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Everything posted by strayshadow

  1. strayshadow

    The definitive VEHICLE SPAWNS thread

    Quite a while ago I found a fresh Huey spawned on top of the Fire Station in Elektro. No one else in the server believed me when I said it was there and wouldn't help because it was so obviously a bandit trap... I found a rotor head for it but then the server crashed =D
  2. strayshadow


    The idea of having a defibrillator just came up while playing in NY5, went to post it on here and found this post already. I think it would be cool, just add a 5-10 second count down before death if a player wasn't too severely maimed when they were killed and of course if the player disconnect before that they get there usual fresh respawn without having to wait for some one to try and revive them. Also have a percent chance of it working, I remember when I trained as a First Responder I was told the depressing statistic that only 3% of CPR is actually successful though for Defibs I'm sure its higher. Maybe add CPR as an ability all players can administer?
  3. strayshadow

    Today I changed

    I usually play carefully and try to avoid players as other people seem to be very good at getting me killed. Today I was roaming on my own around the west of the map, I'd visited Green Mountain and found only the rotor head assembly and was determined to find some decent loot after coming all this way. I then stalked my way over to Zelengorsk and from my hedgerow I spot two other Survivors, one with a Winchester and the other with an AKSU. I thought I'd be careful and first said I was heading toward Zelen while keeping an eye on them to see how they reacted. After a minute or two I said I was in the town and if anyone was nearby, at which point they began sneaking around. I'd already said I was friendly so this made me a tad suspicious of them. I then tell them I can see them, at which they both drop to the ground... so I raised my enfield and dropped one of them, the other fled inside a barn. We have a drawn out duel which I found very enjoyable as we tried to oust each other. I eventually moved round to the farm he was hidden in and caught site of him leaving, I quickly ran into some bushes to get a shot at him as he comes round the corner and bang. The sneaky bugger had looped round and got me in the back with his Winchester. I figured I was dead but the screen never appeared and I only went unconscious! Not long later I stood up again, he was still knelt beside me eyeing up my inventory. I raised my enfield and put a round in his chest, he fell down and for good measure I put a second in his head. Now I was decked out in full Bandit attire I figured I had better load up from them and disappear as there is a distinct prejudice against those sporting the bandit skin... Anyway, got the AKSU with 4 mags, watch, compass and toolbox as well as two spare maps to give to people and I am left with 213 blood, so the journey to regain my health is going to be a long one if I keep passing out. I could have passed Zelengorsk and not engaged them at all, but I didn't. The End.
  4. strayshadow

    Today I changed

    I actually visited that server in the hope of finding him and came across the player 'Chernarus Transport' There group is certainly legit, though I had by then started hunting and after eating two whole cows (fat bastard!) my blood was back up at a safe level. Sadly as is often the way I had walked all the way across the map to Berezino, grabbed some more good gear, was on my way out and I was hit by a zombie and knocked out then bled to death. On another note, I did post an extended version of it to DayZ stories and they've put it up.
  5. strayshadow

    What bandit are you?

    I am purely opportunistic. I will work with survivors if it will benefit me, I will shoot other Bandits and Survivors if I think they threaten me. I spend most of my time trying to avoid people and survive though I do love a decent engagement. I am trying to perfect robbing people and leaving them alive afterwards. Tell them you have them sighted, lie as much as you like about a buddy who also has a shot, make your target drop their weapon and step back from it and to drop all their food and any other item that takes your fancy. Pick it up and back away from them, then disappear into the wilderness. Your target will run for his gun but by the time he has picked it up and it's gone through the animation of unholstering it (and often reloading it if he dropped all his ammo too) you will be well away. If you are worried about the survivors vengeance you can put a round or two in them until they fall unconscious and then leg it. It's very intense and rewarding if you pull it off. Just make sure your target is alone or you have eyes on the entire group before attempting it. I wouldn't try it on anything larger than a pair.
  6. strayshadow

    What should our next competition be?

