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Jack Lz

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Everything posted by Jack Lz

  1. Jack Lz

    OMG I see something a night

    you sure it wasnt a full moon?
  2. the cpu runs at a temperature that is a little above the normal, without proper ventilation it will overheat.playing games will overheat it if you run them for a long time.there are programs that monitor heat.
  3. not overheats, it runs on the cusp of tolerable levels
  4. Jack Lz

    Electricity good or bad?

    all i can picture is sniper scopes trained on a well lit grocery store at night XD
  5. Intel Core i7 720QM(1.6GHz) goto newegg and read the reviews, one guy says its good for playing games on high, but it is a deactivated product (not a big deal, ivy bridge replaced it), oh and everyone says it runs hot
  6. Jack Lz

    Mainland VS the coast

    inb4 flames Do a little research, there is plenty to be found inland.
  7. i would try to talk you out of a laptop. Arma 2 is cpu heavy , i would recommend going to the actual arma site and read what they say.
  8. Jack Lz

    Day Z Urban Legends

    Any new info on the "detective"? the story goes he comes online at 3 in the morning speaking gibberish, if u ever put your sights on him the name is in orange not green, some say he wears a trenchcoat.
  9. Just found a mk 48 mod 0 by a downed heli, (was hidden in the grass under the tail fyi) 300 rounds...what the hell am i supposed to do now rofl....
  10. I think you are all correct, im gonna goto a town and empty it of zeds. Ive seen the videos on this gun and it will attract everything within a half mile, so this should be fun..maybe i should look into fraps for this kinda fun =)
  11. Jack Lz

    Land Navigation made simple

    Better way. 1 get a smart phone 2 goto dayz wiki, maps 3 try not to get shot in a tree while looking at you smartphone
  12. Jack Lz

    are you guys fucking retarded?

    +sits down with popcorn+ awww shit its over...
  13. Jack Lz

    HaHa! Karma!

    I'm a lone Wolf I play slowly, staking out a town and its surroundings before i enter.It doesn't guarantee success but i don't die much. Today on three different occasions i could have fired first on a player but didn't, i moved on and they were unaware of my presence. A while after that i was crawling into a town when i saw fast movement to my right, a player was running up to me trying to get the drop on me, instead he attracted 3 zeds and had to fight them off. I laughed to myself and kept moving.
  14. Jack Lz

    HaHa! Karma!

    Yeah sure' date=' you probably ran away shitting yourself. That's why you didn't kill him. [/quote'] lol i wouldnt be posting if it happened like that, makes me look bad =P
  15. Jack Lz

    Tell us how u were betrayed

    +puts on sunglasses+ Yeaahhhhhhhh! hehe sorry i couldnt resist.
  16. if u cant run around to a couple of places and pick up those things, then get all the beans u can, as u said they give 200 health, 5 is 1000. btw its not a tinderbax, u need matches and wood, wood is in houses or can be chopped from a tree with a hatchet
  17. Jack Lz

    Getting kicked-Please assist

    try another server, if thats not the problem , and u have steam , try reinstalling battle eye or what ever the anti hacks name is for arma
  18. Blame the community , not the game. After trekking around for 72 hrs, having everything a solo runner needs to survive, I was shot in the back on the ground in a shaded area in a forest(looking at my map).If people are so ruthless as to actually get off on that, and pretend they are role playing, i need to group, its just a matter of the enviroment.
  19. The survivors need a place to make trades in a somewhat safe enviroment. I propose a "BarterTown" a DMZ where survivors with good humanity can enter and trade with shooting disabled.Bandits (i know the skin is gone), would not be able to enter if their humanity is below a certain level. Now i realize that "BarterTown"" would be heavily camped on the outside, but that would be half the fun wouldn't it? Bandits lying in wait, survivors on the inside grouping up to make a break for it,sounds awesome to me, but it was my idea and i laugh at my own jokes =/. Also, now there would be a reason to not shoot every stranger u see, as "BarterTown" would be closed to you.
  20. ummm just because its sandbox' date=' doesnt mean freedom from repurcussions,dont play semantics with me. [/quote'] You're right. It doesn't mean guaranteed freedom from repercussions. However, it does mean that said repercussions have to be handled by the players, and not the game. That's the whole point of this thing, if you want to have a place where players can trade in peace, you gotta make it yourself. How you go about doing that is your business. It may be practically impossible. Yea i can see that point, ok so bandits can enter, but gunfire is disabled in said building or whatever, would that be better?, i mean, every apocalypse movie ever made had a safe zone.
  21. ummm just because its sandbox, doesnt mean freedom from repurcussions,dont play semantics with me.