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Everything posted by 風.かぜ

  1. 風.かぜ

    What would you do?`

    I always wondered why people never respond in the chat or via mic. Every time I yell friendly or type it, I never get a response. So I get scared and d/c XD
  2. 風.かぜ

    Finally Lost My Spirit in the Game

    Wow, it's like 4ch in here, way to go community. @OP, It's sad to see another DayZ player go just when I started playing, but I hope you have fun with whatever other endeavors you do. After all that's the reason why we game right? Good luck and you are welcome back anytime!
  3. Uh.. I don't know.. help out the newer players and teach them about how to get better at the game? That's the thing, it's never what actually happens but the principle. Someone who knows all the tricks and tips that helps out newer players I'd label a teacher or good person. Someone who likes the cheap thrill of taking advantage of those other players I'd call a scum or bad person. I guess it's all just a matter of opinion. But don't get me wrong, I think the PvP part of the game is great. It's just I don't look at the bandits who snipe fresh spawns and respond to friendly calls then shoot them in the face in a favorable light.
  4. Wow interesting, I expected deaths related to bandits and other players to be the highest since that's all people talk about. Kind of makes sense though I guess, since encounters mostly only happen in the big cities.
  5. The packs of wild animals would be really cool to see in this game like wolves, bears, wild dogs, stags, moose, etc, along with the disappearance of hackers and more incentives to have player interactions.Also in the standalone I'd like to see bigger maps with less servers(have dedicated supported servers)/bigger population limits so that it's like an actual world you are immersed in, with constant people you'd meet, notoriety with the big killers/ the heroes,etc. But really, I'd like to make it so that the "friendly" policy is the norm instead of a KoS one.
  6. If anyone is still on I need some help. Screen is really white and I can hear my own heartbeat. Scared to get out of the barn I'm in. Embarrassing to admit I was just helped out by a medic and his bodyguard this same day >_< Location: Barn below Zelenogorsk EDIT: Nevermind, found some food and got better!
  7. n4ndoz I think what you are doing is great for the DayZ community. If everyone was like THEOTHERJESTER, no one but elitist pigs would want to play this game. And really, insulting him for his grammar? Why do you have to be like that man? You're english is fine buddy. And now I'm off to find MD... don't even know where to start XD
  8. 風.かぜ

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Appreciate the help from HerrJon and Orfeus coming to my aid. Awesome guys who got the job done. Even more, provided me with some food and equipment. Thanks!
  9. 風.かぜ

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Hi, need a blood transfusion in the barn west of the Windy Mountain! Medics!
  10. Are you guys back on the mountain? Would love to share some things I found with you guys!
  11. In one bizarre server I saw what I think looked like an enormous wildfire with multiple crashed helicopters. Then I saw helicopters suddenly appear and then explode with zombies appearing then instantly dying around it. Haven't been playing long, but is that hacking or admins having fun..?
  12. Been playing for three days and can say I haven't killed a single living player in the game :) . I've been shot on site multiple times, but still waiting for that person or group of people who'll respond my yells of "Friendly!" in kind.
  13. 風.かぜ

    Introduce yourselves

    Hey guys, just got the game and already got some crazy deaths. Steam is ForgiveSins, I have skype. IGN is Pvt. Sato Hiroyuki, I yell friendly whenever I see survivors XP