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Everything posted by robo47

  1. robo47

    Advanced Military Tactics Ep2

    Loved It!
  2. Age: 14 How long have you played DayZ: 3 months Why do you Want to join SRT: i have been looking for a clan like SRT for a long time. What is your strength in DayZ (Marksman, Recon, Artillery, Pilot, Assault Rifle Oriented, Driver, Etc, Etc.): i am currently working on marksman cause i like the fell of you can see them but they cant see you. Have you read the rules?: yes i know that i must put SRT as my name tag, no hacking,duping, etc, no shooting un armed players. Do you accept these rules?: yes , i think these rules are fair and just Do you have a working mic?: yes Do you have teamspeak? If so What is your name, If not download it and state your name here: yes :Robo What timezone do you live in: pacific What country do you hail from?(Don't worry I'm not a Stalker):Merica What is your time schedule on the week days and week days that you will be available?: whenever needed (unless party,special occasion) sincerly, Robo
  3. hello, like i said in the topic i am looking for a good clan that thats not huge, but not small, uses mumble or raidcall and is made up of mostly nice people. in addition i do not want a clan that kills on sight everytime(unless threatened) cause thats just not cool. please respond ! :) -robo
  4. robo47

    Recruiting for group: Balota Bean Bandits

    i would like to join u
  5. robo47

    Group up?

    do you have a high voice?
  6. i just want 4-5 people who can teach me a few things and are mature NO SQUEAKERS! so ya just tell me: skype: age: time on: bandit or friendly: maturity level: teamspeak if u have it : THX :)
  7. robo47

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    HEY! i found one of your camps :) Basiccly thanks for all the guns/ammo/supplies >:)
  8. robo47

    Looking for a partner

    sweet sounds fun add me on skype :robo471999 (P.S) i was not born in 1999
  9. what do you have skype? teamspeak? mumble?i would love to play
  10. i have skype but i prefer ts3 skype:robo471999 i dont h ave the 2 moth+ but i just want to join a group and play i have alot of gaming experience and i just want to play and kill - robo
  11. i would love to team up but i cant :( im new to this game i have 1 other player we could team with but ya srry my skype is: robo471999
  12. robo47

    looking for a 3-4 group/clan

    yes join us ^^^^
  13. robo47

    Looking for a tent.

    you guys wanna team up im bored :/
  14. i just want to play with 3-4 people that can teach me a few things about the game! -robo i have: SKYPE/TS3/RAIDCALL
  15. robo47

    Looking for good people to play with

    umm ya sounds fun i have TS3 skype and raidcall PM if u want to team later