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About andyhorton72@gmail.com

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  • Location
    manchester england
  1. andyhorton72@gmail.com

    wall glitchers caught on twitch last night

    While watching a streamer on twitch last night him and a friend got taken out by wall glitchers at the camo building in the NWAF, They were also streaming live on twitch at the same time the idiots...go to the 14 minute mark to see what happened.
  2. andyhorton72@gmail.com

    UK DayZ Standalone Server "The Mighty Horse Rocks"

    changed the server to hardcore as most people who have contacted me have asked for this, ill see how it goes and can change back if its not getting populated or if people aren't happy with hardcore.
  3. andyhorton72@gmail.com

    Help with scheduler.xml getting restarts and server messages working.

    how have you got this running on the standalone? who is the provider? im with multiplay and cant get it to work.
  4. andyhorton72@gmail.com

    UK DayZ Standalone Server "The Mighty Horse Rocks"

    hi guys thanks for the positive responses, if you see jimmy-norton-xm say hello with a wave not round haha
  5. andyhorton72@gmail.com

    UK DayZ Standalone Server "The Mighty Horse Rocks"

    Hi All, Rented a server from multiplay a month ago and thought i would come on here and let you know about it, had very little issues except for the dsync issues that everyone had before the hotfix came out. Its only me running it but it seem to be pretty well populated most of the times so if you want a no BS/stupid rules server to hang out on head over to: Multiplay :: DayZ UK Gameserver The Mighty Horse Rocks TS3: