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About F4T

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  1. Can u increase more wheels? I found a lot of gas can but couldnt find any wheels :(
  2. Today i got killed by a hacker, he know where i am and shot me thru wall, there was 3 player playing that time include me, 1 name -Fa- Kenin, the other guy log out before i see his name
  3. Wow, over 20 people playing now, awsome! :thumbsup: btw, I miss Lingor Island :(
  4. Dont worry, me and my friends are not russians, we never hack and wont hack, btw, will u change to Takistan map? Never played that map before, I just want a try on that map :)
  5. Is multi languages allowed? Can i use my language? My friends can't speak english well... :lol:
  6. I can't find your server name, can you update your server ip and port to the first post?
  7. Hey Jvo, can i use items looted from a hacker? cause last night i looted a gps and a nightvision from a hacker, dont know if he really hack or he just got it from NW Airfield or somewhere... :|
  8. Its ok chernarus is good too, but i got kicked for ping too high :(, can u increase the ping limit to 400? :(
  9. Hey Jvo, i know asking this here is wrong but do you have any ArmA 2 CO Setup torrent? cause my torrent is broken, can't send to my friends... :(
  10. Im introducing all of my friends and helping them how to play on this server, your server will more crowdy soon :D
  11. How many heli in the server, i went to airfield last day but didnt find one :huh:
  12. you mean someone stole my car? :o but whatever, i will find another one :rolleyes:
  13. i lost my car and all of my stuffs in it, even i used the save command and got in the car before log out :(