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Posts posted by sparky245

  1. The new patch won't count it as anything. If any of you guys live in a major metropolitan area, you might notice surveyors or pressure hoses across traffic lanes or a guy in a lawn chair, with a clip board, watching traffic.

    They are assessing for upcoming changes to the traffic flow. Maybe upgrading a stop sign to a light, maybe adding a turn lane.

    You guys are all yelling as if they're going to do it right now. The alt f4 stuff is being measured. Connects and disconnects. Measured. Logged. That way, the toolset that they have in the future won't be based on my anecdotal belief, or yours, but on real numbers.

    You devaluing my belief, boy?


    • Like 1

  2. I hope this new anti-alt f4 isn't as black and white as I fear it may be. I had a terrible time getting into the servers the past few days,and I had to reconnect to a few of them before I could play. What if this is counted as server hopping to gain advantage? Maybe it was touched on in a previous post, just mentioning a potential issue.

    Any news on the compatibility of the new 1.62 patch?


    Since i have the first post hijacked: There are currently severe hacking issues across most DayZ servers. And i'm not talking about some kid with aimbot or other self-empowering tools, but things like:

    - Killing the entire server at the press of a button

    - Teleporting the entire server to one place

    Happened to me yesterday. Was in NE airfield, just got an ALICE and AK Kobra. Teleported to Cherno, everyone standing around saying "nobody shoot". I disconnected immediately (it's not like I was alt f4'ing a PvP, it was a hacker manufactured situation). From the player select screen I saw a wave of people killed. When I joined another server, I was in Cherno, with my old AKM, but the AK-74 mags. Now begins the trek to the North...

    I'll just pretend I was kidnapped, better than "a hacker teleported me".

  3. Notes after playing

    - Unable to pick up certain hatchets (Fairly widespread anyway, it's only a few of them have issues)

    - Widespread wire fencing (Addressed in next patch)

    - Broken leg after a few hits (I actually don't mind this, only happened once and after a few minutes crawling we found 2 morphine injectors for each of us in the same spot. Not the crisis people were describing)

    - Food less common (I really like this. It brings the survival aspect back into it. My friend was starving for a while before we eventually found food. There was a real urgency for a while)

    - Zombie LOS (Very good update, zombies seem more natural rather than superhuman all seeing cannibals, also that bit easier to evade)

    I like the direction the mod is taking. I find it quite appalling the way people on this forum berate rocket for not doing this or that or adding a new feature and then start whining when it takes too long. It's part time, he's not getting paid, it's his idea. If he wants to develop it his way, add a new feature, we let him know if it works for the masses. It's an alpha, it's all about trying new things. That may mean one patch is less playable or fun than the last but it's a process. We put everything in the basket and then decide what goes in the fridge when we get home. We're testers, not developers. It's one thing to say after you've played the version if something doesn't work technically or as part of the experience, but to throw a fit when one new feature (in this case, the bear trap) is added? Without knowing how it works or how easy it is to acquire? I can't imagine it would be that much of a nuisance.

    I like the ideas for the connection cooldown times, something that most feel is necessary. I haven't had it happen to me at all, so I don't know how necessary.
