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Everything posted by tigerww2

  1. tigerww2

    Need blood bags have cco sd

    hey give me 10 of these valuable high-risk to get items and i'll give you this gun with no ammo that can be easily acquired by camping stary sobor nahh where u at bro
  2. tigerww2

    DayZ Need people to play with im 13!

    i am also 13............ i may be a bandit......... but that doesnt mean i dont like to have fun w/ other players ill pm you my info.................................................................................................................................
  3. tigerww2

    is a pdw sd logical to have

    servers can get black listed for banning for hacked items unless there's proof they spawned it herp
  4. tigerww2

    Our Tent Locations

    rage!!!!!! i just walked 20 mins on foot from that location to electro
  5. tigerww2

    is a pdw sd logical to have

    idgaf if its hacked its just a full auto m9sd with twice the ammo......... you cant blame a man
  6. tigerww2

    Trading Legit Mountain Dew

    i'll trade you my newly-scammed AS-50 and PDW SD for it
  7. tigerww2

    as50 + L85 aws for vehicle

    ill give you my pedal bike but its all red lol it doesnt move
  8. tigerww2

    Looking for granades for my ak 107 gl pso

    sorry mate its not in the game
  9. tigerww2

    hidden compartments

    peter griffins panic room http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JKFBmjxptb0
  10. after i open steam overlay to chat with my comrades i start getting like 15-20 fps if i open any menu like the chat or gear it stops lagging but as soon as i enter again the fps drops anyone know how to help (in game)
  11. tigerww2

    Stunned - knocking someone out with a club

    how about a first hit knocks them out if you keep bludgeoning them it starts dropping their blood pressure (but they dont bleed) and it does hurt zeds it does 3/4ths as much damage as a hatchet (its blunt, not bladed)
  12. tigerww2

    Arm the infected.

    How do you know what time the infection occured
  13. tigerww2

    More weapon models

    i agree there needs more bolt action rifles like a Mosin Nagant or a Mauser 98 or something like Springfield
  14. tigerww2

    More weapon models

    well bar too then cuz it was before sturmgewehr and it was an auto rifle the sturmgewehr was the first modernized assault rifle (large magazine and ergonomic)
  15. tigerww2

    More weapon models

    1. sturmgewehr was first assault rifle in the world 2. sagia 12 is already in game, as well is the VSS Vintorez, and PKM,PKP, and RPD 3. why are all of these RUSSIAN/UKRAINIAN GUNS >:U
  16. tigerww2

    Discourage Player Killing Suggestion

    the point of the game is pvp
  17. tigerww2

    Get rid of Snipers completely?

    If you were removed, I'd be happy
  18. tigerww2

    Arm the infected.

    how about all the soldiers have like makarovs (with no ammo) in their inventory i mean really are all the chernarussian army rambo dual wielding guns? and they usually will have an AKM or AK74 with one half-used mag and if they see you they will shoot at you but they are terribel shots because they cant see good (blood and half eaten eyes) theres a 5/100 percent chance that the gun will show up in his inventory after you kill him but there wont be ammo heavy soldiers might carry stuff like grenades (smoke) or m203 grenades i mean do they just take off all their stuff after they die? wtf you know kind of like this http://stalker.wikia.com/wiki/Zombified_Stalkers but yeha im saying they wont be good shots and they drop not so much loot but a reasonable amount (ffs they're army zombies) maybe.... just maybe one will have a DMR or something :3
  19. i think that homemade guns/crafting guns would be dumb but something like bows and arrows would be as common as makarov ammo in the wild like in deer stands (compound bows)
  20. this is survivor hq not candy stealer hq D:<
  21. It's just a camo M24 basically so it's fine to keep it.