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Everything posted by Jamesbiff
The Official Unofficial Bandit Removal Petition
Jamesbiff replied to The Killing Joke's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
The Official Unofficial Bandit Removal Petition
Jamesbiff replied to The Killing Joke's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
The Official Unofficial Bandit Removal Petition
Jamesbiff replied to The Killing Joke's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Can one of the admins make a sticky about how the humanity system works and force people to read it? The bandit skin is absolutely no indicator at all of a player's intentions. Im not explaining it again as to why, because so many other people have done as well as i have. Before i became a bandit ALL my deaths were at the hands of other SURVIVORS, the bandit system doesnt work and it never will. Sooner or later youre going to have to defend yourself, and one day youre gonna be a good enough shot to be quicker and deadlier than the other guy and the karma system will bite you in the ass instead of the other guy. -
The New Zombie Count is AWESOME
Jamesbiff replied to WildGunsTomcat's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Enjoying the new changes, i only have one request: If there are more zombies, can we have more food spawns? or make the knife and matches a little easier to get? At the moment its nice having to sneak into the town to get ammo, but there are other times when i really dont need to go into the town, risking it all for a single tin of beans, whilst realistic, isnt exactly an enjoyable prospect, seeing as now the towns are so densely populated, even crawling seems to spark a tide of undead. These changes will probably spark more PvP aswell, id much MUCH rather hunt players now for gear as there is far far less risk in killing them than going into a town. -
The Official Unofficial Bandit Removal Petition
Jamesbiff replied to The Killing Joke's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Honestly it needs to go. Ive been killed MORE times by people in normal skins than i have by people in bandit skins and in all honesty, ive found people who are bandits to be much much more helpful than many other players ive come across. And to the mechanics of the issue; like i have stated many times on here and on the game itself, the morality system is BROKEN. I got my bandit skin because i killed two guys sat in the tree line in cherno shooting down into the city, they were in normal skins, i flanked around behind them and popped them both in the head BOOM bandit skin. What did i do to deserve the bandit skin? kill people trying to gank new players in cherno? Ive since embraced my banditry so its of no real consequence to me. However trying to get back your humanity is impossible, the amount of bandits ive seen offer to give people blood packs to get their humanity back only for a few minutes later their angry chat messages pop up about being killed. Remove or refine, Rocket, its the only option, as it is now its broken. -
PvP is part of the experience, so im not entirely sure what you think the experience is supposed to be? i went through about 3-4 characters in my first hour alone to player killers and i fully expected it.
A perfect example of anti fun banditry
Jamesbiff replied to Survivalist (DayZ)'s topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Seriously, how on gods green earth are you guys playing to get killed so damned often? i mean shit, if you show even the tiniest amount of caution, you can usually evade being killed. Stop complaining that everyone is killing each other and at the same time complaining because you sat in front of two guys pointing their guns at you, chances are if they havent typed anything in the next 10 seconds, they arent friendly, take the first shot. Dont announce your position and dont wander into a town, circle it at LEAST once from the tree line then go in, get used to the layout of each town (play around with the map editor in vanilla) and go STRAIGHT for whatever it is you want. If you see people in the town, be prepared to either evade or kill them, dont ASK them, thats a stupid thing to do, why? simple... Im actually Michael Jordan. see what i did there? i lied, for all you know i might ACTUALLY be Michael Jordan, but if you covet your possessions that much, dont take the risk, being cautious and living for anythng longer than a few hours requires either friends youve made from outside the game, or being an unforgiving son of a gun. if it REALLY bothers you that much, kill them, but dont loot them, give them a chance to find their way back and get their stuff. Youll end up a bandit, but if a skin change and being the 'bad guy' really bothers you that much, maybe you shouldnt be playing this. -
Im a bandit because i killed two guys taking potshots at me in Cherno, rage quit when my skin changed. Logged back in, liked the bandit skin better than the survivor skin and then embraced my new life as a scumbag.
ArmA 2: CO in "Top Seller" list
Jamesbiff replied to griffinz's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
When i saw it at no.3 on steam this morning, my jaw was hanging open, for a milsim game thats over 2 years old this is amazing. -
Well said sir. Sitting on the coast is boring. I also agree. I choose not to be a bandit' date=' but if I were it would definately not be on the coast. Congrats you camp people who just spawn...to get a Makarov? Good job buddy. [/quote'] Killed a couple of nub players before, simply because i needed pain killers and its unlikely theyd have used them already.
