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About Squirrelman

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Squirrelman

    Suggestion: Poker

    thats a risk :D
  2. Squirrelman

    INSANE spawning rate,ammunition type

    when you clear a town of zombies it would be nice when they spawn far away from you or they just dont spawn in this town for 10-15 minutes that you can loot the town safely.
  3. look here. http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=5556
  4. Squirrelman

    Suggestion: Poker

    would be a very cool idea to add poker in it. i like the idea that players are responsible for deciding winning hands. cause when you sit in a group of 6 man or something like that and 1 plays unfair - i think he will not live long :D
  5. Squirrelman

    INSANE spawning rate,ammunition type

    i meaned prone :D. didn´t know the english word for "liegend"
  6. Squirrelman

    INSANE spawning rate,ammunition type

    yeah i know, we crouch in nearly every single town, but sometimes you make a mistake and a zombie cought you crouching around, than you have to kill him and when this happen, you are dead cause 30 zombies come for you... but thats not why i am so angry about, its my fault when they cought me :D. i am angry that when you kill for example 20 zombies they all respawn in 1 minute! that cant be man. i mean you cant loot the town when you killed them cause they spawn again. you understand? and this with the sniper rifle is just not true. last time i played this game with 2 friends, one wanted to shoot the zombies on long range, cause he said there come only some (about 8 where at one point) and he could handle the most on range. dude there also come about 20 of them no matter how far you away. the other 12 where far far far away from the centered 8. sry for my english. it isn´t the best.
  7. Squirrelman

    INSANE spawning rate,ammunition type

    another point. why i can shoot 9mm ammunition only with the mp5, not with the mp5sd ?there are mp5 and mp5sd mags, why? in real there is no mp5 and mp5sd ammunition.they both have 9mm ammunition, one gun is silenced and one not... they also can use subsonic ammunition. and i also can shoot subsonic ammunition with an normal mp5. get this fixed please.
  8. man i was over 10 hours alive, killed 100 zombies. ok than we cleared a village and every zombie was dead and after 1 freaking minute 20 respawn? i mean what the hell? that sucks. i mean when every zombie respawn after 1 minute why i should carry a gun with me? why i ever should shoot? (yeah bandits maybe...) some weeks ago the game was a lot better. no insane zombie respawn rates and not 50 zombies at one freaking point... its ridiculous some weeks ago i shot a zombie and maybe 10 came with him. when i shoot a zombie now, 30 come with him and respawn in 1 minute.... now you cant clear a village unless you have 10 people and even than you die cause the freaking zombies respawn in 1 minute!!!!! the zombies respawned 2-3 meters around me... when this patch gets harder and harder, i think more people will say that this sucks. getting harder and harder ruins the fun of playing this game. - decrease the amount of zombies at one freaking point - decrease that insane spawning rate!!!!!!! - when you make everything harder, increase the bags. - decrease that 30 zombies come when you shoot 1 of them... some weeks ago this was a lot better. overall i love this mod. i bought arma2 + operation arrowhead only for this mod.i ever wanted such zombie game, but please fix the spawning rate and the amound of zombies that hunts you when you only shoot 1 zombie. just make it as you had it some weeks ago.