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Everything posted by Passafist

  1. I'm currently looking for a Dayz Partner. I just started out (both supplies and the actual game) and its hard survivng on my ow (No because of zombies but because I can hardly find supplies or I get kill by a player when i finally do). -I am in US Eastern Timezone -I am normally on sometime between 10am-4pm or 9pm-12am. Know however that I switch between Dayz and Guild Wars 2 so I wont b on all the time. -I am 19 My Skype is Passafist. Add me to your contacts and we can do business.
  2. Passafist

    Looking for a Dayz Partner

    I just got the game. The best scenerio would be if someone just got kill and has nothing to loose by joining with me anyways. The even if i do betray them (Whcih i wont) they wont really loose much.