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About maverikgamer

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. im looking for freinds to play dayz with and in the future record with *ill record* we can creat a home base when we all get good enuff loot but i realy want some one or a few people to play dayz with so im more protected insted of on my own if interested comment your skype name and ill add you. cheers! :thumbsup:
  2. maverikgamer

    Picking a Home.

    can i join you on your dayz adventures i need some one to play the game with im trustable and im helpfull if so add me on shaun.hepworth1 *skype*
  3. maverikgamer

    what do you like busy or none?

    awsome so i have good loot i guess il join a high pop server when i find some one to tag with thanks! :)
  4. maverikgamer

    what do you like busy or none?

    also if any of you people want to play dayz with me send me your skype ill add you and we can meet up on a server some time =D
  5. maverikgamer

    what do you like busy or none?

    Ok well im just wondering i have epic loot like a gili suit barret 50 cal and light machine gun do u think its worth the risk in a high pop server considering i have all i need
  6. maverikgamer

    New Survivor Group- Now recruiting

    Steam ID: redterd4 In-game ID: redterd4 Approx. Hours: 150 - 200 hours Specialty/ Skills: tactical / medic / good with light and assult rifles
  7. im curiouse on whats better for gameplay servers with alot of people or servers with few around 5 - 10
  8. In Game Name: shaunea Age: 17 mature In Game Play Hours and Experience: about 1-2 months Playstyle Preference: killing everything and enything Longest Life: 1 week Best Gear Legitimatley Obtained: m9 pistol / m16a2 Any other information you deem relivant : looking for a bunch of team mates so we can work together and kill together. because we can! =D