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Astronomer (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Astronomer (DayZ)

  1. My reason for posting this here is purely to name and shame two individuals, and tell a little tale of wasteland justice. These two individuals are the most chronic combat Alt+F4ers I have ever encountered, and I think it would be amusing if any bored players reading this felt like a hunting trip to their camp on Drakon Island, UK26. We first encountered them near Drakon Island on UK26. We were on the mainland and they took potshots at us (all missed) for a great deal of time before we realised where they were. The first bullet we sent their way resulted in them both disconnecting within 2 seconds. (We have learned the value of checking the player list during an engagement). The rest of it is best described by a reply I made in a thread made about it in another thread: http://dayzmod.com/f...combat-dc-uk26/ I have pasted it below: ========= I had the pleasure of personally giving them a splended, if somewhat loud and protracted burial at sea. After several combat log-offs over the course of hours and on separate occasions, I was quite determined. Their last disappearing act involved trying to get back into their fishing boat, near which I had been waiting while watching their little adventure around a gas station. My favourite part was the way they shone their G17 flashlights around and around like suicidal lighthouses. Despite this flashlight party they were having, they were oblivious to my presence not 20 meters away as they returned to the boat. They both had assault rifles, but apparently 2 versus 1 wasn't a fair fight, so they logged off immediately upon my opening fire. I relocated their boat and waited, in case they server ghosted. Sure enough, they logged in ~20 minutes later and found it nearby, and attempted to make good their escape. I waited for them to get far enough away from the beach to be beyond the 'point of no return', such that any log-off would result in being dumped a lengthy swim from land. The only reason they didn't d/c this time I opened fire was because they thought they could escape, and because it would mean losing all their items in the water anyway. I let them get too far while repositioning, and they very nearly did escape. But 60 rounds of STANAG later, most of which harmlessly hit the boat, I had two new confirmed kills. I find this particularly funny because these two seem to have filed a cheat complaint about possible server admin/clan duping abuse (check Williamz topic history). I also find it funny that while typing this, at the bottom of the page I've noticed BOTH of them viewing this thread, but it seems they have nothing to say. Here are their forum profiles: http://dayzmod.com/f...7-glrubberduck/ http://dayzmod.com/f...55069-williamz/ If I see you on UK26 again, I will hunt you. Eventually I will find you, and I will kill you. This time, fraps will be running, and I will be watching the player list like a hawk, both before and after I make you do your best sieve impression. ========= TL;DR: If you feel like some fun and punishing some combat aborters, they probably haven't had time to move their camp on Drakon Island, UK26.
  2. Astronomer (DayZ)

    Combat DCers and Fishing Boats: Losing Your Beans for Dummies

    They've confirmed they are based on Drakon Island.
  3. Astronomer (DayZ)

    Combat DC UK26

    Suddenly it all makes sense. You wet yourself whenever someone returns fire. I wasn't aware proof was required. This thread was not created to have you banned (though perhaps that is up to the discretion of iOGC clan to persue). This thread was created to name and shame you. That doesn't require proof. Why would I, quite content with having already killed you, fabricate a lie about you? If you had not done anything wrong, why would I harbour ill will towards you? To save yourself from the death penalty for your stupid decisions, obviously. I obviously didn't create the thread, either. Were it up to me, it would only have been placed in general discussion, but that's largely irrelevant. Killing the game client to avoid death is an exploit, like it or not. See you on UK26, Tex.
  4. Astronomer (DayZ)

    Combat DC UK26

    I had the pleasure of personally giving them a splended, if somewhat loud and protracted burial at sea. After several combat log-offs over the course of hours and on separate occasions, I was quite determined. Their last disappearing act involved trying to get back into their fishing boat, near which I had been waiting while watching their little adventure around a gas station. My favourite part was the way they shone their G17 flashlights around and around like suicidal lighthouses. Despite this flashlight party they were having, they were oblivious to my presence not 20 meters away as they returned to the boat. They both had assault rifles, but apparently 2 versus 1 wasn't a fair fight, so they logged off immediately upon my opening fire. I relocated their boat and waited, in case they server ghosted. Sure enough, they logged in ~20 minutes later and found it nearby, and attempted to make good their escape. I waited for them to get far enough away from the beach to be beyond the 'point of no return', such that any log-off would result in being dumped a lengthy swim from land. The only reason they didn't d/c this time I opened fire was because they thought they could escape, and because it would mean losing all their items in the water anyway. I let them get too far while repositioning, and they very nearly did escape. But 60 rounds of STANAG later, most of which harmlessly hit the boat, I had two new confirmed kills. I find this particularly funny because these two seem to have filed a cheat complaint about possible server admin/clan duping abuse (check Williamz topic history). I also find it funny that while typing this, at the bottom of the page I've noticed BOTH of them viewing this thread, but it seems they have nothing to say. Here are their forum profiles: http://dayzmod.com/f...7-glrubberduck/ http://dayzmod.com/f...55069-williamz/ If I see you on UK26 again, I will hunt you. Eventually I will find you, and I will kill you. This time, fraps will be running, and I will be watching the player list like a hawk, both before and after I make you do your best sieve impression.
  5. Astronomer (DayZ)

