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Everything posted by KittenMittens

  1. I also don't understand why you'd use xpadder (apart from the fact that the in game controller mapping doesn't seem to recognise double taps). The ingame mapping allows you to utilise analogue movements, which is helpful for vehicles (especially if you want to fly a chopper smoothly) If like me you use a battery powered wireless controller make sure that the controller is connected at least when you open the game, you can then turn it off until you find a vehicle. If it's not connected at startup you'll find that connecting the controller mid-game will clear your whole controller map and you'll have to reconfigure it from scratch... not very handy if you're stealing a huey. :P tl;dr: Make sure your controller is connected at startup to use your saved in game configuration.
  2. KittenMittens

    DayZ Xpadder

    I don't see the need to use xpadder, you can map controls for an xbox controller in the game and make use of the analogue controls for vehicles. There is an issue that if you don't start the game with the controller connected it forgets your mapping. If like me you want to save battery power then just make sure that the controller is connected when you start the game and then turn it back on when you want to use it. Edit: oops didn't read the whole thread, my bad for the repeat
  3. KittenMittens

    Vehicle Switch can i happen or did i get hacked

    Thanks, don't really care that much. But do the vehicles switch places (so if somebody was hiding the bus, they'll return and find my truck?) I just logged back into the server and there is now no vehicle there... Meh, what can you do
  4. KittenMittens

    Vehicle Switch can i happen or did i get hacked

    I had the same thing happen to me today. After restart switched a truck for a bus. The loot inside is completely different, I had a ton of loot inside the truck (I found the truck at the international airport next to two dead bodies). As a further note I did have a bus hidden out in the woods a few days ago but I assumed that it had been found and taken.
  5. Same happened to me but the server I spent hours on yesterday isn't showing up even if I try to remote connect. (UK 227) Sucks, I've literally had that character for months!
  6. KittenMittens

    Missing data files?

    I had the 'CABuildingparts' missing problem described HERE I then moved my addons folder from Arma 2 into the Arma: OA Folder. This solved the problem of compatibility but I think it screwed with the UI. When I right click on an item in my inventory the selection box goes to behind the inventory, so I can only use items located in the far right side of the inventory (and only if the box is below the debug monitor). It looks like this: The main menu doesn't look like Arrowhead anymore, it looks like this: I'm guessing that when I moved the files over I somehow overwrote some of the Operation Arrowhead files, but I didn't have any notifications saying so when I moved them. Does anybody have any ideas which files have been corrupted and how I could rectify it? Thanks in advance
  7. KittenMittens

    "DayZ_code CA Building parts required"

    I had the same problem and I tried loads of different things until I stumbled upon the solution. Can't seem to find the page that enlightened me so I can't give them the credit they deserve! Firstly I should mention that I already had ArmaII Operation Arrowhead for a long time but not ArmaII or ArmaII free. Secondly I should note that I tried to install and play DayZ without having installed ArmaII as I didn't realise I needed it. After doing this I got the exact same messages as mentioned in the first post here - DayZ wouldn't work. I then installed ArmaII free and it still didn't work. ***Solution*** Then after trying loads of crap I read that I had to move the ArmaII "\Addons" files into Operation Arrowhead "\Expansion\Addons" - It worked and I can play! *** There are still some errors that appear but they don't stop play. The only major issues is that if I right click on an item the action menu appears to the right and behind the inventory and can't be clicked unless the item in question is in one of the far right slots of the inventory. If anyone knows how to fix that, I'd appreciate it