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Everything posted by Jamesbiff

  1. From ur statment i conclude u never played ina group and went to NWA. U think the loot is waiting there under a big christmastree for clanmembers?! All i hear is an jealous little child with no one to play with. But the best part is actually "The creators of this mod have spoken,..., there shouldnt be any argument/discussion at all here." U sir, are a utter and complete moron! I dont like offensive language, but u r either grown up in north korea or plain stupid for so many reason that i cant be bothered to explain them all. I used to. Used to have all my gear stashed away in a tent in the middle of a forest. If i ever needed to a dangerous run id just drop all my valuable stuff into the tent and do it on foot with a makarov. Got to the point where the game was devoid of any challenge at all, the threat of death had been completely removed, why should i care if i die? i can just run back to tent city and re arm. It wasnt too much effort to get everyone else online and do another run on the NWA to get back some more stuff. The mod CREATORS have spoken, whether you like it or not they are creating the game, if they feel that putting gear outside of the boundaries has a negative effect on the game, then so be it. You really dont have a leg to stand on. Also, your arguments would have more credibility if you would refrain from childish name calling and remain civil, right now it sounds like youre just getting irate because you might have to start getting gear the hard way again. peace. EDIT: saying 'sir' sounds silly when you preface it with text speak.
  2. What i find curious here is that people who have set up a camp feel they have somehow 'earned' their gear. What the fuck? gear spawns randomly in predetermined areas of the map, strolling into the NW AF with your clan and cleaning it out isnt earning shit, you simply know where the good gear spawns and went in there with overwhelming numbers as to make it literally effortless and stashed what loot you didnt use in tents a few kilometres outside the borders of the map and continued this ad infinitum presumably since you found out you could do it. Now, precisely how is that earning anything? what exactly is it youre so indignant about? that you might have to do exactly the same thing again only this time you wont have a 100% secure camp you can return to to gear up again? Im struggling to see what the problem is here.
  3. Jamesbiff

    Stuck on waiting for character to create.

    The main server is being ddos'd. Probably by one or some of the people who were banned yesterday in the massive ban wave.
  4. I havent been on the forums for a while, and it looks like the reason why i left is still fucking here. I mean Jesus Tapdancing Christ, what the fuck is it you people are doing to get killed with such frequency that you feel the need to bitch about it all the time? i just respawned and ran through Kamenka, hit all the deer huts, farm houses and towns on the way to stary, saw quite a few people (60+ player server) but because i, and most of the playerbase, arent idiots, we manage to avoid them. Its not hard, or does it need to be laid out for you? 1. This is a BIG one, never ever ever ever ever just go into a town, scout around it, find a hill, sit on it for a few minutes and just watch the town, plan exactly which buildings youre going to hit in order of value (supermarkets first if there is no military base, then residential, then industrial) or according to what you need. 2. Got a nice gun? need food? stash your gun somewhere along with anything valuable (dont be too long!), and run in with your trusty M1911. As a bandit, im far far less inclined to kill someone if all they have is a pistol. Saunter into a town im doing over watch on with a fancy assault rifle then you can be sure as shit im gonna murder you for it. Remember, ammo is a valuable commodity, any bandit worth their salt will weigh up the potential cost of using the round(s) compared to what you look like you have on you. Fancy assault rifle = worth a few DMR rounds. 3. Tree line. Deep in the tree line, no less than 20ft, do not sprint. 4. If you run around in open terrain you deserve everything you get. 5. if youre getting wasted in any of the following places, suck it up and learn that where there is mil grade hardware, there is competition. Cherno, Elektro, Berezino, Stary, Airfields. Even if you introduced the most punishing system possible, people would still waste each other over the coveted assault rifles and assorted treasures. 6. Did i mention dont run around in the open? what about scouting? yeah? well, ill mention them again. I cannot overerstimate the sheer importance of scouting, it is quite simply the most IMPORTANT thing you should get used to doing. Binoculars are your friend. 7. Learn your camouflage! got a white survivor shirt on? sit next to the lighter coloured brush, dark shirt? Darker coloured brush! 8. Silhouetting yourself. Do not run on the crest of a hill, i cant count the amount of times ive spotted a squad of guys who i otherwise wouldnt have seen because they were running on top of an elevated position. Its like shooting fish in a barrel. 9. Read through this and its associated pages http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enfilade_and_defilade then use that knowledge when approaching and entering buildings. Im not going to comment on how humanity would react and how unrealistic this all apparently is, because its bullshit and you should stop talking like you have any authority on the situation. Zombies dont exist and as such a zombie related apocalypse is...unlikely. So shut up. Every time the phrases "what would actually happen" or "People wouldnt react this way" or "this is not realistic" take a moment, stop typing and proceed to slam your head in the fridge door. Just stop it. You all know exactly how Rocket feels about this, so it is folly to keep discussing it. The game is how it is, learn to adapt, or just quit playing. Alternatively bring friends. Lots of them.
  5. Jamesbiff

