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Jack Lz

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Everything posted by Jack Lz

  1. Jack Lz

    Green mountain...

    I went to the top of the tower and looked down onto the 2 buildings. well, you know the little 1 story building? i watched as 12 zeds started walking out of that building, THRU the door that doesnt open, kinda like they were glitching, then i happen to look straight down, you know the 2 ruined military vehicles there? they were in factory condition WITH the rear canopy intact, also they were parked beside each other and the mass grave was gone, i thought it was something new in the patch so i ran down as fast as i could. When i got to the bottom, there were no zeds, the vehicles were in their normal blowd' up state, and the graves were back. Thats when i realized it was silent, no birds.., no wind. Sometimes i wish i had died that day.
  2. Hello all, I'm trying to create an ez to read database of do's and don'ts . Feel free to contribute anything of value, even a little humor is fine. Some of these are subjective so if you dont agree thats cool too. Do's Always have morphine in you main inventory,if u break a leg you may not be able to take it from your pack before you pass out. Have a good time and realize everything you have can be gotten back in a couple of hours searching. When your hunger/thirst meter starts blinking you have 5-10 minutes before you actually start taking damage, every minute you wait is an extra minute looking for more food. If you see someone on top of a building, they are not friendly. farming a grid? take everything including trash, nothing else will respawn until all loot is taken or server restart. When switching primaries switch from backpack to inventory, do not switch from your main slot to your backpack, you will lose a gun. Don'ts Never go prone on stairs Epipens imo are worthless,tho i dont team up much Dont be afraid to use your new shiny weapon, At some point your blood will be all over it and it's really just a matter of how clips you didn't use and let someone else have. Don't be the guy who rambles on the teamspeak, sure you think you sound cool, but it does get old. And never EVER, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES go to green mountain!!!
  3. Jack Lz

    If dayz were a movie ..

    if dayz were a movie,noone would be able to watch it,having broken their legs trying to sit down.
  4. Jack Lz

    M249 SAW

    i picked my m249 saw up over the weekend on a fresh heli crash, worked fine for me.
  5. Jack Lz

    DayZ Do's and Don'ts

    "What exactly is wrong with green man btw besides a waste of time? " its the new meme i was havin my funsies. But seriously...dont go to green mountain.
  6. go for a used ebay computer q6600 or better hd 4870 550 watt 2-4gig ram high settings in 1080 30-60fps
  7. Jack Lz

    Ppl still play this? Lol

    to quote the original posters other gems.... "i server hop to get infinite gear + flank behind you and alt+f4 when im about to die. i also shoot on sight regardless if youre unarmed." "Rofl @ all the QQ threads complaining about being killed by other players. i got a suggestion for ya, go play a singleplayer game cause you obviously cant handle getting ownt by other players"
  8. Alot of the servers i've been hitting lately have had sporadic showers then calm, please dont change this i really like the balance! That is all.
  9. Jack Lz

    I lol'd, then i cried a bit..

    21 days alive ,DMR and a revolver with coyote backpack...was one of the first to find out you lose it all if you put on camo. Edit: still alive tho
  10. It's taking way to long to read and respond to all the complaints and leaving forever threads. If you would kindly just leave any complaints here,it would be much more efficient to fill my cereal bowl with your tears.
  11. ?? goto dayz wiki and figure it out. are you talking about the m1014? cuz that does spawn at military buildings
  12. this is low end, it can run high gfx at 30 fps.if u can build a pc , this will run you 300 bucks or so if u take your time to find the good parts. intel quad core q 6600 hd 4870 4 gig 667 ram 550w power asus p45 if u go this route, become familiar with which chipsets will run pcie 2.0 , as its the most important to reduce bottlenecking.
  13. steam name chachaduck teamspeak/mic ready , are you playing tonight? i am geared and dont want to solo
  14. Rocket please, i've had some dumb ideas in the past but this would be so useful. Examine body's on players should say whether they've been eaten, shot or starved to death. It wouldn't interfere with the realism of the game, and it would help tremendously!!! Now about my idea for zeds to smell, and wind direction....
  15. Jack Lz

    De-Evolution of the Human Race

    There are multiple posts on this subject, Bandits will be bandits, some people will panic and shoot first, and some will walk away.There are people who are setting up trading posts and medics who will come to you to heal you, all without direct assistance from the game. And to quote zeds posts "Am I inhumane if I block your shot during a game of basketball? Or box you out and get a rebound you were going for? Am I inhumane if I distract you by endangering your queen with my bishop, only to advance with my rook and checkmate you? Am I inhumane if I take advantage of your taking that last corner slowly in order to pass you on the inside and win the race? DayZ is designed to pit us against each other. Tactical combat against human opponents is as important a part of the game as socialization, exploration and gathering of survival resources. You can no more call my humanity into question for shooting you in DayZ than you can for calling a fake punt in a football game." I would go a little further and say when i play real money poker i cannot feel sorry for my opponent,and day z portrays that same feeling in the game.
  16. Jack Lz

    DayZ Dean 'Rocket' Hall Interview

    Awesome job, many questions and answers were things I hadn't heard before. sticky please
  17. Jack Lz

    Any friendly severs?

    sounds like he wouldve shot first anyways, be glad you killed the guy who killed you (thats a great line from the classic movie "the big red one")
  18. Jack Lz

    Any friendly severs?

    I h8 to ask but is that a freudian slip on your part? In the title you typed friendly "severs" ..i'd say you "severed" the friendship between you and your victim... then in the main body of the post you asked for "fiendly" servers... you fiend! i'm just messin around dont mind me
  19. Jack Lz

    Content request: Evil Wizard skin

    this is just silly. everyone knows we want a rideable MY LITTLE PONY
  20. very nice of you to create this map. if you dont mind some suggestions. 1. refilling in the ocean was patched out 2. at the nw airfield north of the hangars, there is a barracks with a treeline alongside of it, its always very heavily occupied. 3. very important.... zombies spawn when a player is detected in an area, if u come up on a town that has zeds already in it when you arrive, that means someone was there before you, and may still be around!
  21. jesus i can only imagine if had been a mountain dew XD
  22. Jack Lz

    Now 1 Million!!!!! + Unique Players!!!

    i bought arma the day after the first pcg article, there were 52,000 uniques. this is the kind of customer voting that companies look at, i imagine right now there are 3-4 studios looking into a mmohs (i called it here pay me now)
  23. In one of the E3 interviews on pcg they mentioned how easy it would be to introduce limited electricity (repairable generators). What do you think?
  24. Jack Lz

    Dumbest ways you've lost a vehicle

    i cant relate in words how crazy this story is for me i was dying of hunger and thirst. i was so bad-off the screen was grey and kept blurring every 10 seconds.i kept passing out every 2 minutes. then in my haze i find the water hole just south of the nw airfield, i fill my canteens and go prone, looking at my map trying to find some easy food. all of a sudden i hear an engine..i dont move... then footsteps....then the footsteps grow fainter.. i get up and look around. 100 yards from me is a jeep or whatever it is. i get in and step on the gas. because of my hunger i cant see where im going and alert all the zeds in a barn, they chase me thru a cornfield. i realize i only have 500 blood left and wont survive. so with 12 zeds on my butt, and 500 health i turn around and start running the zeds over with the sound of yakkity sax in my head. died in the seat