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About numbphase

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    On the Coast

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  1. Pretty much exactly what I came to say. I prefer the pre-1.7 zombies, sneaking around them was a lot more fun than just running from building to building. The tension I used to feel sneaking into loot a building isn't there anymore, if I aggro a zed I know I can just run to the building and I'll be fine (probably). Couple bugs I noticed, I'm sure they've been pointed out already... Zombies still trapped in the floor sometimes. Hearing flies but no bodies on multiple occasions. FPS drop after being chased for awhile.
  2. numbphase

    Pending Build Progess: 1.5.9

    I really like the temperature system, it really adds to the immersion. I think the rates could be tweaked a little though. Maybe a little slower losing temp in the rain and a little faster gaining temp inside. I lost like 50% running around in the rain for 10 minutes and gained 2% in 10 minutes (rough estimates, don't remember exact values) when I finally found a safe interior. I like how you can get a cough as well, really ups the intensity/paranoia when you're sneaking around and you are coughing. It would be cool if you could find cough drops for temporary relief.
  3. I turned my brightness and gamma up a couple notches and it seems pretty accurate. I think I have them both at 1.3 (obviously be different depending on your monitor). I can make out rough shapes (but no details) outdoors, but indoors and in the forest it's still pitch black. From what I've experienced on a moonless night in the country once your eyes adjust I would say it's realistic. I wonder if there's a way for the game engine to simulate your eyes adjusting? In the dark your vision would gradually get better and better for 30 minutes or so. If you light a flare or fire or someone shines a light in your face you have to re-adjust to the darkness again.
  4. numbphase

    Player corpses not appearing

    This happened to me tonight as well. I came across flies three times but no bodies. Two of those times I was definitely the first one to find the bodies, so it wasn't anything to do with someone else hiding them. I'm also experiencing the invisible to others and invisible when in third person bug, not sure if they are related.