Approaching anyone as a bandit is usually suicide, getting them to trust you enough to assist them is even harder. And he must have been a new player, giving his position away AND telling everyone he had blood packs? he cant have lasted long, not at an airfield, proper bandits would have found him and taken his stuff in no time.
Keep the makarov :P its unlikey youre going to be dropping players with any of the pistols without being hurt yourself, so i just keep my mak with me for the more trivial tasks like luring zombies inside to just pop them in the head or hunting animals, plenty of ammo and it saves your primary weapon for the more important stuff, also use it to finish of players if ive downed them, cant risk them getting back up and hunting me down.
Nope, and hopefully there wont be any AI with guns, anyone who's played the single player could testify that the AI can shoot the balls of a flea at 500 yards with a slingshot loaded with mexican jumping beans.
Has anyone else noticed a significant performance hit when playing this mod? when playing Arma2 offline or online i can maintain a decent frame rate at highest settings, but on Dayz i have to lower my settings to 'normal' or the fps drops significantly.
Yes, because its no real indicator of intentions. I have the bandit model because i killed two guys who were shooting at me, they were rubbish shots so didnt even graze me, but i popped them both in the head now im a bandit. Subsequently ive had to start playing as a bandit, people dont understand how the humanity system works and automatically shoot on sight.
To servers owners:veteran instead of regular
Jamesbiff replied to kinex's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Standardize Servers + Lock First-Person View
Jamesbiff replied to naizarak's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
Standardise, yes, lock to first person? NO. Arma 2 has the single most irritating, frustrating and outright broken first person view of any game ive played especially in combination with its at times utter bollocks collision models. I was playing one of the first person only servers as the others were full and it took me a full 5 minutes to get through a sodding door way and a further 3 to turn around without alerting some zeds. No. i understand where you are coming from and in any other game id support you, at times the third person view is a bit cheeky being able to see through walls and stuff, but seriously, if i could only play in first person id stop playing all together, its that bad. -
Didnt know whether to write this in character or not, but i felt it would be more entertaining as a short story, explaining it in context of the game would spoil it i think. so.... (im a bit of an writer, so indulge me) The brush in front of me gently swished back and forth in the wind, from my perch behind an old cobblestone wall on the hill i could see down into the town, the last rays of daylight grasping at the myriad windows of homes, shops and the large industrial complex to the west. I settled the binoculars on my knee as i reached for my pack; plenty of food, slugs and water, but i was sorely lacking in meds. A spasm of pain rolled through my arm, bringing into sharp recollection the afternoon is stumbled through Stary Sobor. I had to make it to the hospital if i was to stand a chance back in the wilderness. Packing the binoculars back into my pack i hauled it onto my back and nestled my grasp back into the grip of my winchester and pulled the stock to the crutch of my shoulder, the pressure eased the pain in my forearm slightly as the hard wood pressured the blood back into my cramped nerves, and i set off down the hill towards an unfinished office building. Skidding the last few feet down a gravely slope i flopped against the wall, pitted with small calibre gun fire, and edged my face through the windowless aperture. It was darkening, the sun was a smoky pink on the distant horizon, throwing the city shapes into high contrast shadows on the inky backdrop threatening to envelop the twilight countryside. Quiet, the eerie moans and shuffling of the infected couldnt be heard, even at this proximity to the town, Chernarus was one of the hardest hit when the virus spread, to be this close and not hear any sign of life was both a comfort and a disconcerting feeling. Pressing off on the balls of my feet i sprinted across the main rail line and into a line of large cargo containers, serial numbers marking the last day goods were delivered before the docks were closed and the continent quarantined, shortly after the rail lines would stop operating too. Still nothing, no signs of life, not even the dim red glow of a flare from another survivor that could usually be seen at dusk, thrown by some poor soul trying to illuminate his path attracting the usual bands of villainous wolves who preyed on them, you learn quickly to move in the darkness, or you dont. About thirty yards away was the entrance to a cafe, door was open, so it might not be as empty as it seemed. Reaching the front door i poked my muzzle through, empty, and hauled myself up the stairs. The glass in the windows was clean and offered a decent view onto the green below and the train yard adjacent to it, sitting here for a bit would let me watch and see if i was followed. About half an hour passed and from the same tree line i sprung from came a half dozen blue lights, chem sticks, and they spread out into the city, their