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Jack Lz

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Posts posted by Jack Lz

  1. So my current character is about to hit day 40.

    150 zeds down 0 murders, 1 bandit kill.

    i have everything i could want, and i have more in tents all across the map.

    Ive been working on fixing an atv.

    to be honest though, i think i have "survived" long enuff.

    i have no interest in finding out the hard way not to help people.so i am left with two choices,

    continue my passive ways, or turn to the dark side and hunt people.

    i am one those people that will feel bad after i kill someone in cold blood, but i have several sniper rifles that talk to me in my sleep.

    seriously, any ideas? what should i do now?

  2. i lost a coyote bp in the glitches of 1.7.2 (put on a camo lost everything except my toolbelt)

    as my character was on 18 days or so and i still had my toobelt, i kept playing.

    there is a little fun in playing without a bp, you are constantly on the move for water, conservation is key.

    and with no basis in fact, my opinion is more people will leave you alone, especially if you not brandishing some high quality primary.

  3. good show on 18 days, i died once from not scanning my surroundings well enuff, i feel your pain.

    but as someone else in another thread pointed out , this isnt merely a video game where you die and move on, this is a learning experience.

    you dont merely die and move on , you consume the experience, learn from it and (hopefully) avoid it next time.

  4. day 32 here,

    played the game since player count was only 50k, on 5 respawns total.

    i know exactly how you feel.there aint no way in hell im going to the major cities until i die, (lone wolf), so while im off in the woods somewhere, miles from anyone, i think alot about where im going to go when i do finally lose this character.
