation is from what i can read not your fault. You where open minded and maybe saw some potential (idk about that last one) but trust these days is like you can see in your mod often misplaced ;) Just chalk it up as another batch of beans lost and hit respawn to try again :) Keep at the good work, plenty of us here digging what your doing
  2. exigo

    Rocket you are killing this mod

    I just lol at the people that "threaten" not to buy a product because the developers aren't doing as they want. The amount of people that demand and think they are entitled to ANYTHING is getting silly now. I know CoD and a few other titles has messed with your heads but its getting out of control!! The voices of 1337 kids isnt the way and im glad Rocket and his team probably right now are laughing their asses off over the amount of QQ and "I demand this NOW or i quit and wont buy ArmA3" threads Keep it up Rocket+Team, i love what your doing and my main source of laughs is now on this forum and these threads o.0
  3. exigo

    Rocket you are killing this mod

    What he said... The amount of idiocy the last couple of weeks is just wow!!!
  4. exigo

    Welp tis the end for me

    Then take a break and come back when the mod is, you know... NOT an alpha and some stuff might have been added?? Still early days man!
  5. exigo

    Rocket you are killing this mod

    Wow, impatient much??? Also your very demanding this early into development. May I ask why?
  6. exigo

    M4A1 CCO w/ SD Ammo

    Huh, it actually allows you too SD mags in normal weapons?? Heh, been playing ArmA since OFP and never knew that. I guess my military background just made me never try as its wortlhless
  7. exigo

    M4A1 CCO w/ SD Ammo

    It won't work!! In RL it would produce less sound but the kinetic energy and muzzle velocity would be low and it would be counter productive. The game engine won't allow SD ammo in non SD weapons
  8. exigo

    Female camo skins

    This picture says it all!!
  9. exigo

    Character wipe for new patch?

    Well I also enjoy tears just like Rocket.. I think the reset will produce salty salty tears :) Love the ppl in here that go "Hit Escape, click respawn and test" Please, please do a char reset. To many leet kids here that dont understand the whole meaning of the word Alpha.
  10. exigo

    Character wipe for new patch?

    +1 For the char reset. Also running around with crap ton of equipment which imo is atm easy to get back, all you need is time and a few friends. But as all the others have been saying its alpha. We are here to test not play!! I guess it will reset everything so my Mystery Machine will go poof :( Sad Panda, but ill find a new one :P
  11. Dude, if he was actually talking about issues that needed to be addressed and " legitimate concerns" then ye he wouldn't deserve the heat he is getting here. But he is kinda walking straight into it and saying "Waaaa this game sucks, its so hard for me, its not telling me what to do, all my stuff is gone, waaaa me me me" When he DL the mod he didn't read what the game was about before he played it, he heard some cool story from gamespy.com, kotaku.com or any of the other big sites that has been talking about it lately. He probably plays CoD, BF3 and all the other major titles like many of us do and have an preconceived expectation of what a game should be (IMHO the wrong expectation thanks too CoD and BF3). When he logged in all his expectations was shattered and now he doesn't know what to do except complain about all the things that make this mod great. Ill admit the bandit killing is annoying sometimes but if you time and time again run standing up and let ppl know where you are and in general do stupid things in the setting your in your gonna get killed. If you don't learn from that and stop doing it then this kind of sandbox gaming isn't for him. This is for you Nya Games these days have a standard formula so that the makers makes as much money as possible out of title. They do this by adding achievements, collectibles, goals and score cards for you too show off your E-peen to all the others. Well im getting old and i think that formula is getting old, back in the day we didn't need freeking score cards or achievements the gameplay itself was reward enough (for most of us). But for the new generation, the CoD kids and Console kids this isn't enugh. Screw gameplay as long as i can drop a tactical nuke on your head and post it on youtube to see how many likes i get, look at me i am so pro. You know what, f*** that and your f****** e-peen, im tired of seeing great titles with great potential go to waste just because you guys want your freeking e-peen stroked and the worst part of it. You dont want to work for it, you just want it and if your not getting it fast enough or its too hard then you all go "WAAAAAA this game sucks". Worst part of it is that since your so freeking many the devs listen to you and change it. Im so happy that Rocket is who he is and don't listen to your whine and loves your tears. In the famous words of CCP "HARDEN THE F*** UP" Also im going to be that guy and say ALHPA, and clearly many of you have no idea what that means, this is because when a game is in alpha it usually hasn't left the studio. For many of you this is your first alpha and your treating it like a beta or even released product. So when you actually take up issues that needs to be addressed and not some post about this isn't easy enough for me so change it. Ye ill read your post maybe agree or post my opinions and possible solutions in your thread to save forum space. But when you basically start your post of with a whine, you deserve to get flamed like all the others. Either understand what the game is about before you play it, or learn from your mistakes. If you do neither then your doing it wrong. PS Can i have your beans
  12. exigo

