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About TehGrizzlyBear

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. TehGrizzlyBear

    LF bandit buddy :D

    Title says it all, im look for ONE other person to play with, and only one. I hate playing with big groups. Im 15, mature, funny, good at Day Z and gaming in General. Must have a good mic, skype, and be a bandit :3 Also pref 14+ post skype names below. my skype name : thecrabmechanic
  2. TehGrizzlyBear

    Looking for a partner! (Requirements in topic)

    Add me on Skype thecrabmechanic username will show up as TehGrizzlyBear
  3. Hello fellow Day Z players! I'm a 15 year old, experienced Day Z player, I have decent gear, (Recently died) I am a bandit, because the way I see it, you don't shoot them, they'll shoot you. I know my way all across Chernarus, I know how to safely takeoff, pilot, and then safely land a helicopter. I have done many Evac missions with old squads of mine, I have a few conditions, you must be 15+, I hate playing with young kids, and people new to the game, I am sorry, but (Yes, I know I am still young.) but I do not have time to baby sit, (as in telling the person to go 2 steps to left, then 1 step back, then go right to get to me) and teach people how to play the game. You also must not hesitate to shoot anyone, (besides me, lol) because a huge thing I always tell myself when I see a newly spawned player on the coast is, that if right now, I dont kill them now, maybe in 2-3 hours when there geared, they could be the ones to kill me. I also dont want to play with people who are shy to talk, shy to make jokes, or whatever. Also, a huge thing, no alt f4ers. Also, this is a big thing to me, if you reply to this message, and add me on Skype, you must ONLY play with me, because I hate having to play with a perosn, who plays with like 3-4 different people, every other day. Aswell, you must also have a good microphone, Skype: Thecrabmechanic (Username will show up TehGrizzlyBear)