    STANAG ammo

    Boxes of STANAG ammo can spawn (quite rare) in the barracks. I've run across it before. I don't remember exact quantities, but I think it had 30 regular STANAG mags and 20 STANAG SD mags.
  6. So now it's gone from "I dunno man, they just look shifty to me, here are some flimsy reasons" to "Rocket said so", an appeal to authority. You realise that Rocket, much as I love his work and admire his game design philosophy, is not infallible? He has had many an argument with the community on the forums, and that is not only healthy it is necessary. What this developing game needs is to be driven by disagreement and criticism based on *facts*, reasoning and data. What it does NOT need, is credulous sycophants running around agreeing with everything and anything Rocket says, simply because he said it. I would submit it is people like you, who favour mindless agreement with Rocket over actually thinking for yourself, that probably do more damage to the development of this mod than private databases ever can. Case closed, class dismissed.
  7. That's fine. I don't know for a fact that private servers won't have any adverse affects either. Except that's not the problem here. The problem is that you ARE so quick to say that private servers ARE detrimental to DayZ, and you have come onto the public forum and accused everyone who runs or plays on them of ruining the game's future, and just generally pissed on people's happy meals. Slick use of double negatives do not change this, and it seems increasingly likely that your reaction is based on a 'gut feeling' rather than any concrete reasoning. Gut feeling is a capricious whore. EDIT - Wait, you already gave reasoning? Please, forgive me, where is it? Perhaps there's even actual data you can point to, to substantiate any-fucking-thing about what you're accusing people of? That'd be nice :) No. I didn't ignore it. I told you why it seems blisteringly obvious to me that it's erroneous. I find it more likely that you are ignoring me becase you cannot address my objections to your overzealous, incoherent, knee-jerk reaction tyrade.
  8. Astronomer (DayZ)

    Please may I have a gun?

    Barns are your friend for some basic form of weaponry. Makarov pistols occasionally appear in houses and residential buildings. If you can find a general store (it's like a mini-supermarket) they often have guns and backpacks of various kinds. Welcome to DayZ :)
  9. Really? Your objection is that because some players don't play on the main hive, it will make it a bit harder to accurately predict the load on the hive for when they return (ie: release perhaps)? And you have a problem with this during the alpha phase? This seems an utterly trivial concern at this stage of development, especially given your venomous attitude. No they're not. If this was true, then opting to play on the same server as your friends would be against this mentality too. After all, you're making a metagame decision (which instance of the DayZ universe to play within) based on how much you like the players who reside there. There is no discernable difference. Even if there were, this mentality is not something you as the player have to keep in mind. This mentality is needed to make appropriate game design decisions, it has nothing to do with the choices (metagame or ingame) of the players themselves; the range of actions the player can take should already be decided by game mechanics, designed based on that very mentality to begin with. Which are horrible reasons. This is an assertion. It's actually just a rewording of your original assertion. As I have repeatedly pointed out, you have yet to provide any substantial reasoning for this assertion.
  10. And what of people who practise with new weapons they find in DayZ in the ArmA 2 armoury? Do you hold them in equal contempt? They are comparable practises, given that someone can practise on a private hive, get considerably better at most aspects of playing DayZ in different conditions, then come back to the main hive. They can do the same with the armoury to get really good with that new dragunov before risking it, should we frown upon that too, and say they they're "ruining the point of the game"? What a load of bollocks. Their experience in no way affects the actual hive servers, and by extension does not affect YOUR experience or the development of the alpha. They may as well be playing any other game, and you have yet to demonstrate how this practise is any more detrimental or malicious than deciding you'd rather vanilla ArmA 2 multiplayer than DayZ.
  11. WHAT?!?! He said no such thing. Do you think that just because they are mentioned in the same post, he is directly comparing them as 'equally bad'?! Let's walk through this and think about it, instead of posting mindless knee-jerk reactions: Originally someone said (perhaps the OP) that mindless deathmatching (kill on sight) as it exists now prevents most other playstyles (any meaningful survivor cooperation, non-kill on sight), because it means certain and instant death in most cases. Someone then in response said "yeh, but you can't restrict it because then you're doing the same thing: preventing other people from playing the way they see fit". He was comparing the reasoning this argument with one for slavery: Argument 1) You can't restrict playstyle X even if it prevents others from playing in more deep, meaningful and complex ways, because that's a restriction of player freedom. Argument 2) You can't restrict slavery, even though it is an immoral and backwards practise that causes misery, because that's a restriction of the freedom of slave owners. The key point is that restricting or making less 'worthwhile' the practise of instantly killing anyone you see who isn't your buddy on teamspeak, is a necessary restriction of player freedom if deeper, more meaningful gameplay is to emerge. Just as banning slavery is a necessary restriction of human freedom if a happier, more enlightened society is to emerge. PLEASE tell me you see this now.
  12. I don't necessarily agree with this poster, but I fail to see how: 1) The logical comparison he made is not obvious. 2) Merely mentioning the logic behind slavery laws is offensive? It is, for the point he is trying to make, a valid comparison. Way to not address what he said, and instead get offended on the behalf of people in history at the mere mention of an evil practise. If anything his post condemns slavery and explains why laws against it must exist, despite being a 'restriction of freedom'. His post is only offensive if you go out of your way to find simple logical comparisons offensive. It also had nothing to do with 'the past of slavery' or 'the even longer road to recovery'. It had to do with a practise, which actually still exists in the world, contrary to the apparent bubble in which you live where American history is the history of the world.
  13. Astronomer (DayZ)

