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Everything posted by strayshadow

  1. strayshadow

    [GUIDE] City Sized Maps - WIP

    After looking at this thread I was wondering about how you could create a Google Street View of Chernarus. I Googled that and found some one had sort of done it already! https://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&oe=UTF8&msa=0&msid=116056823501615590603.0004556195bbb265b2ed3 Anyway. How difficult would it be to try and capture a street view of Chernarus or an area of it? Using a set camera height and the in game GPS to align pictures as with the real thing.
  2. strayshadow

    Rocket Disciplined for 1.7.1

    It's called an Alpha, updates like 1.7.1 will happen again in the future. Get used to it.
  3. strayshadow

    WAR in Elektro

    I think you got away with it.
  4. strayshadow

    Build forts in future?

    Wire fences, hedgehogs, tents and sandbags are already in with server hopping. Server hoppers are something you've just got to get used to.
  5. strayshadow

    Build forts in future?

    Play Wasteland... the two approach building in different ways. Wastelands version is more DayZ suitable.
  6. strayshadow

    Family Mechanic[Serious Thread]

    You'll end up with a baby running around demanding you 'Return to Formation' =P
  7. strayshadow

    Build forts in future?

    There's a dude called Tonic who is part of the DayZ dev team, he has also developed a mod called Wasteland that has base building in it. I doubt it will be long until that mechanic finds it's way into DayZ. [attachment=1529] [attachment=1530] Filter for Wasteland in Multiplayer and give it a go. You'll need to remove '-mod=@dayz -nosplash' from the launch options in order to play it.
  8. strayshadow

    New NVG Spawn location?

    I found my first pair at a helicopter crash site yesterday. They had spawned right underneath the helicopters model and I only noticed they were there when crawling under the tail rotor my camera intersected with it and i saw them on the ground. Never come across a pair in a Deer Stand yet.
  9. strayshadow

    Patch Notes you never want to see

    -[new] All boats now spawn in Willow Lake. -[fix] fires cause damage to players sitting on them. -[fix] Elvis spawn rate increased from 0.0000001% to 0.000001% -[new] Siphon fuel from vehicles into jerrycans. -[new] Zombies attack and eat wild animals. -[fixed] Zombie spawn radius set to 122km of city (your forests ain't safe no more!!!!). -[new] players can push cars. -[new] New player class added!! -[new] Game achievements added!!!!111oneelevenonehundredandeleven
  10. strayshadow

    DayZ players attending Rezzed, Brighton

    Sadly nothing yet, it's another bright eyed indie start up. Spent the last six months working on our first actual game. Keep your eye on Steam around January next year... Other than that I help out on game mods.
  11. strayshadow

    DayZ players attending Rezzed, Brighton

    A tiny but fun Indie studio called Infinite Playground. The website is down at the moment but we're alive!!! I'm coming in from Dorset, but that's not really that far away.
  12. strayshadow

    The Murder Factory

    I came across a similar massacre to this in that area about a month ago, there were 12 dead Survivors, all with very nice gear and one dead Bandit. [attachment=1034] No idea how so many had died in such close proximity.
  13. strayshadow

    Improvement to Humanity

    Murdering another human should always be negative for your characters mental well being, until you go insane at which point you should lose some control over what your character does to represent this insanity. You kill more than your character can handle, you go mad. That could be ten or just one man (human players). Maybe your character suddenly panics now for no reason, develops a twitch, coughs, starts seeing/hearing things that aren't there,sometimes fires a shot at random, consumes water at an increased rate because of excess sweet from stress, talks to himself etc...
  14. strayshadow

    The Leaderboards

    http://dayzmod.com/leaderboards.php How will these work? What will they cover? While playing I am now hearing 'how do I win?' almost as much as 'whos shooting in cherno'. Add suggestions for possible leaderboard achievements players could aspire to aswell! My two cents.. I think leaderboards may have a negative affect on the gameplay, players who were lost without an ability to win previously clung to the Humanity meter for a high score. High/low number = me winning, so I must kill more players. (I have no problem at all with the PvP aspect! Just preservation of the gameplay) Also if you start to name players then they themselves may become targets (more so than normal), a careful player who has nurtured their character for many weeks would possibly get a Longest Life position on a board. This sudden rise to fame could make them a target for glory hunters looking for a trophy kill and possibly spoiling that players experience by being named (though without knowing that players location they would be pretty safe...). I see anything to do with killing players would likely promote PvP, although again, no matter what type of accolades it awards it will probably be abused. Zombie slayers, longest life, most transfusions, longest time spent at sea, furthest distance traveled, most towns visited, most ammo used, largest mass-suicide, Dracula Award, biggest addict, Biggles, musical fruit dispenser etc... The caliber of this mod is fantastic and I know there is no reason to worry about any form of leader board as like with every other part of the mod it, the dev team will come up with something that fits. Someone with a better understanding should probably repost this as my analytical writing skills are somewhat below par... I'm not for it or against it, just curios about the feature and how it may affect the game.
  15. strayshadow

    Survivor Society

    Tonic runs a server which plays a very interesting mod called Wasteland, that is essentially what you have described here except with three teams of human players. Since Tonic is on the dev team for this I'm sure we will start seeing more outpost construction in future updates =) Though with 121,025 unique players (29/05) I'm sure there will be a fair bit of competition for group leaders.
  16. Would a server owner/admin locking/passwording a server so they can gather rare items and vehicles count as abuse?
  17. strayshadow

    Found a use for tincans/whisky bottles

    If they're nearby, after I've looted someone I fill them up with garbage. Also if I want a fresh respawn i tend to fill my pockets with rubbish to irritate the person who kills me.
  18. strayshadow

    [Story] I'm a very bad man.

    This is why when ever my group meet a random he always goes in the middle of us =P
  19. Read a suggestion about a defibrillator earlier and after talking to some people in a server (i think it was Chicago 5) we thought CPR may be a good edition. All players would be capable of administering it using the context menu. Instead of immediately being shown the respawn prompt screen, IF a players wounds weren't too massive, they get a short countdown in which, if CPR is administered they may survive. Probably with the ability to just give up and die rather than wait around if you know no one is coming. I remember being told the real chance of CPR working is 3% (not certain of that!) so it wouldn't be some miracle resurrection spell to bring everyone back. Carrying out CPR would also leave the patient and the person administering it vulnerable so it wouldn't be without its risks.
  20. strayshadow

    Give players CPR as an ability?

    It wouldn't be for unconsciousness, the Epi-pen wakes up a player. This would be used on a player that has died. It is the exact same mechanic repeated unnecessarily =P I failed to look a bit deeper into it before posting. But that's what this forum is for, you post an idea, you get feedback and people point out the obvious that you managed to miss =D
  21. strayshadow

    Give players CPR as an ability?

    lol veery good point... CPR is pretty much heart attacks. Ok that was some class A bollocks on my part. Also I feel your pain, I was eaten by a rock earlier today =(
  22. strayshadow

    Steel bolts and taking them

    I saw in the suggestions forum about having a quiver. Could be good if your going to be dedicated to the crossbow if it replaced your pistol slot and arrows filled the pistol mag slots.