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Everything posted by CarRacer

  1. Super weird. There was a ton of medical stuff in there, tools and a Bison and M9SD in there. Everything that you listed basically. Obviously you didn't set it up but it appears somebody who gets your plan did. I'll switch my concentration to filling the self aid marked tents.
  2. Yeah, it was a tent listed as "Beckup" at 115 046 (Due west of Khelm.)
  3. I've been trying to fill up the tent on 373 outside Berenzino. I'm new to tents though and forgot to save it after dumping in a tent, some steaks, and a set of NVG. Whoops. I did make a run to the hospital after that though and found some antibiotics and other supplies to out in there. Hopefully it saved, so there would be two antibiotics in there. I like your idea and hope it continues to help the community.