    [Complaining] No loot - Only trash

    I think the spawn rate of those items needs to be lowered, been playing most of today across 3-4 servers and every time ive made it to a place with rare spawning loot 80% or more of the spawns were just trash or ammo (usually always shotgun shells).
  6. Jamesbiff

    AK74 Kobra or M14 AIM?

    M14 AIM. Been playing for a long time now, and i feel that if youre getting yourself into positions where you choose a close-medium range weapon over a medium-long range weapon, you need to step up your game a bit. If youve got a good eye, the M14 aim is an absolute monster (especially combined with binoculars/range finder), 500m is probably a realistic distance to be shooting and the bullet drop isnt too severe. Firing from an elevated position you will dominate most people.
  7. Jamesbiff

    WTF is happening to the server community.

    More than anything, this game is a social experiment, so any and all of the suggestions in this thread will more than likely flat out kill what the game is about. The game is amazing BECAUSE there is no punishment/reward for certain actions, what people do, they do because they want/have to, as soon as you introduce some arbitrary scale of punishment and reward you kill that spontaneity, even now, with the humanity scale hidden, ive started seeing alot more interesting situations arising in the chat channel, because there isnt some ever present number judging your actions now. If anything, the game could use LESS restrictions. What the 'solution' is (if any) is implementing more indirect reasons to do things, more loot areas, different kinds of loot etc, introduce aspects of the game that can be completed in groups, solo, whatever. Just dont start introducing bullshit arcade style mechanics that funnel you into one camp or another, simply for the sake of someone's definition of 'balance'. It really is interesting to see how gamers react when there is no 'us vs them' mentality to fall back on when it comes to conflict, we're so used to being pointed in the direction of what to shoot at and why we should shoot at them, that when presented with a completely free form, open world, it all goes to shit and people cant handle it.
  8. Jamesbiff

    WTF is happening to the server community.

