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Everything posted by gerrard8

  1. So just basically sick of building up my character with gear and carefully getting to outskirts of elektro/cherno to genuinely help/meet friendly players and getting killed by hackers or getting shot without hesitation and just want to do some teamokay etc with some fellow dayz players
  2. gerrard8

    Need a team/players

    Hopefully be on in hour max
  3. gerrard8

    Need a team/players

    Skype requests sent
  4. gerrard8

    Need a team/players

    I've never used Skype before its all new to me
  5. gerrard8

    Need a team/players

    Ok I found out the problem it was my mic port was set to a different input so that's fixed now and mic works
  6. gerrard8

    Need a team/players

    Ok I found out the problem it was my mic port was set to a different input so that's fixed now and mic works
  7. gerrard8

    Need a team/players

    No laptop, my load out is m4a1 cco, ppw and m14 aim and I'm 28
  8. gerrard8

    Need a team/players

    If you both can get my mic setup then I will happily oblige, cant get any feedback out the mic but it does work on my astro mixamp on my Xbox so it's not faulty
  9. Is wolf pack still recruiting?
  10. gerrard8

    Need a team/players

    Have got mic but can't get it to work on my pc