    Delete the super/overpowered weapons please

    And in the apocalypse, I reserve my right to be as cowardly as I like in order to remain very much alive. When the world is ashes, bravery is overrated. Being able to play however the hell you like is a core part of this mod, you are a tool, and your notions about 'a proper fight' are naive. This game is not supposed to be 'balanced'.
  14. Astronomer (DayZ)

    Very Disapointed

    Yeah. Damn you and your corporate agenda, Rocket! Oh wait... upon using more than one neuron, I've seen why this is an incredibly stupid thing to say.
  15. Astronomer (DayZ)

    New Radio Station only for survivors!

    Hah I was just in the other room, and I heard this really cool voice and no music. I thought "wow this guy has a golden radio voice!". Turns out it was Jonny Cash. Oops. Free bump! EDIT: Very much approving of the Blackmill!
  16. Astronomer (DayZ)

    Reducing accuracy drastically

    Well it makes me think, Arma2 is a milsim, so presumably the accuracy is configured on the assumption that the individual wielding it has at least basic training with it, right? Whereas as far as I'm aware, the survivors in DayZ are just civillians (albeit probably smart, prepared ones, because they are still alive). I do find it perplexing that as soon as I picked up my AS50 I could use it to a reasonable standard. This kind of thing will probably be addressed later though, as they are considering adding skills to the game at a later date I think. For the moment, being able to fire as accurately as you can does feel a bit silly with most weapons, especially the military grade ones.
  17. Astronomer (DayZ)

    New Radio Station only for survivors!

    I fully expected to not enjoy the music selection; I am pleased to say I was totally wrong! It's really refreshing and unexpected. My only request/suggestion would be this: I know you dialled down the volume to not interfere with the ability to hear ingame, but the volume on the stream is adjustable, and sometimes it can be *very* quiet, to the point I have to pump my speaker volume up to the level where gunshots would make my house shake. For this reason it might be nice to have the volume a tad higher. If it's a problem for anyone they can turn the stream down slightly, and they shouldn't have to adjust it ever again unless the volume level of the different tracks you play isn't consistent. If noone else has this problem, disregard obviously!
  18. Astronomer (DayZ)

    Cannot place a tent - Friend can

    Is your friend using the elusive 'tent dance' technique? If I don't use that then I struggle to place tents anywhere. (ie. Gear -> Crouch walk in circles spamming 'pitch tent' -> Accidentally discharge your weapon a few times because you were too lazy to unload the magazine -> Success!)
  19. Astronomer (DayZ)

    For God's sake, SAY SOMETHING!

    I meant no great offence, and of course I don't think you do things like mindlessly run up to people and talk about sardines, that was just in jest. I just thought the possible reasons you gave were unfair because they seem not to include the possibility that the person you meet just isn't interested in communicating to begin with. I am this type of player, and the reason is the flawed mechanics that you mention yourself. It's a huge risk, it's clunky, typing leaves you a sitting duck, and the mic both advertises your location and obscures your hearing when you're speaking. To boot, cooperating has no benefit unless it's a prolonged thing and you use 3rd party voice comms. For these reasons I am completely asocial ingame, because it's never, ever been worth the risk. It has, almost without exception always got me killed when I try to talk to people. In this post you blame the mechanics, but it seems like your first post blames the player. I agree that what happened to you is really stupid and annoying, and I completely agree with you about the mechanics being flawed. But when it comes to communication as it stands, I don't think the possible reasons you gave are fair. I mean, would you agree that the reasons you gave can be summarised succinctly as they're either: 1) Stupid 2) Don't understand how it works 3) Foreign 4) A prick? The only time I've had meaningful exchanges were where I was so desparate I had to beg for a blood bag in side chat because I was passing out every 10 seconds and had nothing to lose, and when I ran headfirst into somebody trapped at the NWAF.
  20. Astronomer (DayZ)

    For God's sake, SAY SOMETHING!

