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Everything posted by tigerww2

  1. tigerww2

    Solar Powered Camo Golf Carts

    theres as 50s everywhere mate
  2. tigerww2

    Suggestion; Zombie Logic Pathing

    shamblerzzzzzzzzz add shamblerzzzzzzzzz they are slow and limp towards u but when they hit u its like for 3000 blood points and it has a 25 percent chance of fractures on impact and they have twice as much health as ya regular zed :D
  3. tigerww2

    an idea to solve the PVP fiasco

    umm i kill ppl IRL 4 my own amusement.................................. not kidding
  4. umm, im pretty sure the dmr and m24s fire NATOS, after all they're NATO weapons. and so does the FAL fire NATOS, its a NATO weapon.
  5. tigerww2

    Server - Settings - Toughness

    (rents public hive server) (sets m107 spawn chance to 100% in barracks) (sets loot pile chance to 100% in barracks) (goes around killing people with m107 and never having to find another one)
  6. :( well. the vest and hat and stuff could be removed??? idk less parts to render lolz.
  7. tigerww2

    Prototype Quadrotor

    why not
  8. i dont think this would work out
  9. tigerww2

    Ability to shoot out of car windows

    the v3s has a slot in the cab on the top where they mount nade launchers how about you can fix an m249 or an mk48 or an m240 on there? yeah yeah? or a sniper rifle THE MOBILE SNIPER >:D
  10. lols maybe... maybe players could have a choice to play as a zed and shamble around although, that might not work so well but yes, if a player is beaten to death by a zombie, he should turn into a zombie 12 hours later (real time) they will keep like 1/4th of their loot, and sometimes keep their backpack. they might keep their pistol!
  11. tigerww2

    drivable trains

    ever spawn in kamenka with no way to go other than running to zeds? what if there was a train there!!! you could drive right through the town all the way to elektro and get geared up, then all the way up to berenzino and do your thing :D
  12. tigerww2

    drivable trains

  13. also this shit typing doesnt show up in direct
  14. i'm 13, i'd be glad to team up with you
  15. good luck mate the l85s are in short supply they dont spawn anymore we've only got i'd say about 15,000 left and most of those are being held tight
  16. tigerww2

    Please don't implement passing stool

    it should put you into shock if you smell too much
  17. tigerww2

    Gore. Gore. WE NEED GORE!

    wot bludy said is right gore for everyone and seeing dead bodies puts you into shock :D unless you have killed the man or seen plenty of dead men before............ like there should be tourniquets you can use if you take like a bullet from an AKM or something and you're gushing blood :D also the blood shouldnt just go through the ground it should leave a trail so if you are shot at by a guy he can follow the trail of blood XD
  18. tigerww2

    Build Rolling Update

    i dont think l85s should be removed instead they should be like .001 spawn chance ye? ye?
  19. tigerww2

    How to Rollback?

    sorry no idea lo also venzire stfu
  20. ran around found a winnie in the barn outside elektro shot a zed got mauled