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Everything posted by strayshadow

  1. strayshadow

    Another funny Bandit encounter.

    Not sure how people are having trouble understanding this... Dude 1 - Appears to be unarmed and fleeing from Dude 2, who is armed. This on the beach which is notorious for people dubbing themselves 'bandits' camping and shooting new spawns. (I have nothing against actual Bandits!) Dude 1 actually has a Sawn-off shotgun in his backpack. When they see me they immediately decide to try and hold me up... not exactly a friendly thing to do =/ (I did not draw my fists until they started the usual 'Drop your shit' rhetoric). Dude 3 arrives and brings an axe to the party. They then proceeded to kill and maim each other while I chased my tail. I get killed. Then a forth player shoots anyone left alive and leaves. I don't think KoS distinguishes 'pro' or 'n00b' just marks a lazy player.
  2. strayshadow

    Another funny Bandit encounter.

    Aw Id-airgrafix that's cute. I wasn't bragging at all, just sharing a silly story (check the title). Their deaths were not due to my skill and I don't claim that, they died because they were so crap they killed each other. Which is why it's funny. If you had read what I'd written you'd have discovered I gave chase to try and help another player who looked like he was getting mugged. I had just spawned and had nothing to lose. Also, the sawn-off is small enough to hide inside a backpack. http://dayz.gamepedia.com/Sawed-off_IZH-43 <--- Have a read.
  3. I remember trying to do this as a challenge back on the mod. You had to get a screenshot of your character at certain landmarks around Chernarus in a populated server. It was supposed to be a test of a players survival skills and encourage people to move around more/give some further gameplay once you've geared up. The destinations didn't have to be dangerous. Rules Server population be around 30+Same character has to make it to each locationNo server hopping low population servers to cross the distances That was about it =/
  4. strayshadow

    Chernarus+ Exploration Challenge?

    That would be cool! Me and some friends are having a go at the moment but we're unfamiliar with the new landmarks and interesting places in the new Chernarus so the destinations are a bit hap-hazard! Could do other silly events, like the fastest players across Chernarus in a populated server.
  5. strayshadow

    Go go Uber Cherno!?

    I'm sure I found a post from someone wondering the impact of the new size of Chernogorsk would be. I haven't found it again yet so I'll assume I invented it and my psychosis is coming along nicely. (EDIT: Found the post - http://dayzmod.com/f...one-i-hope-not/ ) In the dev blog we're show a WIP part of the new northern Cherno. I had a look at the maps for Chernarus and of the real world location to get a feel for how big the new Cherno may be and then put this lovely piece of photoshop together! I included the original image so you can draw your own conclusions. It looks as though it can easily be twice the size it currently is. Light red denotes a flat area which could easily have more streets on it without mucking around with the height map in Visitor 3 (not that the devs will have problems with editing the terrain!).
  6. strayshadow

    Go go Uber Cherno!?

    I'm paranoid enough when I walk through that city as it is, with so many more windows and roofs to check I may take to closing my eyes and running forwards =P
  7. strayshadow

    Go go Uber Cherno!?

    I saw him say that which is why I went on and made this map, and using the satellite image worked out how far they may expand to the north west as well as north as they also said they are keeping to the original real world city as much as possible.
  8. strayshadow

    Roaming Elektro and found an interesting bug!

    I love that he doesn't seem to mind either!
  9. I've just been to a LAN party that lasted a good 24 hours and as a staple of it we always have a game of CTI on Arma 2 or muck about on Operation Flashpoint among others! Anyway, to the point! I don't know if this has happened already or if there would be any demand at all for an event like it but would anyone be interested in a DayZ endurance event? A few special rules added in like if you are killed you're eliminated and not allowed to respawn. The goal wouldn't be to attempt to maim every living thing in the server, just do what you do (maybe with some objectives thrown in??). So 50+ Players running around Chernarus in a secure server The event lasts for 24 hours (or maybe a bit less?) If you die or disconnect you're eliminated from the competition 4... profit? It could be streamed but that may just ruin it if players join the stream to find out where their opponents are. In theory and practice it will probably be a hideous broken mess with much rage and boredom on both sides of the stream, but here it is! Please add your opinions or ideas =D
  10. strayshadow

    Go go Uber Cherno!?