    See who can get a screenshot of themselves beside the place name road sign of every named town first. Would require players to visit towns they would never normally visit and make those that managed to get away from them return to Cherno and Elektro.
  7. strayshadow

    Class System

    Skills, attributes, levels, classes... There is no need for them at all. The players determine that themselves and know who they are playing as. Adding labels is just not needed at all. If someone says they're a medic you have to decide if you can trust them to heal you or not. If they have a big title attached to them it totally removes that suspense.
  8. Money would be useless, I can't eat it, drink it or shoot it.
  9. I've seen some Bandits (and Survivors) being really organised and rather than shooting for sport are setting traps and robbing survivors blind before letting them go naked into the wilderness. However, it's quite easy to lie, if you've kept your starting gear you can play n00b and drop some tins of beans and they'll probably have your ammo but you'd get away with what ever you had concealed. This would be an optional proximity animation for a player to do to another to check that players inventory (I know you can already check peoples bags). It would take a bit of time so could be risky if the Bandits are in a hurry, but it would reveal what the player has on them. Also I suppose anyone who came in proximity to you would appear in your context menu and you could just pick-pocket them while they are on their map/scope/binoculars... but you can already do it with the backpack (and this wouldn't let you remove the objects) so frisking doesn't seem too silly an option. Probably a fair bit of work for such a small and probably seldom used feature but there's my little idea.
  10. strayshadow

    Changing cans of food to emtpy cans after use.

    I like the idea of that a lot. It would be cool to do this for fires as well. Though I don't know how well the servers will cope as they fill up with peoples rubbish.
  11. I've spent a little while living on the island after I swam out to it to satisfy my curiosity. Found that I can happily live there as it has a water pump/well and three buildings that seem to produce enough loot to live on. The little hamlet creates a small amount of zombies but most of it is uninhabited and would allow a perfect overwatch of the opposing mainland beaches. If anyone fancies taking a break from it all and becoming a hermit I'd recommend it. Though of course, you'll have to leave your belongings 'at the door' when you want to enter or exit... unless you have a boat. Unless someone has a boat repaired and I can get a lift I'm just going to swim off of it again soon, I enjoy playing roulette in cherno too much. You could probably have a little enclave of Survivors living there but I don't know if the loot that spawns would be enough to go round. Let the Battle Royale begin.
  12. strayshadow

    Skalisty Island Hermits

    I left the island and I'm now holidaying at the Lumber Mill. I've come across 8 dead Survivors and only one dead Bandit - if they were all his kills thats pretty impressive as they were all very well equipped.
  13. strayshadow

    Skalisty Island Hermits

    I left everything on the beach for a friend to pick up and use later on before I swam over. I found that when I did enter the water and started swimming I dropped everything except my compass and anything in your pistol ammo slots. While on the island I found a Winchester with 5 loads of ammunition, two tins of beans, a water bottle, a compass and a few other bits and pieces. With the three buildings that seem to produce loot (The boat house, the cabin and the shed beside the cabin) you could live quite well and just waiting around you would probably have the same chance of finding any item that would spawn on the main land. I swam out to a boat not far off the shore but the server crashed before I got to it, joined another server and found my temp at zero so now I have a nice cough =D
  14. strayshadow

    Introduce yourselves

    I go by Merry Mac in game and am usually found trying to help new players in and around Elektro and Cherno. So far the furthest I've gone inland is Stary Sobor. I play on what ever server I can get on (usually EU or UK as I'm from the UK...) though I do join US when my friends are online. I hate killing people as I feel guilty for the effort they may have put in to that character and try to render people unconscious then bandage them and run away (Doesn't work very often sadly) than kill. I often try to avoid other players out of fear they will attract Bandits, Zombies or they will turn on me. If a Survivor seems genuine I'll often go over to meet them and team up. At the moment I'm on Stalisty Island being a hermit before returning to the human race on the south coast. Best weapon I've had so far is definitely the M14, it seemed to be much quieter than other rifles. I'm copying Dr. Wasteland, M.D. and trying to plays as a Medic to make the game more interesting again. And like everyone else, I shot Bandits when I see them.
  15. strayshadow

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I've tried taking on different roles like this playing DayZ to try and keep it fresh, I've tried to play water mule, car parts vendor and I've recently also played as a medic and it is fun! After reading this I think I'll spend my time in the Virginia server and try helping out too.
  16. Though I am almost always tying to help people and play as a 'goody' survivor... the influx of new people has allowed me to deviate somewhat from the norm... I have taken to shooting people so they become unconscious and then robbing them of everything I can, usually dumping it on the floor beside them. It's a bit hit and miss if the die or go under and the time they spend under. I even go as far as bandaging them sometimes so that they awake perfectly fine (sort of) and totally unable to defend themselves, stripped of all their food and water (I sometimes eat and drink all of it to get rid of it quickly). As I say, I am usually friendly, though for the most part I attack no one and try to avoid other people as much as possible. I've done it to Bandits and Survivors.