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xXHalfSliceXx (DayZ)

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Everything posted by xXHalfSliceXx (DayZ)

  1. xXHalfSliceXx (DayZ)

    BattlEye Just Broke...

    Same here, I am not able to even launch arma. It doesnt even show the grey boxes loading.
  2. xXHalfSliceXx (DayZ)

    Looking for players to team up with(europe)

    Hit me up on Skype and i get move you in the right direction with a good community Skype: xxhalfslicexx
  3. We have multiple groups that play. We have additional buildings and whitelisted. We have about 2 hours of night time though before server reset
  4. xXHalfSliceXx (DayZ)

    Introductions? Semi New Guy Here

    Welcome back. If you are looking for some groups to team with join us in our forums and get whitelisted! Www.survivalunion.com
  5. xXHalfSliceXx (DayZ)

    2 week "veteran"

    We are looking for koreplayers on our white liwted server. We have several groups "factions" that team on the server. As well as some bandits. Hit me up via pm or join us on www.survivalunion.com
  6. xXHalfSliceXx (DayZ)

    Any one want to play Dayz with a noob

    Our community usually uses our Group Teamspeak since it uses less resources and everyone can collaborate together. Hit us up. www.survivalunion.com
  7. xXHalfSliceXx (DayZ)

    looking for a groups/clan

    Check us out. Busy server, active admins, custom areas, PW Protected to minimized hackers. TeamSpeak3 channel www.survivalunion.com
  8. xXHalfSliceXx (DayZ)

    Looking for a group of people to play with

    We have a pretty busy server most of the time. Custom areas, PW Protected to minimize Hackers. Teamspeak3 Also. Check us out www.survivalunion.com
  9. xXHalfSliceXx (DayZ)

    Looking for group

    We have a pretty busy server most of the time. Custom areas, PW Protected to minimize Hackers. Teamspeak3 Also. Check us out www.survivalunion.com
  10. xXHalfSliceXx (DayZ)

    Looking for a group

    We have a pretty busy server most of the time. Custom areas, PW Protected to minimize Hackers. Teamspeak3 Also. Check us out www.survivalunion.com
  11. xXHalfSliceXx (DayZ)

    Mature player 17 Y/o looking for a clan/group

    We have a pretty busy server most of the time. Custom areas, PW Protected to minimize Hackers. Check us out www.survivalunion.com
  12. xXHalfSliceXx (DayZ)

    Dayz partner

    Not sure what younare talking about nagel. I thin you may be mad from being killed on the server and rage DC
  13. xXHalfSliceXx (DayZ)

    Dayz partner

    We have several people around that age. Join us on survivalunion.com currently passworded to keep out hackers. We have our own teamspeak channel.
  14. xXHalfSliceXx (DayZ)

    Need a Survival friends

    we are always looking to help new players. look us up at SurvivalUnion
  15. xXHalfSliceXx (DayZ)

    Hello, my name is Kerx

    if you are looking for a great community of mixed players. join us on our server SurvivalUnion
  16. xXHalfSliceXx (DayZ)

    Need team (NEW PLAYER)

    you can check us out on www.survivalunion.com we have a very fun and active community! active admins. also have our own teamspeak. message me on the forums or on ts hope to see you soon
  17. xXHalfSliceXx (DayZ)

    Sound effects

    that one is animals in line of sight. for me less than 200m there is another sound for zeds spawning in range.
  18. we have a very active group at almost all times of the day. really players all over the world. we have a private hive, teamspeak3 server and all. we welcome new members with open arms. visit www.survivalunion.com and join us!
  19. xXHalfSliceXx (DayZ)

    gun and sight issue

    We just recently changed to nemalsk on our server. I know lots of bugs. I personally haven't had problems until yesterday. I sight up my t17 and my iron sights aren't centered. So now it is shooting way right and high. Also my dmr at 20 yards I have to shoot the belt buckle to get a headshot.