    DayZ Stories

    Night time was approaching. Me and my fellow survivors have been walking for a good hour. We where tired and hungry but spirits where high for that nights mission. Having extensive military experience and training within navigation i was put in front responsible for leading the group forward. As we passed Kozlovka the sun was setting and the landscape was draped in a orange glow from the setting sun. It was a beutiful place and for a second there i almost forgot all the lost ones and walking dead. Even the danger of bandits escaped my mind as i took a knee to consolidate the map and give my friends a chance to rest up and have a drink of water. I quickly snapped back to it when the growling sound of a lone walker came into view in front of us. I had halted our group at the bottom of a few sorrounding hills to give us some early warning to potential stalkers or walkers. Their silhouette against the sky would give us the upper hand in a potential firefight. This wasn't a holiday trek or a camping trip, this was the new real world where dead men walked and anarchy ruled the land. I remember growing up as a kid watching Mad Max on the television and playing with friends as if it was real. Who would have thought something like that would become real. I started the group up again, headin North towards Pulkovo. My initial plan was to avoid the major cities and MSRs running Chernarus and stick to the country sides and small villages. Almost all villages and cities has a well but the risk of going into a large city center just for water was deemed to dangerous by the group and i agreed. There was also a greater risk of bandits in the larger cities as there was better loot to be had and in greater numbers. When we passed Kabanino we stopped a small body of water to drink and fill our canteens. The sun was gone down behind the hills to the west and it was getting dark. It was still possible to navigate after landmarks but i knew soon i had to rely on my compass and ranger bead. I took out a course North North West for 4000 paces or 2000 meters, if my calculation was correct i should end up just North of a lake called Prud and in a small forest just West Southwest of Grishino. My calculations wheren't to far off, i ended up a few houndred meters short but i guess my paces where a bit shorter in the small climb up the hill to the old fields. No matter the direction was good and there was enough light left for me to make out the first stop of the trip from the little forest. Devils Castle was built at the turn of the 11th and 12th century by Duke Kozlov. The former Kozlovo Castle, now called the Devil's Castle, was supposedly inhabited by the yeoman Jakub Čert (Devil) from Gorka. His bandit campaigns started here at the castle. He enlarged the keep of the castle, using the loot from these raids and the castle holds his name to this day. According to legend, the Devil's Castle was burned down during the zagorian Karzeg's rebellion, Jakub Čert burned in the castle's main tower after he refused to surrender to Ataman Simurg. Only burned walls remain of the castle, haunted to this day by the spirit of Ivan Kozlov. Whatever the truth is, Devil's Castle is one of the most remarkable architectural sights in Chernarus and it became a rewarding destination for tourists. That was along time ago and our little group was eager to follow in Jakub Čert footsteps and use the castle as our base. The similarities ended there, we had no interest in looting inocent ppl. We wanted Devil's Castle for its prime real estate on top of the mountain. The Castles high walls providing protection from whatever came from the outside and its high vantage points providing good view of the area around the Castle. We started the walk North, according to the map the easiest route would be straight North from our position. As we came out of the woods the Castles silhouette appeared and we got ready for whatever might be ahead. We didn't know what we would find, walkers or bandits. Would we be the first one to consider this as a base of operation and home. We slowly moved closer to the Castle walls and the main gate. We could hear some growling coming from the inside of the walls and we had our answer. First one here, but not alone. As we moved into the main gate we moved into a small room to the left in the archway, lighting a glowstick and cleared the room. We then moved into the courtyard and towards the center tower. The growling got louder and more aggresive but we couldn't see where the sound was coming from. We had to make a tough choice, do we pop a flare and clean out what we see or risk doing it in the dark. The group said no to flares, to risky. Bandits might see the bright red glow and make their way up. Then as i rounded the corner of the tower i was face to face with a walker, my heart stopped for a second. There was no choice, i had to shoot him or it would be over for me. I lifted my Colt 1911, aimed at the walkers head and pulled the trigger. A lound bang filled the courtyard and pushed my heart into overdrive. As the sound from my 1911 disappeared other sounds took over, growling, screaming and the sound of running feet getting closer. Suddenly all hell broke loose at Devil's Castle as we defended our position from the charging horde. Then there was silence, not a single sound filled the air. I looked at my group, shaken and bruised but not broken. First part of the journey was complete, now only the hard part remained. The target for our trek was the military airfield. We had a list and we wanted to get as much as possible checked off that list before we established a base at the castle. Not wanting to spend to much time up at the mountain after such a firefight i said we should move out as soon as possible. The group rested for a few minutes and then settled of in the night bearing South West for 6000 paces. 30 minutes later we could see the airfield and its hangars from the forest. This is where the hard part begin i said to the group as we followed a concrete wall north, looking for a opening. The military airfield was bandit and walker territory. The bandits wanted the loot and the joy of hunting survivors looking for loot. The walkers, well who knows they where mindless husks with one purpose. But the stories that had been told was that there was many of them and many of them where soldiers still in uniform and combat gear. Fighting the undead was one thing, undead wearing kevlar was a completly different monster. Our first target was the barracks and vehicle yard Noth East of the airfield. Hopefully we could find some gear left behind and maybe just maybe there would be NVGs. We crawled trough a hole in the concrete wall and kept going North along the concrete fence. The growling from the walkers could be heared all over the place and many times they where as close as 20 meters from the group. But the darkness gave us cover from their bad eyesight, their hearing was our worst enemy. Suddenly the sky turned bright red behind us and the group turned around and our worst fear came into fruition. We where not the only ones alive at the airfield. Roadflares lit up the side of the control tower 200 meters behind us as gunshots went off. We decided to keep moving and hoped that whoever was behind us used enough time for us to get in and get out. We came too the vehicle yard first and started to check the building in the yard. Jerrycans, roadflares and some chemlight was all we found but we took roadflares and chemlights leaving the jerrycan for later. As we moved into the large building which had to be the vehicle service building one of the members of our group tripped in the doorway. As he fell he dropped his Winchester as his body tried to brace the fall. As the rifle hit the metallic floor a large "Clang" echoed trough the building and out into the courtyard on the other side of the building. Suddenly a Walker came trough the door rushing for the source of the sound. One of the group members screamed and fired his shotgun at the charging zombie. Then it was like Devil's Castle all over again, but this time there was more and they where tougher targets. Shoots where going off right and left as we tried to cover the two doors into the building. Many bullets later the screaming stopped. We had made it, noone was hurt and all the zombies was dead. As we checked up on each other a light suddenly lit up the building. A flashlight of some sort scanned the building we where in. We all dropped to the floor and hid between the dead bodies scattered across the floor. All our guns pointed at the door where the light came from. Whoever had been at the control tower was now here and we had no idea of their intentions. We had to make a choice, shoot on sight or fire back. I said, if they have the balls and skills to come up here and fight whoever is up here then they have calculated the risk of said trip just as we did. Shoot on sight and ask questions later i said, they all agreed. I didnt move a muscle, my heart was going 200mph as my body prepared for what was about to go down. The light outside continued scanning, moving closer to the door. I aimed my rifle at the edge of the door where i thought the light would emerge and rested my finger on the trigger. It felt like an hour passed before anything happened but in real time it was more like a minute. the light moved closer to the opening and suddenly moved from left to right in the doorway aiming the light on us. I guess they thought the same thing as we did because we all fired at once as did they. I heared screaming outside as the light fell to the ground and screams on my right but i didnt lift my focus of the door, there could be more coming. Hinduman was hit and bleeding badly and seconds later he died. We couldnt save him, the gunshot to the neck was to much to fix. We took what stuff he had on him and proceded outside to check the source of the light. There outside the door lay two bodies, dressed in camo uniforms and shemags across their faces. they where bandits, looking for loot and someone to kill for loot. I didnt feel as bad as i had when i took the decision to shoot on sight. We proceded to loot their bodies, found two AK-74s and a M16 with ammo, grenades, some supplies and two of the largest backpacks. They wouldnt need them anymore. I then looked at the time and relised i had to go to work. I moved away form the airfield and logged out in a forest nearby. My comrades kept on for a while trying to find more gear. Thank you Rocket and crew for creating this awesome mod and giving me the best gaming experience i have ever had in my 20 years of gaming. The above story is what happened, unscripted and all random encounters and my heart was actually doing 200mph when that flashlight was turned on. It was an EPIC gaming moment. TL;DR? Your loss
  13. exigo


