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Everything posted by el76

  1. el76

    DE 1662

    08-09-12 22:00 GMT+1 cheater: Liam We joined onto this server with a group of 4 players at the airfield of Krasnostav. After a few seconds we have been under fire. One of us was hit, another one of us killed Liam, and i gave bandage and blood to our victim. While i was giving aid to our member, Liam spawned next to us with full equipment and killed the rest of us, obviously with the same euqipment he had when he died. While three of us were dead, the first one who got shot, got back to live (he got bandage and blood from me) and killed Liam again. Then again Liam spawned and killed our last member, who got back to live. After our member was killed the second time, he respawned at the beach of Balota and Liam appeared next to him again at the beach and killed him another time. A short video of this, when he appeared with full equipment at Balota beach has been taken.