confidence in their numbers emboldening their approach, covering the ground in half the time it had taken me. Two of the lights split off and started in my direction, it would be too late now to run from the building to the docks so i checked the chamber of my winchester and settled in behind a bed in the western most bedroom. They reached the cafe in a few minutes, i could hear both men mumbling to each other, they clearly werent looking for me as they made no effort to conceal their being there, i skirted round the room and stood at the doorway, the first man poked his head through and i pressed the muzzle of my rifle to his temple and told him to lower his weapon, an M4 a versatile and highly lethal weapon, but too loud for my taste, if he fired that thing we'd soon find out if there were any infected. He pleaded his case to me, i assumed, he spoke only in russian, and i lowered my rifle and allowed him to back away, he barked something to his friend but before he could finish his next word, the window opposite him split as a sniper round found his neck, his comrade immediately dropped fumbling with a field dressing and a transfusion kit, i pressed myself up against the frame of the door shielding my eyes as four more rounds buried them selves in the wall, another finding the other russian's skull as he tried to bandage his comrade. I edged slightly to the frame and saw the other four blue light heading to the hospital, stopping as rifle rounds were fired over their heads. I took this chance to get out. I sprinted past the two dead men, picking up the blood bag and chem lights as i ran. I made it to the back of the building and pushed myself into an alley, the shots were coming thick and fast now, the shooter either had friends or the blue lights had close in sufficiently close to return fire. My answer came as a round chipped the plaster in the door way opposite me, a second shooter, not as good a shot, i stepped back and lobbed one of the chem lights into the open and ran in the opposite direction, i heard the rounds thud into the dirt as the marksman fell for my gamble. One chem light left, id need it to identify myself to the other blue lights in the hope that theyd recognise me as one of the two men returning. I was in a position now to see the street the hospital was on, it was clear, for now, but too dangerous to approach. I took advantage of the gun fire to shatter the glass on the hospital front and ran to approach from the front via a line of buildings. The fighting reached a point here, as the blue lights, which i could now see as other survivors, were climbing the ladders now to the roof, i signalled my blue light and approached, but instead of climbing the ladder i went for the meds. Plenty of supplies, i took a handful of morphine shots and painkillers and turned round. I turned into a wall of infected, they must have flooded through the western side of town towards the gun fire, i fired all my slugs and pellets and hardly dented the horde, i pulled out my sidearm and waited for a break, when it came i headed south towards the sea, hoping i could lose them at the docks, as i reached the middle of the road i felt an incredible pain in my spine as one the marksmen saw me and dropped me in the street. As i bled out on the floor he used one final bullet to spare me being eaten alive. i love this fucking game.
To servers owners:veteran instead of regular
Jamesbiff replied to kinex's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
I like the ARMA engine, but im inclined to disagree with you, first person is just too clunky in a game where you need to be able to hit very fast moving objects, plus with the ever present danger of other players, third person has saved my ass many times, not because of noob mistakes, simply because thats just how the engine works. -
Well I had a terrible idea
Jamesbiff replied to SoNiCbOoM (DayZ)'s topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
i always like to go to the more northerly towns, there are less players so you can nab most of the gear for yourself. -
READ: This is not about slow zombies! i asked this in game before, so ill ask it here too: Is it possible you could reduce how erratic their movements are, i like the idea of super fast zombies who move like these ones do, but the Arma engine simply isnt built for that kind of acquisition speed, 80% of your engagements are going to be within small arms range with zombies, and tracking them with this engine is nigh impossible and almost always results in severe blood loss. I never shoot zeds for this reason now, save all my ammo for players, it simply isnt worth the risk to shoot a zombie, what you can gain from scavenging by killing them will be counter balanced by the amount of ammo you need to use and the supplies you need to use to recover after a fight. I like the speed at which they move, its challenging and keeps you on your toes, but the way they zigzag and jerk towards you results more in a feeling of frustration than a fight for survival. If its simply how the engine works, then thats fair enough, we'll have to adapt, but if something can be done, even if its just slowing them down a bit to balance it out, then please consider it! id like to start killing them again :P
are they actually looking for a new logo? i studied games design at university and im a pretty competent graphic designer, could whip something together if they are looking for a new logo :P