    Jesus H christ. I feel your pain Rocket, i really do man, how long has this mod been out now? a month or more? and most people STILL dont understand what youre trying to do here. I think this is a kick in the balls to the way developers treat their players, i mean, look at the state of this fucking thread, you present this idea of a brutal post apocalyptic world where its dog eat dog and what do you get? people want BALANCE? fucking BALANCE? are you shitting me? the mechanics are balanced, players just need to fucking ADAPT.
  9. It needs to be a little brighter, i used to live in the countryside with very very little light pollution and i had no problem navigating woods when walking my dog. Yes, there were dark nights, but they didnt happen more than once or twice a month, even with cloud cover. Rocket, is it possible to implement some sort of proximity effect on players? so they could see through the murk up to say...20-30 yards? but this would only be visible to them. That way you could solve the issue and not make it exploitable with the gamma/hdr 'fix'. Cus to be honest, having to tweak my graphics settings on nvidia control panel is getting tiresome (i play on a Sony Bravia which has that True Black bollocks, so the dark nights for me on Arma2 are literally pitch black, flares dont even help much unless i carry them around) (and no, im not going to use flares, only idiots use flares in any capacity, if i wanted to get shot, id stand on the roof of the hospital in Cherno during the day time advertising my location in chat. It would be a far more hilarious way to go out than getting shot in the ass, in the woods in the dark.)
  10. Yes, this should end all discussions. Im a bandit and i helped a newbie out today. And in know plenty of other people who do too. The argument is demonstrably false and people who make threads about it should be exiled.
  11. Gamma doesnt do anything for me....which is why i use the nvidia control panel instead, which practically makes it like im using NVG's. I wish i didnt have to, but surrendering myself to the mercy of other players who do this for some sense of superiority because of 'immersion' isnt my idea of fun.
  12. OK. You NEED to stop addressing these problems like this is a normal game. Dayz ISNT a game, it is more of a social experiment than a game in my eyes, even now in its infancy. What you have here isnt a set or rules or parameters to play by. There is no back of the box blurb detailing what will and wont happen. This is an open ended, emergent, virtual experiment. As such the normal laws of video game design do not apply. What you need to design for here, is human nature. If you just introduce arbitrary parameters to curtail certain activities youre letting the development influence the game. Games like these are made special by the entirely hands off approach Rocket has taken to player morality and interaction. I will reiterate. This is an ALPHA, what you are analysing here is an incomplete product, Rocket has stated on numerous occasions that this is nowhere near completion. My suggestions is you leave player interaction alone, just dont touch it at all. Introducing mechanics that give you random stats based on gameplay just wont work, it will bend the entire fabric of what makes this game special until you have an endless list of mechanics, consequences, exceptions, rewards etc that dilute the experience. People are killing each other, not because of some lack of law and order or rampant malevolence, but because of what the game promotes. What, you think that anything you have suggested will stop people killing each other? laughable. EvE online has the highest learning curve and some of the steepest consequences for being an asshole, but people still do it, its a daily occurance and it has NEVER lulled. I used to be part of a corp that was specifically organised to rob people blind. We were obliterated at every turn, we were hunted to the ends of the galaxy, but we persisted time and time again. My point is, youre not looking at this from a logical stand point. Merely at what will make your life that little bit easier, i dont care if that was your intention or not, but you have not once suggested a counter balancing mechanic to even the odds. To maintain the status quo and the success of the mod you cannot design for one gameplay style and leave the other untouched, if banditry moves your spawn point away from the coast or attracts zombies, what set back do you propose for people who DONT partake in banditry?
  13. Yeah I wasn't a big fan of that one, either... However, there's nothing in my post talking about "right and wrong"... for the 50th time... is it right to like pepsi as opposed to coke? No. So, what's wrong with starting obviously like-minded players closer to themselves? How is that "punishing" or "hindering"? Survival is about natural selection. Behavior, such as homicidal mania, is not conducive to long term selection or survival. Intelligent killing of competition here and there can increase viability of an organism, but the method of play invoked by many is NOT realistic. Instead of "punishing it" or "judging it" a solution is presented to "gently segregate" it. No game rules change. Nothing was considered "bad". Simply "unrealistic". And unrealistic play is still viable, but pushed up the coast a little and made to work its way down. This way, "run away from the coast immediately" doesn't have to be the automatic mantra of ever survivalist player. Players who still want to grief can do so, but now they share the "travel" burden with people who don't want to play that same way, BUT, only when they wish to "grief" players who have demonstrated that they are NOT playing in that same way. Out in the field, nothing changes. I still pump a couple rounds in the back of some poor sap's head for his beans because I ran out, and then later get murdered by some scared dude in a barn who thought I was going to be a bandit to him, too. But these discussions are utterly pointless. The state of cooperation is blindingly obvious, but this is an Alpha it is nowhere near completion, teething problems should be viewed as just that. My problem is, due to the nature of the engine and the game, your suggestions just wont work, either way youre going to NEED to introduce some sort of mechanic that actively punishes/rewards players for certain actions, whether you specify them in your suggestions or not. Also 'like minded' is a completely arbitrary parameter, whats to stop me, a bandit, stopping banditry for a few hours (or however long it takes), playing cooperatively, killing myself then respawning with the other 'like minded players' and murdering them that way? Any specific mechanic you suggest or introduce to curtail or encourage a certain type of gameplay will be open to exploitation. Its in alpha, there are a huge variety of issues that are far far more pressing than people shooting each other.
  14. Punishing/hindering/rewarding any specific play style over another WILL destroy this mod. End of story. Theres no way around it.
  15. Jamesbiff

    Performance Drop; Hotfix

    NVM started to lag again on another server.. To echo a few other people, the problem isnt on your side, its server side. Its a problem Dayz has had since the beginning, I can run ARMA2 on highest settings, regardless of the amount of action, but when i play Dayz my performance takes a massive hit. Even more so after the hotfix.
  16. Jamesbiff

    Performance Drop; Hotfix

    Same problem here, nigh unplayable on any setting now.
  17. Jamesbiff

    Build 1.5.8 rolling update

    Ah, i was wondering when Rocket would cast his gaze upon the Winchester. Alas my dear Winchester, it has been fun.
  18. Why are people so intent on punishing people who PvP? it is absolutely insane.
  19. I think the problem here is its going to make the night time servers even more deserted and the day time servers even more rammed. Its one thing starting a fire and sitting by it during the day, but if you HAVE to do it at night or risk infection, then you might aswell be standing up with a massive sign over your head saying "Im over here! come get me!"