    I've seen the pictures and I've seen the videos. I think you may be looking for some of these pics http://www.pcgamer.com/2013/02/18/dayz-standalone-gets-new-screenshots-and-progress-report-everything-has-been-redone/ I was just drawing it out on the map for other players to see how big the city could soon sprawl. Also the satellite view was so players can see the parts that Ivan Buchta and the team are adding as they said they are building it as closely as possible to the real world counterpart . I really like it that Cherno is going to become such a large urban area!
  11. strayshadow

    Ammo 2x M107 2x M240 for trade/free

    On my lootings I have picked these up as I thought another player could use them. I'm already geared enough to get by and the only things I'd like are quite ridiculous compared with what I have to offer or so trivial I'll fall over it in a few minutes. I am not on the trusted traders list yet as this would be my first trade since its introduction. Ideally wanting to trade with someone who is trusted. I play on UK 172 (official hive), can find a different server if you like. If you are interested just PM me and we can work out a meeting point. I'll use Skype or Steam to contact in game so you've got something to shame me with if I am not legitimate!
  12. strayshadow

    Ammo 2x M107 2x M240 for trade/free

    I'll take those! No worries, take your time. PM me when your ready and we can sort out a location etc...
  13. strayshadow

    Ammo 2x M107 2x M240 for trade/free

    Essentially yeah, I wouldn't mind getting a pair of binoculars/map in exchange if you want to exchange something. I feel your pain for the Dew! I found two in a broken helicopter and lasted about a day longer =P Drink it to end the curse!
  14. strayshadow

    24 hour DayZ challange?

    I was thinking you could have players running around as Dungeon Master like characters to give objectives. I once made a really broken arma 2 mission of Kinji Fukasaku's Battle Royale on Utes Island with random player spawns, random gear and death zones slowly herding the surviving players towards each other. Maybe we could make a 24 hour Battle Royale with those sort of rules? Though that is straying a little from regular DayZ.
  15. strayshadow

    24 hour DayZ challange?

    Wow I managed to miss this! Those guys did an amazing job, the amount of effort that's gone into it really shows. There's no way I could contribute prizes like that too lol. I suppose the differentiation of this from that at the moment is the player numbers and the flying cameras.
  16. strayshadow

    24 hour DayZ challange?

    I was just thinking that! They have the infrastructure and fan base already in place! Well this escalated quickly, shall we make it so?
  17. strayshadow

    If Rocket messaged you tomorrow...

    Change the in-game text from Cyrillic to Wingdings then we're all in the same boat when we're lost =P
  18. strayshadow

    24 hour DayZ challange?

    I think it would be best if the gameplay remains dynamic even in this event, players will go into it with a mind set of what they want to do during this time so small armies may form organically. A server with a large player limit would be best to increase the chances of player interaction, maybe 80 to 100 players. If it is over subscribed or to make sure the players participating are random we could hold a lottery? Not sure how you could set up a Twitch or Live Stream feed though unless its by Crow cam lol
  19. strayshadow

    24 hour DayZ challange?

    I'd be up for it, I think it could be pretty entertaining and DayZ could use some community events =)
  20. A brief holiday in Cherno and Elektro is good character building! Usually because you're about to start again =P Anyway, I really liked how things are looking with the stand-alone. One thing that did worry me is the vast amount of windows you're now going to have to look at as you move around =/ My paranoia meter is going to break!
  21. I have some going spare and know how incredibly smeggy it can be to have your character fall ill. I'm not looking to trade just to help out. Attached a pic of my inventory just before logging out today. Yep I have two Mountain Dew so I think the Dew Curse will hit me pretty hard soon! Get the while I'm still warm. The short of it. Has Drugs, will travel.
  22. strayshadow

    Does anyone need some antibiotics?

    Should have held a glow stick rave, those things always end well.
  23. strayshadow

    How to be "friendly" without getting killed?

    If I spot someone I watch them, see what they're like. If they seem trust-able I'll try and get close enough to speak to them from a hiding place, if not I wait till they're gone then I move on. If they spot you first then its totally up to the other player. Just be very alert when moving around. I've always tried to play DayZ without killing another player (makes it more fun for me), you can go for some considerable time before your luck runs out.
  24. Hey everyone! I was already going as I have a company and wanted to network and meet the awesome people you usually get at these events but after hearing the news I felt even better for buying a ticket for Rezzed. I was wondering how many of us would be bundling on to the DayZ stand =P
  25. strayshadow

    Street View Chernarus

    Had some down time while waiting for a call... so I made a few panoramic pictures of Chernogorsk out of screen shots. I've been using some freeware to stitch the panoramics together and make an interactive Google Street View but it looks like ass and for now I have run out of time. So here are the five images I've made up. I wasn't being very careful and didn't bother capturing the sky or the ground as I was only experimenting. Also, the images were captured from vanilla Arma 2 not DayZ so I could get pretty pictures. I'd quite like to try and do this again, properly and in DayZ... though I think Cherno and Elektro may prove hazardous. Enjoy.