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About FourFiveSix

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    On the Coast
  1. FourFiveSix

    Session Lost

    Ive had the game for about half a year and this just started happening to me too. This is everything i have tried so far http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/1azfs8/you_were_kicked_or_session_lost_message/ I can get on everything except chernarus. The only thing i can think of at this point is that my key was generated randomly, but it seems strange that this would happen to several people around the same time.
  2. Same here. At first i was getting "you have been kicked" and now its session lost. I tried reinstalling, verifying the files, running arma while i run dayz.
  3. Map is lingor and me and my friend are driving by maruko. A survivor opens fire on my friend who is driving in front of me so i swerve off and hit him, breaking his leg. We circle back to finish him off. My friend baits him out and i hit him once, he alt+f4's so i decide to camp his body. As im standing between two rocks my character glitches out and starts breaking his leg and bleading, i die and as my friend is loading my gear in the car he comes back in and kills him. All in all an incredibly terrible way to die, ive felt the wrath of alt+f4 before but never like this.
  4. Getting shot in the leg or arm is typically a crippling blow, this could make for some really interesting situations. Imagine your running away from a pack with someone you just met, one pop in his leg and youl have plenty of time to get away. In a firefight if you get shot in the arm your then restricted to pistols until healed. Thoughts?