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Everything posted by NatNat42

  1. NatNat42

    Worst PC, but runs better?

    Has your friend downloaded all the latest drivers that could cause problems
  2. Hello as the title says I am looking to make a uk/eu clan which will bring people of the similar time zone together in order to make the game more fun and exciting. The clan will be a mixture of surviving and also pvp game play I believe that a bit of competitive pvp makes the game way more fun (not killing noobs for the fun of it). The reason why I say uk/eu is because of the time zone don't get me wrong I like playing with people from all over the world but it just makes it a lot harder to get everyone on at the same time expectantly the weekdays. The way we will be communicating will be skype and I hear that you can put quite a lot of people in one group call so size won't really matter and the main reason for skype is that I don't have a head set (and I know what you're saying who the hell plays pc games without a head set) but from now and till Christmas I will be using the skype app on my phone. Sorry if this is an inconvenience for you. Preferences: 16 year and older skype (with some form of mic) some gear but is not required but really needs a map for navigation Knowledge of the game but is not required but extremely recommended. Application: Age: Steam name (if you use often): Skype name: Any skills you have ingame (e.g. sniper, heli pilot) Any gear you may wish to state: Maturity level 1-10 (10 being very mature): Any days where you play most?: Are you available weekdays and weekends?: How long have you been playing and do you consider yourself experienced?: Where about's are you from (UK, Germany, France etc.) Thank you for viewing this thread and i hope to see some of you ingame.
  3. I'd like to play with you guys i'm in gmt time zone got some ok gear and iv been playing for a month
  4. NatNat42

    Looking to make a UK/EU clan.

    Just need to add you on skype then we can meet up in dayz
  5. may I ask why you sell items for a game?
  6. NatNat42

    Looking to make a UK/EU clan.

    Ok iv added you on skype and I think on steam
  7. NatNat42

    Looking to make a UK/EU clan.

    I'll accept the steam request but please fill out the application
  8. NatNat42

    Looking to make a UK/EU clan.

    If anyone is interested in joining just add me on steam that is what i use to chat to people in the team and to other people etc. just fill in the application add me then when im on just send me a message saying you applied and ill have a look if i haven't already Steam: NatNat42
  9. NatNat42

    Looking to make a UK/EU clan.

    Skype:Nat-strat42 ye iv had this problem before with other people the only way its worked is if i call them
  10. NatNat42

    Looking to make a UK/EU clan.

    I'v added you on skype there where a lot of results for your steam so im not sure which one it is
  11. ?? I'm sorry im not blessed with the money to purchase a headset as iv only just bought a computer but you can get a teamspeak app but you have to pay for it
  12. Is there a way to use team speak on a iphone at the moment I am using my skype app to communicate on dayz
  13. {[Application]} [Age] 16 [Maturity Level] (Out Of Ten) 8 (unless the bunnies are involved) [iGN] (In Game Name) Nathan [Dayz Played] (How Long you have played DayZ) about 1 month [skype Name] Nat-Strat42 Also steam name : NatNat42 I also like chatting with team mates to
  14. NatNat42

    UK players here looking to team up? :D

    Hey I'm 16 if you can accept that (there's sweets in it if you accept) :) Steam: NatNat42
  15. Hello iv only been playing for about a week now and I find it pretty boring playing on my own so i would like to join a group a people to survive together atm I don't have anything because iv died quite a lot but iv been able to find basic weapons and stuff pretty quickly. Im only able to speak on skype as I have it on my phone and I don't have a head set
  16. Hello I just updated my dayz to today and now the debug monitor interface is not showing is there a way of making it so it shows again or is it because of the update. I am a new player so im not sure if there is a common way to fix it