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About cbarnes1

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    On the Coast
  1. The problem here is not that he was using a hacked weapon. We were originally banned for using scripts and aimbots of which the admins had no actual proof. No logs, nothing said in chat, nothing. Later they find out that he was using this weapon and decide to ban him for that. Stephen and I were not even aware that using the tws was against the server rules because we were never informed or even given a warning. The admins clearly broke the bottom line that you so clearly pointed out and then backtracked when they had no evidence. Some servers are fine with having hacked weapons so long as you do not run scripts. So why should he get a perma-ban for using a weapon that we had no idea was not permitted. I understand some people think weapons like the tws are not fair but that is your opinion and must me stated somewhere, so that we are aware it will get us banned on the server. Likewise the admins have no proof that he was using the tws until after I stated he was not using an aimbot. The only proof they have is something that I said, and I was not even present for the last battle which he got banned for. For all I know he could have found a regular as50 and done the same thing. There is just a lack of evidence here for this to be a permanent ban AND a shady way to treat a situation where the admins had no evidence to support their claims. We stated above that if we had known the weapon was not allowed on that server then we would not have used it or even joined the server in the first place. So honestly I don't care about your two cents, we were both banned with no evidence to support it and only after the fact did they change his ban for using the hacked weapons.
  2. Still banned btw. Just when ever you guys have the time is cool. Thanks
  3. So if you were surviving in a zombie apocalypse and found a gun you would rather leave it there? Playing the game realistically anything I find is fair game, who cares if someone else hacked it in. A lee entfield can be just as dangerous as an as50 tws.
  4. Ah ok there is the problem. My friend at the time was using an as50 aws. We did not see anything about using hacked in guns that we had just found but if that is against the server rules then we understand. He said he did have a ridiculous no-scope on the driver of the bus but the people in the trees showed up on thermal. Also, shooting down the heli was possibly the coolest thing we have ever done in dayz. ^_^ gg
  5. I understand and would gladly have the admins show me what evidence they used to ban me and my friend.
  6. My friend Stephen and I were playing on US 3040 when we ran into the admin and his clan in a heli. After being circled and shot at repeatedly for what seemed like 10 minutes my friend got a lucky shot with his as50 and took the heli down. We were ecstatic at the dumb luck he had and quickly moved on after looting their bodies. Not two hours later we run into the same clan driving a bus up the coast. They quickly took the opportunity to ram the bus into our ural and try to kill us with no prior aggravation. Since they were only armed with lee entfields and crossbows dispatching them was rather easy. About 30 minutes after the last showdown happened we were banned for spawning vehicle tires and aim bots. I understand the admin was angry after being killed repeatedly by us but to say that we were using any form of cheating is a complete and utter lie. My friend and I do not cheat and don't have the slightest clue of how to script. This is either a blatant misuse of admin power or a big misunderstanding. Either way we were wrongfully banned from this server and do not believe this was the correct way for the admin to handle this situation. Chris Banned from US 3040