    After actually playing more then a few minutes of night time i have had great gaming moments in the night and i cant say it enough. Night time rocks... Now if i can only find some NVGs :D
  14. exigo

    Gamplay Goal?

    This post sums up everything that is wrong with many modern games and their design. Many new gamers these days dont understand that you really dont need an objective. The experience of just trying to survive in day z is enough. OFC finishing a story is always nice if the story is good but lets be honest, there hasn't been many good stories lately. Last one i liked was Medal of Honor Tier 1. I have goals to what i want to do in DayZ, like flying a helicopter with my guild mates raiding cities and dusting of into a established secret base where we store supplies and share stories is one of them. Sandbox games like this can't be won
  15. Don't listen to music either. I have the ingame music really low to give a slight atmosphere. The sounds in Arma 2 like weather etc are amazing. I love thunderstorms and the feeling i get as the weather changes. Need to hear footsteps, gunshots and zeds.. No music
  16. exigo

    Possible cheating?

    I hate to say it but Ulanthorn has a point. However Ulanthorn you cannot hide behind "Its an Alpha" when you clearly are saying that you have exploited this over and over again. There is a HUGE difference between finding an exploit/bug and reporting it then doing what you are doing just because "I can" and "It isnt fixed yet" IMHO your trying hard to save yourself from a possible ban by now talking about it and being all honest about it. Continues use of a bugj ust because you CBA to search for new gear like the rest fo us, just so you can kill noobs over and over again on the beach to make you all fuzzy inside makes you cheater and a griefer.