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Everything posted by bearded123@hotmail.com

  1. bearded123@hotmail.com

    Need Medical assistance? Medics in Training can help!

    I'm no medic myself but I am willing to lend a hand to medics and provide support/bodyguard so if medic is looking for a service like that PM me or add me on steam: Intenzifier for more details. I'm looking to get more experience in the bodyguard service and maybe join TMW.
  2. bearded123@hotmail.com

    [GoC] Guardians of Chernarus Recruiting

    Ingame name: Intenzifier Steam Name: Intenzifier Age: 21 Mic: Yes Preferred role: Sniper or Spotter. Timezone: GMT-5 How often do you play a day and at what times: Mostly at night between 11pm-5am (weekends are open). Bandit: Nope. Survivor: Yes. Humanity: Not sure. Hacker or scripter: No.
  3. bearded123@hotmail.com

    Introduce yourselves

    Name (ingame): Intenzifier I've been playing for a couple months now and almost all of it being a lone wolf, while it has been fun I'm now looking for a group or clan to play with. I stick to US servers mostly and play a cautiosly friendly style, I have a steam account (same name as on here) I don't have skype atm but do have TS so send a PM if interested.