    I didn't describe it to be like a chatroom. I described the situation I did (which yes, I know I exaggerated for effect) to highlight the fact that this guy comes on here and insults a huge swathe of the community, all because people dared to not talk to him in a scary survival game where other players are the biggest threat, typing makes you a sitting duck, and using a mic advertises your presence and rough location to every player in the immediate area. Why the fuck should they risk their lives just to talk to the OP? I don't know about you, but I sure as fuck don't want to talk to other survivors, and that doesn't make me foreign, stupid, or an asshole. It means I trust nobody, and that I survive my minimizing my interaction with others. Until the mechanics for communicating with other survivors who you aren't on third party voicecomms with are improved. My original post is a caricature of what he just did, and not an unfair one either. In short the point was: Don't make presumptuous remarks that blame the playerbase for responding to the mechanics with which they are presented. They are just trying to stay alive, and if that means not talking to your over-friendly ass, that's what must happen. Address the mechanics so that people can try to cooperate without it getting them killed 90% of the time. Perhaps now you understand why I wrote what I did.
  21. Astronomer (DayZ)

    I got killed by a server hopper. I quit.

    Ahhh, so because it's just an analogy, it doesn't have to make sense. Got it. News flash, it's not your fault if you're unaware of the problem. The moment you are fully aware of the problem, and you needlessly expose yourself to the very specific conditions necessary to become a victim of it anyway, then that's all on you. Doesn't mean the server hopper isn't just as accountable for his action, but it's also your responsibility. Now I have to know, what grand insights do you have into the development process? Please, englighten us as to how posting ragequit threads about how you're quitting testing after becoming the 'victim' of a completely known problem is in anyway valuable criticism or drives the 'progress' you mentioned earlier? No. I think you'll lash out at any one or any thing that disagrees with anything you say, for any reason. I wasn't even particularly adversarial towards you in my post, and yours was toxic with bitterness. Your frustration has blinded you; you are not cut out to test this alpha, and the community could do without you. Begone.
  22. Astronomer (DayZ)

    For God's sake, SAY SOMETHING!

    And what falsehood did I imply? Please friend, elaborate.
  23. Astronomer (DayZ)

    I got killed by a server hopper. I quit.

    Providing criticism is fine, but it's not like literally 95% of the playerbase and the entire dev team hasn't known all about server hopping for a long time already. Even if this thread were not totally redundant, I would expect you to format it with a focus on possible solutions to the problem itself, rather than "IM MAD AS HELL AND I QUIT TESTING YOUR ALPHA BECAUSE YOU HAVEN'T FIXED THIS PARTICULAR ISSUE YET". While your frustration is understandable, I don't understand how, presumably being aware of the existence of server hoppers before this incident, you could have failed to realise that what you did is the exact best way to get killed by said issue. Yes, the system needs fixing. But everybody knows this. Everybody knows that there is a huge floater in the swimming pool, but you decided to dive into the swimming pool anyway and then you complained to everyone here about it with an air of entitlement. Of course you were going to get flamed. And your courtroom analogy is ludicrous. You did not pay for access to DayZ, nor was DayZ advertised as a completed consumer-ready product.
  24. Astronomer (DayZ)

    For God's sake, SAY SOMETHING!

    Step 1) Survive the end of human civilization. Step 2) Boldly approach a probably terrified or paranoid and likely armed survivor with everything to lose, or perhaps just a mentally unstable individual. Be sure to greet them directly, and as if completely oblivious to both the dangers of human encounters, and the fact that they may consider what you are doing an invasion of their personal space. Step 3) Make your location obvious to them, perhaps even standing in plain view at a distance which they feel is uncomfortably close. Start discussing the nutritional benefits of Frank & Beans and terrible taste of Sardines with them, or any other subject that they almost certainly don't care about or don't want to hear. Step 4) Ensure that if they don't shoot you immediately out of fear or greed, they shoot you a short spell later just to make you stop fucking talking. Step 5) Complain on the forums that everybody is either stupid, foreign, an asshole, or a combination thereof. After all, you're a beautiful snowflake, and anybody with no interest in talking to you must be in some way deficient.