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Gatsby (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Gatsby (DayZ)

  1. Gatsby (DayZ)


    Gentlemen, I believe I can help you. I have a few Coyote packs I'd be willing to give to you, if you're going to help for the greater good! phd.wright is my Skype name, I'm not into the medic thing myself, but I will provide you with necessary equipment for hauling and moving things! (also have camoflauge, I'll throw it in as a bonus)
  2. Gatsby (DayZ)

    Looking for an M249 W/ Ammo

    I have the M249. I have 4 200 round mags. skype - phd.wright Character name - Yuri Hopefully, we can trade soon.
  3. Gatsby (DayZ)

    Taxi to NWAirfield requested

    I have a car. However, I'd be a bit reluctant as to drive you somewhere, as it could either be an ambush, or as soon as you're finished, a shot in the head, with no car.
  4. Gatsby (DayZ)

    Bandit hunting group, safety in numbers

    I have a lot of civi clothing, if someone would like to trade? skype - phd.wright I set up time and place. No exceptions.
  5. I'm part of a small group, I'm usually friendly. Hopefully you will be too. Skype - phd.wright Character name - Yuri I got plenty of equipment, and Im always looking to share.
  6. I've only been playing since 1.7.5, but I know my way around. Add me on Skype, or I'll add you. phd.wright Character name - Yuri.
  7. Gatsby (DayZ)

    LF An L85A2 AWS

    I'm willing to trade 2 Ghillies, a DMR (2 mags), and a M4A3 CCO (4 mags) for an L85A2 AWS. Also open to offers. contact me through: Skype - phd.wright DAYZ Character name - Yuri I hope we can work out an agreement.
  8. I got a DMR with 3 clips. I'll trade it for the m107 and the 2 mags no problem.
  9. Gatsby (DayZ)

    Hero Suit

    I pretty much just keep my Ghillie on at all times. People are more likely to attack people that don't have anything that can put up a fight. All though I pretty much get shot at on every occassion I meet someone :S
  10. Gatsby (DayZ)

    Dayz friends wanted

    Skype - phd.wright DAYZ Survivor name - Yuri I've got quite a bit of gear, and I'm usually friendly. Add me if you're interested.
  11. Gatsby (DayZ)

    Looking for a Dayz Partner

    My name is Dan Wright Skype (phd.wright) Character name (Edmond Dantes) I've lost a lot of equipment to bandits and hackers, I'm in your timezone aswell. I usually play on low-pop servers, less chance of getting KoS'd.
  12. Gatsby (DayZ)

    [Trade] DMR

    I would definitely NOT trade NVG for a DMR with 5 mags. Granted, the DMR is a pretty good weapon.
  13. phd.wright Dan Wright (real name) Edmond Dantes (DAY Z Character name) I look forward to meeting you. I'm 17, and it seems to me that most clans with age restrictions (based on my experiences) just want to muscle your stuff and threaten you if you don't do what they want.
  14. Gatsby (DayZ)

    im looking for a team

    phd.wright Dan Wright (real name) Edmond Dantes (DAY Z Character name)