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Everything posted by Jamesbiff

  1. My backpack is full of extra meds ive got from scavenging from the corpses on the beach and the bean wars in cherno.
  2. Jamesbiff

    PVP - Spawn Points and Safe havens

    At the moment, if a player sticks around too long in an area im in, ill kill them if the chance presents itself with as little ammo expenditure as possible, its just not worth the risk of losing all your stuff plus you get there stuff. Ive found the only advantage travelling with a group of people gives you is defence against other players. Other than that i find it a pretty piss poor way of scavenging because it halves your loot (or by however many youre travelling with) and increases the chance zeds will find you. Ill help a guy out in a pinch picking off chasing zombies from a tree line, but i aint his friend, less zombies the better, if theyre chasin him then i can kill them without puting myself at risk.
  3. Jamesbiff

    DayZ: The Do's and Dont's.

    was sat in a house in Cherno earlier just as it got dark, refillin mah beans and shotty shells, outside on a long strip of open ground was a new player surrounded by two road flares just sitting there firing pot shots at zombies. It did not surprise me when at the next moment a sniper round from the hospital planted itself in his face.
  4. Ok, ive followed [OCB]Magnet's video on how to install and done everything to the letter. The only difference is ALL of my files (OA included) are all in the one folder for Arma 2 (exe, everything). When i start the game and i go into the 'expansions' tab, i can see dayz there, but it doesnt have a green checked box and the '@' symbol is also missing (so it is simply 'Dayz' rather than '@dayz'.) Using the same launcher aswell. thanks in advance for any help.
  5. as in for arma, i was given 1.5 and 1.10. Now it says im missing mod file CBA_MAIN and gets stuck on retrieving character.
  6. update: would you believe they hadnt included the most up to date versions in the latest download from their website? after updating, i can enter servers etc, but now im just stuck on 'loading'. /sigh, it never ends! :P
  7. ok, thanks for the help anyhoo. a little update though: delving a bit deeper, i can see the dayz servers in the server browser, however when i try to connect i just get 'connecting failed'.
  8. they automatically did it, am i fudged? :P
  9. sure: C:\Program Files (x86)\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\arma2.exe C:\Program Files (x86)\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\arma2OA.exe
  10. basically what i have is this; i downloaded both Arma2 and OA, installed arma 2 and OA respectively, now they are all in the same folder. How should i separate them? (im using spirited machine's arma 2 launcher to launch the mod)
  11. i cant tell, the game starts up fine, the big icon on the main menu is the one for OA, when i click on multiplayer its just the normal multiplayer. in short, everything is working normally, but the mod just isnt loading.