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Astronomer (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Astronomer (DayZ)

  1. Astronomer (DayZ)

    Puchasable gear?!?!?

    Are you even serious? Why should players who invest more time and energy into the game, see some kind of rewarding ingame experiences for their efforts? One that can't be achieved in 3 minutes with a credit card transaction? For the same reason that people who spend more time revising deserve to do better in exams than classmates of equal ability. For the same reason that two people applying for a job should be assessed on their individual merits, rather than which one can bribe the interviewer with more money. For the same reason that you cannot opt to purchase your olympic medal instead of earning it by taking part in an actual fucking race. In the above three cases, just as it is in DayZ, to be able to circumnavigate the ordinary prerequisites of an achievement or reward by injecting money into a third party robs it of all authenticity, and authenticity is at the core of the DayZ design philosophy.
  2. Astronomer (DayZ)

    DMR ?

    Being less ambiguous in your question would go a long way. What specifically about it confuses you?
  3. YES Sometimes you have to compromise ultra-realism for the sake of mechanics; the heartbeat is a metaphor for something seeming 'creepy/unsettling' about the murderer.
  4. Astronomer (DayZ)

    Lets do this, Trading Station Delta - Edited

    What an utterly toxic response to a polite observation. I don't think it's Amentes who has the attitude problem. Why in the world you would harbour such bitterness towards the use of voice comms in a mil sim with your background is mind-boggling. I don't think that not trying reflects a 'shitty attitude' when it's because the proposal requires adhering to needless, arbitrary self-imposed limitations that drastically reduce the effectiveness of your communication and organisation in an already hostile environment. That's just a healthy dose of sanity and self-preservation. And there was I thinking survival was at the core of this game. In addition, the radio feature you suggest is totally redundant unless the mod actively prevented people from using ventrilo/teamspeak, because who in the hell would bother with a radio you would have to find, could lose, and could be subsequently compromised by? Nobody in their right mind would use it for day-to-day operations, especially in large groups. As such there is nothing 'unauthentic' about teamspeak/ventrilo; you are superimposing your own ideals onto those of Rocket, then declaring that other people who don't follow your own brand of logic to have 'shitty attitudes'. You know what else isn't 'authentic' by your standards? Reincarnation. Perhaps next time you die, you should uninstall the game never to return. Haha dude. Rocket actulley mentioned that very thing. He said hed put it in for the people that want to play the challenging realitic simulator way. There is nothing milsim about ventrillo. In the real world your radio can be lost and communication compromised. You clearly arent seeing i understand the importance of comm but that dosent mean i wont wait and adapt until the more realistic game given mechanic exists. That's all well and good, but I never said anything about whether Rocket planned to introduce radios. I said you were superimposing your ideals of what was authentic gameplay onto those of Rocket. I stated why they were redundant, and therefore why as you have yourself conceded they are a necessarily optional feature. As such, opting to use teamspeak is not 'unauthentic', nor does it constitute grounds for hostility to other players. There exist entire organised closed communities of largely military and ex-military personel that use ACRE teamspeak 3 mods and the like, they seem to think it's sufficiently up to milsim specs. At the end you say you're 'adapting' by refusing to use viable alternatives and scrapping voice communication all-together until you deem the game mechanics realistic enough. You have opted for a situation where every survivor in your group is a mute who can only communicate with a biro and notepad that they all conveniently have (which in the case of sidechat can be supernaturally read from ~50km away). If anything that's less realistic than teamspeak. That's not adapting. It's the very opposite; sticking your head in the sand. Unfortunately the description is only metaphorical; there is no sand to muffle the sound of your self-righteous crusade. The fact that you ignored everything said about your erratic hostility speaks for itself. Bottom line? If you want to hold yourself to certain standards of realism when you play, go right ahead. Just don't be a xenophobic, holier-than-thou asshat to polite people who enjoy differing standards.
  5. Astronomer (DayZ)

    Lets do this, Trading Station Delta - Edited

    What an utterly toxic response to a polite observation. I don't think it's Amentes who has the attitude problem. Why in the world you would harbour such bitterness towards the use of voice comms in a mil sim with your background is mind-boggling. I don't think that not trying reflects a 'shitty attitude' when it's because the proposal requires adhering to needless, arbitrary self-imposed limitations that drastically reduce the effectiveness of your communication and organisation in an already hostile environment. That's just a healthy dose of sanity and self-preservation. And there was I thinking survival was at the core of this game. In addition, the radio feature you suggest is totally redundant unless the mod actively prevented people from using ventrilo/teamspeak, because who in the hell would bother with a radio you would have to find, could lose, and could be subsequently compromised by? Nobody in their right mind would use it for day-to-day operations, especially in large groups. As such there is nothing 'unauthentic' about teamspeak/ventrilo; you are superimposing your own ideals onto those of Rocket, then declaring that other people who don't follow your own brand of logic to have 'shitty attitudes'. You know what else isn't 'authentic' by your standards? Reincarnation. Perhaps next time you die, you should uninstall the game never to return.
  6. Astronomer (DayZ)


    You have to find your way to each other. When you first spawn, in the bottom right of the screen it will tell you your location within Chernarus. One good way to meet up quickly is to have one person join, note their location, then have the other person continually respawn until they end up starting in the same place. I suggest doing it during daytime because navigating at night time fresh off the boat is very confusing. That said, night time offers partial shelter from the bandit players that infest the coastline. Good luck! :)